“The sad truth is, men love to follow a man other man fear... Makes them feel fearsome, too. We tell the odd fond story of the good men. The straight edges. Your Rudd Threetrees, your Dogmen. But it's the butchers men love to sing of. The burners and the blood-spillers. Your Cracknut Whirruns and your Black Dows. Your Bloody-Nines. Men don't dream of doing the right thing, but of ripping what they want from the world with their strength and their will.”
I liked the world and the characters. The action of the book grabs you from the beginning and keeps you hooked until the end.
Very good end to the series. If in volume 2 the narrative lines were a bit confusing for me at times, in this volume I did not have this problem. And that end .... I warmly recommend the whole series.
Epic in proportions and so many different races, ships, worlds, and political intrigue
Pentru mine e primul contact cu proza romanesca fantasy dar ni-a placut foarte mult sa pasesc in universul creat de Andrei(scriitor).
Volumul contine 2 povestirii. Prima mi-a placut mai mult(5) decat a doua povestire (3).