46,079/35,000 pagesRead 35,000 pages by Jan 1, 2025. You're 13k pages ahead of schedule. 🙌
103/100 booksRead 100 books by Dec 30, 2024. You're 9 books ahead of schedule. 🙌
Very good end to the series. If in volume 2 the narrative lines were a bit confusing for me at times, in this volume I did not have this problem. And that end .... I warmly recommend the whole series.
Cum sa sfarsit volumul trei din serie nu puteam sa nu continui cu ultimul volum al seriei. Si bine am facut doarece actiunea contiuna sa fie foarte buna. Mi-a placut si finalul.
As volume three of the series ended, I couldn't help but continue with the last volume of the series. And I did well because the action was still very good. I also liked the ending.
76 Books
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