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2,856 booksWhat are your favorite books of all time?
When you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
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Hardcover Report for December 2024
Preparing for the major update month, the Year in Books, and more.Adam Fortuna
Adam Fortuna
Hardcover Report for November 2024
Ste from Hardcover
Ste from Hardcover
Hardcover Report for October 2024
For spooky season we're focusing on bugs, performance, API docs and the new dashboard/stats pages.Adam Fortuna
Adam Fortuna
👋 Say Hi To The Team
Hardcover is a bootstrapped project started in '21 built by a small team. We haven't taken funding and believe a small group of passionate people can make an outsized difference. Read more about the team- I'm a software developer turned product manager who's been using Goodreads for over a decade. For years I've dreamed of having a better platform. Now's the time to make it happen!
- I read a lot as a teenager, but then a weird thing happened. I got book burnout, and I’m recovering from that slump. I am proud to be building something that helps others readers surpass that.@ste
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