Brent Weeks

Brent Weeks

Brent Weeks has written at least 50 books. Their most popular book is The Way of Shadows with 420 saves with an average rating of 3.96⭐.

They are best known for writing in the genres Fantasy, Science fiction, and Fiction.

Adventurous, dark, and mysterious are their most common moods.

Author Bio

Brent Weeks was born and raised in Montana. After getting his paper keys from Hillsdale College, Brent had brief stints walking the earth like Caine from *Kung Fu*, tending bar, and corrupting the youth. (Not at the same time.) He started writing on bar napkins, then on lesson plans, then full time. Eventually, someone paid him for it. Brent lives in Oregon with his wife Kristi. he doesn't own cats or wear a ponytail.

Author's Website