Listen…the plot idea was there. I loved the premise of this book and the storyline. However, the writing came off as juvenile to me and the characters just weren’t likeable to me.
I received an ARC of this book and boy oh boy am I so glad I got to read this book and didn’t have to wait until 2025.
This book gave me the cozy Hallmark vibes the whole way through. I loved the way we didn’t have to bumble through too much awkwardness and just got to soak in the comfortable relationship. It felt so real that two people who had known each other forever could just step back into friendship and slowly approach the romance side of things.
And that ending????? Please Kate we need book two ASAP.
“All guys should read romance.”
“Yeah. It’s literally a roadmap written by women, explaining exactly what a girl wants in her perfect guy.”
A very interesting and twisty tale, it was just a bit too wordy and felt like certain points just dragged on unnecessarily.
While Persephone literally makes everything worse, I love Hades. He’s just a God trying to understand mortals and love. I loved the story development and the lessons Seph learned the hard way. I am soooo curious for what’s to come next!
Screaming crying throwing up. This book ripped my heart to shreds and made me really evaluate myself.
I enjoyed the series but this last book was the worst. Jon is insufferable the whole time.
As much as I enjoyed the book, 4 stars because I found it hard to understand what Aiden’s deal was honestly.
Literally had me on the edge of my seat. I loved the thrill of the mystery unspooling as the small flames of a romance grew. Absolutely delicious.
Deranged? Yeah. Messed up? Without a doubt. Did I love it and devour it as fast as I could anyways? Absolutely. And I’d do it again.
This book had me giggling and kicking my feet. The characters were real and had true depth to them. Their story is intricately woven together. It’s posed as an enemies to lovers but rather the game was the “enemy” all along.
4.5 - because I simply cannot get past him calling her “Zenny-bug” (a childhood nickname) during sex
I found myself wonderfully sucked into this book. Narrators who withhold whole truths, characters with a twisting backstory, all the things I love in a good thriller.
A very disturbing read but the author set out to put a reader into the disturbed mind of Celeste and that was accomplished. The writing was well done and while you’re never rooting for Celeste and never finding yourself liking her, the book certainly puts you into her mind and brings you along on a crazy, disgusting path from the start.
*insert eye twitch here* I couldn’t really enjoy the story with the writing style. It felt like it jumped around a bit too much and there were too many promising storylines that never really got enough development…
Understanding that I am not to ever like Coriolanus Snow, I went into this book open-minded otherwise. Getting a glimpse into his twisted brain and the events that contributed to his rise to power and drive to do what he did in the main portion of the series. As much as I hate and loathe Snow, it was fascinating to learn of his background and get insight into the background and development of the Games. Worth a read!
Read on recommendation from a friend.
Spicy scenes felt overwhelming lackluster and repetitive. I couldn’t find it in myself to like any of the characters. The flow of the book was hard to get through as POV seemed to jump from time to time without much pause or reasoning. Things felt too slow at times and too fast at others. I just couldn’t find it in myself to DNF this book so I begrudgingly finished it.
This story had so much promise, unfortunately it was just not well executed. Editing of the book was not done well and careless grammar mistakes were made. The storytelling left a lot to be desired and I am disappointed that Catalina and Dani’s stories were not given full justice.
My favorite book of the series so far. Holy cow. I devoured this book in mere hours.
Dr. Campbell does it again. I found great insight in her book as someone married to a partner who experienced physical, emotional, verbal, and mental abuse at the hands of a narcissistic mother. I felt like I can better understand my partner and be more receptive to his needs. As I only see the outward, visible symptoms, understanding the inner working of his brain help me help him in his healing journey. While much of the book contains personal stories, in an almost journal-like fashion, I found the antidotes to be helpful. Lastly, I did find some healing within myself for the trauma I had at the hands of my mother in law during the time before my husband chose to go no-contact. I would recommend this book as a starting point for anyone in a similar situation and go from this book into some of the books used as a reference in this book.