While I regret not reading Serpent & Dove after finding out this was a sequel series, this book was AMAZING. I loved it a lot, possibly because of Dimitri at the start but Lou and Coco are also such lovely people. Célie was a real protagonist, she didn't have a strength that outshone the rest and her trauma was so powerful that it didn't matter that she was over-emotional at times. Michal was an okay character but their romance could have come a slight bit faster. We also never got much information about him, which is slightly disappointing since he's the love interest.
While I regret not reading Serpent & Dove after finding out this was a sequel series, this book was AMAZING. I loved it a lot, possibly because of Dimitri at the start but Lou and Coco are also such lovely people. Célie was a real protagonist, she didn't have a strength that outshone the rest and her trauma was so powerful that it didn't matter that she was over-emotional at times. Michal was an okay character but their romance could have come a slight bit faster. We also never got much information about him, which is slightly disappointing since he's the love interest.
Updated a reading goal:
Read 104 books by December 31, 2024
Progress so far: 57 / 104 55%
Updated a reading goal:
Read 104 books by December 31, 2024
Progress so far: 57 / 104 55%