I couldn't put the book down. If you can get past the f*bombs sprinkled all throughout the book, there is a lot of blunt, real advice that can shake you awake. Particularly the principle that you are responsible for everything that happens to you, especially the meaning you attached events and happenings in your life. As I went through this book, it sparked very radical and profound thoughts that made my heart flutter and mind race. If I act on these impressions and thoughts in the near future, my life could take a very unique course for the next year or two.
I recommend this book to anyone that has read other self-help books and found them to be too woo-woo or to ‘light' and not blunt enough to tell it like it is. There really isn't anything new in here you couldn't find in books by other more well-known authors, but the way it's presented with its coarse language is refreshing.
Her voice speaks to me. I've read other self-improvement books, but her candidness and creativity in her expressions just does it for me. I absolutely love this book.
I loved it. Neil's writing is simple yet paints just enough of the picture where I can fill in the rest on my own and have it seem real. The cast for the recording was outstanding. Funny story, I tried multiple times to get through the first chapter, but I always seemed to pick moments when I was very tired and the narrator's voice is so soothing that it would put me to sleep. This was my first dive into Neil Gaiman and I plan on enjoying more of his writing in the future.
For non-believers, this should be a fascinating biography on a strange and unique person. For the believer (as I am), it's a testament that God calls imperfect people to carry out his work. I don't feel justified in my own short-comings, but I feel comforted in knowing I'm in good company when I don't meet that all to common “be thou perfect” expectation that is felt at times within the Church.
I really enjoyed the stories up until The Book of Merlyn, to which I was falling asleep to half the time. Otherwise, fantastic stories. It made the King Arthur legend come to life in ways it never has.
I have a lot of friends that spend their time joking about their anxiety and existential crises online. They need to read this book. Actually, everyone needs to read it. It's a simple, foundational start to appreciating yourself more and stop living in your problems/sorrows.
This is an amazing book. It's a testament to the human spirit. You have to be 100% certified badass to survive for so long under such awful conditions.
I really enjoyed this book and seeing how Eric rose from poverty and self-sabbotage. Just another success story of putting your life in order by willing it and ‘taking care of business.'
DNF. After 6 chapters, I can tell I'm just not the target audience. I enjoyed her “You Are A Comedy Special” book, but this book is too frenetic for me. I'm sure it's a gold mine of hilarity for hardcore Maria Bamford fans.
The only reason I gave this book a 4 out of 5 is because the author hasn't updated some of the statistics since the late 90's. Other than that, the principles are all sound and make sense to me. Great book.
I enjoyed this book way more than I expected and learned more than I cared to initially. But now I want to love my clothes enough to launder them properly. 😂