Slow start but interesting character development. Book ends just as it starts to pay off, but luckily there is a book 2 and 3 waiting for me.
Interesting read, not what I thought it would be, which is good cause I was both leery and curious and had all the wrong expectations about this book.
Really enjoyed this one. The exploration of religion and human nature through and E.T. encounter in 14th century Europe was entertaining.
Loved the premise and how evocative this book was. Spurred many conversations about human nature, will power and how the alien culture was going to be forever altered by their contact with humanity.
This series has become one of my favorites. I play a table top RPG called Exalted, which I love, and this series reminds me so much of it. Such a rich, deep world with the typical complexity that Sanderson brings to his work.
I actually had a few “fist pump” moments while reading this.
Weeks after reading this all I still want to do is talk about it.