
Kerstans Kanon - Mathematik & Naturwissenschaft

Kerstans Kanon is an attempt to create a common collection of knowledge that may be considered "cultural canon". This collection is limited by a very germano-centric perspective, however, others may find this collection interesting nonetheless or specifically therefore.

Kerstan divides his canon into three literary categories:
- History and Philosophy (
- Language and Communication (
- History and Philosophy (

Beneath the article where this canon was published, a lively discussion developed, where many more works were suggested to be added. I have collected many here:

The original article (in german) can be found here:

As published in Zeit:


ByOliver Sacks

59 Readers 4.4

Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation

1976 • 9 Readers • 368 pages 4.5

Das Ziegenproblem

Das Ziegenproblem
ByGero von Randow

1992 • 1 Reader • 208 pages

Der Teil und das Ganze

Der Teil und das Ganze
ByWerner Heisenberg

1969 • 7 Readers • 287 pages

Der Zahlenteufel

Der Zahlenteufel
ByHans Magnus Enzensberger

1997 • 11 Readers • 264 pages 2.5

Die Physiker

Die Physiker
ByFriedrich Dürrenmatt

1962 • 54 Readers • 94 pages 4.1

Guns, Germs and Steel

#1 of 3 in Civilizations Rise and Fall

Guns, Germs and Steel
ByJared M. Diamond

1998 • 787 Readers • 480 pages 3.9


ByGero von Randow

1997 • 1 Reader • 352 pages

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character

#1 of 2 in Feynman

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character
ByRichard P. Feynman,Микола Климчук(Translator)

1985 • 515 Readers • 391 pages 4.3

The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA

1968 • 43 Readers • 208 pages 3.7

The Evolution of Physics: From Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta

1938 • 8 Readers • 324 pages

The Periodic Table

The Periodic Table
ByPrimo Levi

1975 • 70 Readers • 279 pages 3.9

The Selfish Gene

The Selfish Gene
ByRichard Dawkins

1976 • 492 Readers • 396 pages 4.2

Total berechenbar?

Total berechenbar?
ByChristoph Drösser

2016 • 1 Reader • 220 pages

Uncle Tungsten

#1 of 2 in Oliver Sacks' memoirs

Uncle Tungsten
ByOliver Sacks

2001 • 29 Readers • 338 pages 3.6

Unser ökologischer Fußabdruck

Unser ökologischer Fußabdruck
ByMathis Wackernagel,William Rees

1997 • 1 Reader • 195 pages

Vom Einmaleins zum Integral

2023 • 1 Reader • 368 pages