Hmmmm...didn't live up to the hype and I was left a bit disappointed. It wasn't bad, just was okay for me.
What in the mind fuckery did I just read?! Holy hell!
I had no idea what to expect coming into this book as I'd seen so many people in my FB groups raving about it. Thought I'd give it a go and I am not disappointed.
The writing is amazing.
The characters are so well written that they seem so real in their own fucked up way.
The plot twists were very unexpected and I was pulled in from the first line. Amazing read and I will be thinking it over for a long time I think.
DNF at page 165
The Woman in the Window is basically a rip off of the 1960s movie Rear Window. Don't bother reading the 400 something page book, just watch the movie.
I hated this book. Anna, the main character is an agoraphobic alcoholic. She was annoying, whingy, and I just really didn't like her at all. By the time the story actually got started (around page 150), I just didn't care enough to want to continue reading.
There are so many great reviews for this book, and I can see why. The concept is great (although unoriginal), but with execution. The writing was terrible. Sentences and paragraphs just rambled about nothing.
If you are a thriller reader, then I don't recommend this one. If you are new to the thriller genre, go for it.
If you only want to read this book because you watched and LOVED the TV show - don't do it! It's VERY different from the TV show and I kept thinking that it wasn't right, that the book was wrong. But of course it wasn't - the TV show has made the storyline more complex. The storyline in the book is very basic and very unrealistic. I feel the book could have been written in one book instead of 2 or 3.
I was very disappointed - if you want to enjoy this book, only read it if you are under 15 years old and haven't watched the TV show.
Oh wow, this book made me cry!
I've never been so emotional about a book before, and to think that people actually went through this is awful. The world can seem like such a terrible place.
I think I would have enjoyed this book more had I not seen the movie so many times. I enjoyed it but I feel the movie was adapted too much and I felt like pieces of the book were missing. It was nicely written however and I would probably read it again at some point.
Holy Skies!!!
I actually have no words for how amazing this book was. I loved every second of it and cannot wait to get hands on the next one.
My heart broke and sang with joy so many times.
It was just magical. The characters great. All of them. Even the bad guys were written so well.
Can't believe this a debut and I'm so excited for the sequel. If I could give it 100 stars I would!
I got this book free from Amazon on Kindle and like all free books from unknown authors, I had no idea what to expect. Even, expecting something poorly written with a bad plot.
This was actually the opposite. I really enjoyed the story with the little twists and turns and the big reveal at the end answered all the questions I had throughout reading it.
The only reason I'm giving it 4 stars is because I feel it could have been maybe 50pages shorter if a lot of the unneeded irrelevant information had been taken out.
Overall, I did enjoy the story and the characters.
Before I started this book, I read some reviews on it because I didn't want to feel disappointed after reading the first two in the series - which were amazing. There were a lot of negative reviews with people saying they didn't like Rafe and what not and that Violet and Jay's relationship wasn't the same as it had been. But to be honest, I liked this one just as much as the previous two.
Sure it was a little different but i loved the twists and turns in it and towards the end I felt physically sick with fear for Violet's life.
It was a good read, and Kim Derting is such a skilles writer who privides enough detail to set the scene but not too much that it's difficult to read.
And after the cliffhanger at the end, I can't wait for book 4!
Wow. I loved this novel. Syrie James' account of the classic Dracula story is amazing. Since Bram Stoker wrote Dracula he has always been perceived as evil and without a soul, well reading this story I felt like I was on the emotional rollercoaster with Mina. She didn't know at times whether he was the good guy or the bad guy and neither did I.
I loved how developed the characters were in this novel compared to Stokers version. I have read a couple of Syrie James novels before and liked them just as much as this one. She is a very skilled writer and knows how to draw her audience in.
Oh this book was a huge disapoointment. It had so much potential to be a great story but just didn't deliver.
I found the writing to be very amateur and felt like the book was just thrown together.
I didn't connect with any of the characters and the only reason I'm giving it 2 stars is because I finished it.
Holy shit! What a rollercoaster of a story!!
This was amazing. The story was great and actually scared me. The previous ones have been great too but wow! Middlebury was one creepy place.
The pace for Middlebury Sanitarium was intense. I felt I was there with Brian and loved Ken as a character. He was great.
I didn't like Anne's character and thought she didn't serve any purpose to the story at all, other than to remind Brian that Jenny was at home waiting for him. Which didn't seem realistic, as he was only there for two nights.
The ghosts in this book were definitely scarier than the ghosts in the previous two and it's not often that a book actually scares me, but this gave me chills.
Definitely my favourite in the Moving In series so far and has made want to continue with the series but Middlebury was so intense I need a break for a day or two.
The only reason I'm marking it down to 4 stars is I still feel Ripley's writing is a bit amateur. His imagination and story telling is great but his writing structure is a bit off sometimes. With one exception, I totally looked over most of it as I was so engrossed in the story.
4 stars and can't wait to see what creepy ghosts Brian finds himself up against next.
The Dunewalkers pretty much picks up from where we left off at the end of Moving In.
Brian and Jenny return as ghost hunters and try to help a young man name William who has a problem with a bunch of ghosts in his little isolated beach house.
However, Brian and Jenny have some ghosty problems of their own to sort out at the same time.
I really enjoyed the sequel to Moving In - I think even more than the first in the series.
It was spooky and the story was interesting. Ron Ripley's writing isn't great but the story was enough to distract from the amateur writing.
I'll be continuing with this series, as I am enjoying following the characters and learning more about them.
Alright, I bloody loved this book!
I got hooked on the TV show and was desperate to get my hands on the book. But I thought I might has the same reaction I have had to a few other books that are based on TV shows, when I had started the show first. Game of Thrones being one of them. Loved the show. Hated the book. So I read a few reviews, read comments about the comparisons and thought I'd give it a go. I am no disappointed.
I am so glad I gave it a chance, and I loved every second of it.
The book is comprised of several short stories, based on the backstory of Geralt, the witcher. It also had one single over arching story “the voice of reason”. Given that it has been translated from Polish to English, I had my doubts about how well it would be written. Surprisingly well to be honest.
Geralt is a great character, and I think Henry Cavill did an amazing job of portraying him.
I can't wait to into the next one, and hopefully find out a bit more about Yennefer's backstory and history.
I am not okay after that ending!!! I'm going to run away and cry now.
Payback is a bitch, and the bitch is back!
Wow! Okay, Brady is back guys! He is back and he is looking for revenge.
End of Watch totally wasn't what I thought it was going to be but somehow Mr King managed to make it great. He was able to incorporate a supernatural twist into a crime thriller and seriously, it worked.
Hodges, Holly, and Jerome are back for the finale of the Bill Hodges trilogy and their unlikely friendship comes together even more to try and put an end to Brady Hartsfield aka Mr Mercedes, once and for all.
It was the perfect end to a great series. Stephen King is known for his horror and whilst this series was different from anything he has done before, he nailed it.
Oh holy hell. What a book!
I haven't had a feeling like this from a book in so long and it was amazing. And terrifying. And just, wow!
I couldn't put it down and am so excited to find out more about Shane's past and what she's been through.
I loved and hated this book at the same time. I was drawn in really quickly and then things slowed down and then it got faster towards the end - which I hated if I'm being honest (the ending).
Clary is an easy to like character although I felt that she settled for things way too easily without a fight.
Jace was a pain in the arse all the way through, then he got likeable then he got annoying again. He was a bit of a douche.
I'll read the second book and hope that the characters develop a lot more. Especially the supporting characters Isabella and Alec. I thought they were both quite interesting but we don't really get to know them very well.
Okay, so going into Mr Mercedes, I was very excited. I'd read more good reviews than bad and, well it's Stephen King, so it was bound to be great right?
Well it most certainly was.
I loved every second of this read and loved the characters especially. I wasn't quite ready for it to end. But at least there are another two books in the series for me to read.
Bill Hodges is a retired police detective and sits at home every day watching bad afternoon TV and contemplating suicide while playing with his fathers old gun. He only has one regret from his entire 40 year police career and that's not being to catch the Mercedes Killer - a lunatic who stole some lady's Mercedes and drove it into a crowd of people outside a job convention, early one morning. He killed 8 people - including a baby - and injured many more. Bill gets a letter in the mail one afternoon from the Mercedes Killer and makes it his life's ambition to catch him.
My favourite thing about Mr Mercedes, was getting into the head of the killer. Brady Hartsfield, is one the creepiest, most disturbing characters I've read. I've read books before where certain chapters are from the killers point of view, but this one was just downright disturbing. And I love every second of it.
My favourite character was Holly. I loved her personality and her willingness and determination to help catch Mr Mercedes, even though she has so many things holding her back. She is severely mentally ill and that's obviously a challenge for her and Bill to overcome but her obsessive tendencies end up working out for her.
Over all, I really enjoyed Mr Mercedes and can't wait to read the next in the series, Finder Keepers.
Stephen King did what Stephen King does best. He had a great plot, a very realistic bunch of characters and the writing skills to pull off his first detective/crime novel.
I don't really know what I was expecting with this little story but it was great. Evelyn is an interesting character and I loved Amarok. It was interesting to get inside the head of a psychopath. I think I'll continue with the series and see what happens in Hanover House
It's been a while since I picked up a Harry Potter book - about 5 years actually. So when I decided I wanted to go back a re-live this amazing story, I didn't think that it would affect me quite the way it did.
It brought back so many childhood memories, as I was probably about 9 years old when I first read the Philosopher's Stone. And it was just magical. Only being about 220 pages, I thought I'd read it in one sitting. But I found myself reading it more slowly because I didn't want it to end. I think magical is the only word I can use to describe this story, it's just amazing. A lot more than the movies - although I completely love the movies and they did an awesome job of projecting it to the big screen.
Reading the books when you are older and more able to understand the hiding meanings in Harry Potter - as it is a children's book - I think I enjoyed it more this time around. I loved Ron. He has obviously been a favourite from the series of a lot of people. One thing I will say, in the movies I can just tolerate Draco but JK Rowling makes him slightly unbearable in the books. He's such a coward and he just infuriates me. And Snape is just amazing. Maybe it's because we kno now that he is actually a good guy but re-reading from the beginning you can pick up on the little hints that JK Rowling gives us about the truth of Severus Snape.
I'm so in love with this series, it will forever be my favourite.
Oh my god!
What the hell just happened?!
The Girl on the Train —— :O :O :O
I went into this book with absolutely no clue what to expect. I hadn't really read much about it and haven't seen the movie so I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Although it did take a couple of chapters for me to understand the concept and structure of the book, it drew me in from the very first page.
I just wanted to keep reading to find out what happened. Who did it?!
The only fault I had with this, otherwise, very well written novel, was that the three narative characters - Rachel, Anna and Megan, all seemed like the same person to me. They had the same thoughts and personality etc. I don't know if that was intentional or not but I found that sometimes, I had to re-check who's point of view I was reading. Especially more towards the end.
All three woman have heartbreaking stories but I think that that the author used that to try and make them seem the victims. They aren't victims at all - well not to a certain degree. They are all very much flawed and unlikeable characters but thankfully the story was strong enough that the characterisations didn't matter too much.
All in all, this was a very easy read. It has twists and turns I wasn't expecting. It kept me wanting to read more and more and more.
Hard to get used to the fact that it is actually written in a diary form but it was a very clever idea. I really enjoyed this book actually. It was a lot of fun and definitely worth reading if you're looking for a light hearted read