I would have given this book one more star if the writing didn't seem so repetitive. There were so many sentences that began with “I did” or ‘I said” in a row, it was a bit boring at times. Not saying that this book was boring by any means as it kept you guessing right until the reveal of who the stalker was.
Sophie has had a hard life but I did find all the things that kept happening to her to be very unbelievable. In the internal sense of the word. Seriously, how many times can someone be physically attacked before they decide to actually go to the police.
As much as this was a quick, enjoyable, and creepy read, I don't think I will continue with the series for the fact that Sophie didn't leave a lasting impression on me. I didn't have a connection with her character and at times felt that she made stupid decisions.
This story is more than a story of loss. It's about friendship, belonging, discovering who you are, determination.
I liked this novel although it isn't what I normally read. I normally read crime or fantasy novels but I thought is give this one a go as it had such high reviews. It was one of those “pull on the heart strings” ones but I didn't cry at all.
I liked both characters Sam and Holden and was happy that they managed to find each other again after so long.
I giving this one 3.5 stars. I liked it but it wasn't great. It was extremely well written but maybe I didn't connect because it wasn't action filled and had no suspense. I guessed what Holden's tattoo was as soon as it was mentioned. I guessed that it was Tyler who had driven the car the night Holden and Tyler's mum was killed. But other than that it was a good story!
4.5 stars!!
This book is amazing! It's such an original concept and I loved every minute of it. It was such a page turner.
Abbie and Max are amazing and I can't wait to find out how their relationship pans out. I can't wait for book two. I can't believe it ended in a cliffhanger!!!!! How frustrating but I'm very excited for book two
I wanted to read something light hearted and funny and this book was just that. Delilah is an amusing character, although I'd say she would be on the verge of insanity if she was actually a real person, I really liked her.
My friend has given me some of her audio books to listen to while I'm working. I've read a few romance novels, and she suggested this series due to the main series being based around crime etc. My normal reads are horror/crime.
I'm giving this one a 3 star, as it was well written and given that it's a novella, it's just introducing characters etc.
I've listened to the first chapter of the first novel in the series and will probably continue if it's more crime based.
I got this book for free on Amazon Kindle and to be honest didn't expect much at all. But holy hell, I loved it!!
The writing was amazing. The characters were real and the story was great!
Cannot wait to get into the sequel.
This book wasn't bad - it just wasn't my kind of book. Nothing much happened in it.
I really wish we could rate in half stars. 3.5 stars for this one.
Set in the 80s, a young girl kills who we are led to believe is her best friend. Turns out she's a psychopath and barely knew the girl.
Hayley's character was very interesting. She learns to manipulate everyone around in order to seen innocent and like she's the victim.
I initially thought the ending was a bit disappointing but after having a think about it, it ended the way it should have. I did feel really bad for one of the other characters but the writing was done well enough that when you see through Hayley's eyes you kind of hate him too even though you know he's innocent and she's just trying to destroy an innocent man.
Overall it was a good read. Parts in the middle kind of dropped off and dragged a little bit but then something would happen and it would get going again.
I'm going to have a look at what else this author has written as this was my first from her.
I don't even know where to start with this review if I'm being honest. I'd read a few reviews on it and as it had such a high rating, I thought “yeah, why not?” Baring in mind that there has been a few books that I've read that I thought really didn't deserve their high rating. But that could just be because the story really wasn't my thing. But I thought I'd give “On the Jellicoe Road” a shot.
I nearly gave up. Not because it wasn't good but just because I didn't understand what the hell was going on!! I was very confused.
But after reading a few other reviews and people saying “get past the first 100 pages and it all falls into place”, I decided to stick it out.
And I am so glad I did
This story is just amazing. It's so well written and the characters were amazing.
I cried.
I never cry.
But I just couldn't not cry.
I cried tears of sadness because my heart was breaking for these characters.
I cried tears of joy because I was so happy for these characters.
It was just amazing.
“I fell in love with these kids over and over again and my heart aches for their tragedies and marvels at their friendship” I don't deal with stories of loss very well and more often than not, I get angry at them. But this was more than a story of loss. It was a story of friendship. It was a story of love. It was amazing and it will stay with me for a very long time and it'll probably be one that I will read over.
A nice easy read, brought back a lot of childhood memories from reading it when I was a kid.
I loved loved loved this book!!
I couldn't put it down. Tory is an amazing character and I loved the boys too. Tory's fierce determination to find out what was going on and to bring the bad guys to justice.
I just loved this story. It's different to anything that I've read before. It was refreshing. And those twists OMG!!
I just loved this book and can't wait to read the next one.
I loved this novel, I thought it was great. If you can get through the first few chapters and actually get into the story, it's amazing! It was written really well and I can't wait for the next book in the series.
Before I read a book, I tend to read a few reviews on it first, this one was no exception. I noticed that more than a few people had said that they didn't like this novel becuase it was “too cliche”, I'm glad I didn't listen to them because I loved this novel.
I found myself connecting to the main character Katie more than I ever have done with any other book that I've read recently. I was practically screaming at the pages when I knew something bad was going to happen and I felt the suspense because I knew what was coming but Katie didn't.
I give this book 4 stars because I although I loved it, I felt that the mushy stuff at the beginning maybe went on for a little long, a few chapters shorter would have been better but other than that, I can't really complain about it.
It took me a ridiculously long time to get though this book. I still can't decide if I liked it or not. But either way, I don't think I'll be continuing with the series.
Even after seeing the tv show and knowing what was going to happen, I haven't felt so much suspense in a book in a long time.
The Mermaid's Singing is written extremely well. It sounds twisted but my favourite parts were the chapters that were told from the killers point of view. It gave a good insight into the cruel, twisted and deranged mind of someone who can't even be described as human.
Before I started reading this book, if read reviews that said it was very graphic and some people couldn't finish it. I didn't think it was too graphic. I think it gave just the right amount of detail to get into the mind of the killer and to get a vivid picture of what those poor men must have gone through.
Anyway, I loved this book and will for sure continue with the series.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It's a very simple story was written beautifully. I cried at the end too, I didn't want it to stop. I would add this book to the very few that I would read again.
Uh oh....Ridley's been a bad girl. Tut tut!!
So it actually took me a while to get back into this series. After reading Beautiful Creatures, and thinking it was slightly too long and a little out streched I felt like I needed a change. I'm glad I started on Beautiful Darkness because it was so much better than Beautiful Creatures.
I especially loved the development of Ridley's character. I think she's kick-ass!!! And Link is awesome too.
I didn't however like Liv. I thought it was a little pointless having her there since she actually didn't do anything. There was no need for her to be there and I think she was just put there to make readers think that maybe she could have been a distraction for Ethan. Otherwise she was pretty pointless.
I did really enough the story though. There were a few twists and turns I really didn't expect but one massive one I so knew was coming but I shall continue with the series and hope it gets better. It has to get better with a cliff hanger like that!!
it's been a while since I was able to read a book in one day. Normally 2 days or 3 days is about right but I actually couldn't put this put this one down.
After reading the first one I couldn't wait to read this one but as excited as I was, I was a little apprehensive because I've read a series of books before where they didn't get better, they got worse. And I was scared that this was going to happen with this series. But I couldn't have been more wrong.
It was a little bit predictable and I guessed the killer before the end so I wasn't very shocked but I loved the storyline with the “FBI” lady. I can't wait to see what happens with that.
I also think that Violet and Jay make the cutest couple.
I will definitely read the next book and this probably my favourite series that I've read in a long time. I like the originality of it and I hope it continues for a while.
Despite it taking me over a month to read this, it was a quick easy read. Interesting read that got my little conspiracy theory loving mind going crazy.
Nicholas Sparks wrote this book amazingly! It had me tears, it had me laughing and all at the right parts. Must read for anyone who likes a good cry. Also, I'd suggest you read the book before you watch the movie. I didn't and it kinda ruined it for me but I loved it anyway.
The one thing I actually really like about this series - and it was a little weird at first - is that the story is told from Ethan's point of view. We have come to adapt to the whole human girl falls for the good looking supernatural guy but it's the other way around in the Caster Chronicles, which I found quite refreshing.
I really liked the characters a lot - Ethan starts off as a bit of a weird kid who just fits in because he was born in his little Southern town. Until he meets Lena and then he becomes very strong minded and stands up for her against everyone else.
I loved Lena. I thought her character was very realistic. So often you come across characters that could never survive in the real world. I liked that Lena came across as not caring about what other people think but the way this story has been written, you get Lena's POV too when she talks to Ethan psychically and you can see that she does care about what other people think and she just wants to be a normal teenage girl. And in a way she is - she worries about every day things as well as worrying about her birthday that is coming up - when she will turn either Light or Dark. Anyway I loved both of these characters.
Even the smaller characters were great. Amma, Macon, Link, Lena's family and especially Boo :)
The story was so easy to read and although was it a little bit longer than your average teen supernatural novel, it only took a couple of days to get through it.
I've already started the second book Beautiful Darkness and I can't wait to find out what happens next.
I have literally just read the prologue and I feel haunted by this story already. I have chills running down my spine - can't wait to get more imto it.
Wow! I actually couldn't put this book down. I loved it! I'm downloading book 2 for Kindle as I write this. I loved thd characters, the way it was written, the twists and surprises in the plot. Just wow! I know for sure that this story with stay with me for such a long time.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert, is the BEST romance I've ever read.
I loved this even more than Get a Life, Chloe Brown.
This was such a cute story, and so well written. Talia Hibbert did such a great job with this one.
Dani and Zaf are the perfect couple. Their banter and friendship is adorable, so much so that you are literally rooting for them the whole time.
Our main character, Dani is afraid of commitment but she's also looking for a “friend with benefits”. She gets trapped in a lift and Zafir rescues her. He doesn't just rescue her, he carries out into the carpark where the whole of the collage campus is watching. A video of the rescue goes viral on Instagram #DrRugbae and Zaf realises that the video has brought attention to his non-profit charity. Together, Dani and Zaf come up with a friends with benefits deal - Dani pretends to be Zaf's girlfriend in public, and Dani gets all the sex she wants.
I honestly, loved this book. I enjoyed seeing them both develop as characters, both together and separately. Dani's fear of commitment is challenged when she realises she has feelings for Zaf, and Zaf who suffers majorly from anxiety is challenged to put himself out there for Dani.Seriously read this book!