My rating for this is complex - the story and plot was very well thought out and the twist is good. But this book was sooooo dull I struggled.
She is me I am her
I struggle with plotless books but I relate heavily to her blasé attitude towards the struggles she's facing. I feel I am slightly too grown now to relate deeply but I would've loved this more as a teen.
In terms of it being iconic feminist literature, I am unsure I would agree but loved her snapshot into a young and miserable female mind - where others have failed to portray the female experience she has surpassed expectations. Her matter of fact attitude feels so contrary to how men and even adult woman view someone struggling with coming of age, and this alone feels like feminism.
I enjoyed this, but unfortunately I compare all fantasy to TOG and nothing compares. Felt a little copy cat of other fantasy at point, and the world building wasn't anything spectacular. Also, WHY SO LONG!! This was a marathon. Lots of questions left unanswered so I guess I'll be picking up the second one, although I prefer when you want to read the sequel due to the plot not cause the book felt unfinished. Even a book this size. I maybe being harsh - enjoyed overall!
First half was so good. But the second half??? We get it twitter is toxic? Okaaaaaaay. Weird ending would've prefered a different direction.
Mid. No story telling, no connection to the characters. Just a this happened that happened. Not even a good twist. But hey still finished it cause I wanted to know the answer. May have skimmed the last 10%. :p
I wanted so much more from this book, the story built so well and the ending in boring soppy stuff
Wow. This has to be the best book I have ever read. Can't even describe how perfect it is!
I hated this book. So try hard deep airy fairy bs. Maybe if I hated myself I'd relate more, but I don't
One my favourite books so far this year! Great mystery without any of the gore/creepy stuff, and light and easy to read.
I would've loved this when I was 13-15. Start was really good and it's an easy read, but the relationship stuff made me cringe.
Got a bit slow when I was about 60-70% through but pushed through, the ending is great!!
This book exhausted me. The first 10 chapters killed me, and last two as well. But the rest was AMAZING I love a good murder mystery!
I give this book five stars not because it was amazingly enjoyable - I am on holiday and it required more attention than I can give. But it has a VERY good plot, a bit quirky without being cringe, romance without awful relationship dynamics, and a good dose of history without being boring. Will reread in a few years.
The book was good but it was hard to go back to this after reading the first four in the series, such a character development regression