Enjoyed this book and the challenges / questions it raised regarding accepting a mobile mindset vs the value of stability. Would recommend.
Started out uncertain of this book. The author seemed to present a simplified view of the world and common parenting challenges. Two thirds in I was getting won over by the philosophy behind the views.
Time will tell but overall feel this book will have a positive impact to our family life and be the cause of shifting our strategy to an approach we feel better about and more importantly we believe will build a stronger connection with our kids
Think this was my favorite of the series. Targeted at the middle school reader enjoyed reading with my son.
Enjoyed it and found to be a decent pager turner, but didn't wow me along the way. Maybe I've read several books with similar story line recently. Still deciding if I'll continue in the series.
Took me a while to get engaged with it, I was on the fence for the frist 100-150 pages if I would continue but in the end found the story engaging and the second half really kept my interest.
Seems ripe for continuation or branching out from the original story so I will keep an eye out for more from Howey.
Kept me interested in the story, but not the quality of writing I hoped. Bit to much telling me the point of the story and/or scenes vs letting the story tell itself.
Was a enjoyable read. Moved pretty quickly. Did not have some of the depth of original series, but still worth the time for me.
Enjoying reading this series with my son. This book added a bit more depth to the series.
Enjoyed 2nd book in this series. Moved more slowly, and the end didn't come together as well as I think it might have though.
Interesting blend of historical account and factionalized last hours of ship sunk at sea. Overall enjoyed this book and the effor the author put into gathering details of other events that took place in same timeframe aboard other ships in the same storm system.
Hmmm, Wanted to like it. But had to keep coming back to the reviews to convince myself not to give up on it. I'm glad I read it to the end but more glad to be done and moving on.
Interesting use of timeline. Enjoyed the characters overall and appreciate the effort to bring to light the mentality of war.
At times thought Heller was using the dialog and repetitive nature to numb the reader intentionally. Who knows.
Enjoyed this book. Was pretty fast paced. Not mind stretching really but a enjoyable read. Half way through I started to wonder if the end would be a disappointing, but I felt it ended well. Think I'll keep reading the series.
Liked it overall.
Felt in some sections the author could have done a better job of structuring or summarizing lots of details to make content more comprehensible. Instead had a feeling often I would lose track of context ( section 4 sub list point 3 reason 2 ...).
So, I'll probably skim it again to let some details sink in. Overall recommended though.
Enjoyed reading but may not continue the series. I didn't connect that strongly with the story.
Would agree with other reviewers that some aspects of the book were weak, but overall was a good story. Not enough to make me go further in the series though.
Liked concepts but felt I would have enjoyed more if it had much more direct presenting concepts.