Really good book about why abortions are needed but holy fuck I fucking hate bea Jesus hosiah christ
-two stars just because of the ending. spoilers ofc i think eliza wouldve made a much better antagonist. i HATE when authors resurrect old villans it feels cheap and boring. eliza wouldve made an incredible villan with her abilities. like rewrite it so they dont lose their powers if they leave the shadow dimension, have all things go to plan, nik gets cleansed, every1s happy and like oh good we did it and then eliza is like haha You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You? and then all hell breaks loose.
nothing to complain about here. my favourite story was about the gay ocean acquiring a girlfriend thats literally too hot to look at.
second half is way better than the first
i wish meyer wrote the king differently... i was skipping his dialogue and scenes bc he was so fucking cringe lmfao.
Contains spoilers
extreme middle book syndrome. boring nothing until the last 20 pages when the darkling who ive nicknamed the fuckling (derogitory) finally invaded the castle or wtv
ngl alina and mal , extremely tedious and dull to read all that fuckin back and forth waaa u dont love me u love the other hot guy/girl like oh my lord have mercy shut the fuck up
i cant even say anything else like this shit was just so nothing that im p sure my eyes started glazing over while reading laymao
music listened to: Mini Game - Ocarina of TIme
time taken to read: 4:42:03 !
Contains spoilers
boring book with a pedophiliac relationship written in a good light. gg kathleen
Literally only once in the entire book does someone say "hey thats pedophilia" but does nothing to help the mc. Then NOBODY is surprised when <spoiler>the pedo cheats on her, hits her, and sics his crazy drug dealer girlfriend on her and her friend</spoiler> like ? Why didn't her "friends" do more to help the VICTIM OF PEDOPHILIA?
ngl kinda boring? like nothing really happens in this book. i mean things happen but ... idk
ending was extremely predictable and disappointing
i was bored by luc ending up loving her. give me people that fucking hate each other please
i was bored by the ending, i really wish henry died. we need more bad endings hot take ig
and overall, i was just bored by the book. its like a walking simulator in book form. boring. extremely interesting idea but ehhh addie just doesnt DO anything i feeel like. very passive
wow i have never thoroughly enjoyed a book as much as i have this one in a very long time. great writing, great characters, love the world building
Contains spoilers
writing wasnt the best , it got a little crink at times but i super enjoyed this book
only thing im confused about is Yizhi at the end is like omg we're not natives of this planet the hundun are
like wut where did that come from LOL
uhhhh author is literally a murderer and is wanted for questioning... the fact she's avoiding it tells ME everything
what the fuck did i just read? the writing was dog water
this is the most sexist book i ever read holy shit. the protag wanted to fuck every woman and every woman wanted to fuck him even after knowing him for barely a day
Aggressively man written. “Huge bosoms” mentioned, no joke, about 5 times in the first 100 pages. I stopped counting after that
NO PLOT whatsoever. I dnf around page 200 when there still wasn't any plot and more strange sexism against the women characters. I started skimming the book and came across a line that said “the thick plottens” so I guess this book was a really shitty comedy? I dont know. Hot garbage. Wouldn't recommend.
honestly i did not care for it. it felt like the characters liked each other way too fast and i always have a problem with fast love. they knew each other , what, 2 months? c'mon... idk . the book itself was okay. i liked the witchy parts of it. honestly the comedic parts of it didnt do it for me- i did not laugh once LOL :pain:
beginning dragged but the ending made it so much better even though it was kind of predictable
bad. just bad. i was glad it was over. 0 redeeming qualities. all the characters are cunts. fuck sadie and her inability to communicate. fuck sam and his creepy tendacies. fuck marx and his.... oh wait he didnt have a personality except he likes sex. i am going to go play a good game now to take my mind off this trash
ngl the way people talked bout this book i thought it was going to be pretty great
well its BETTER than the average YA book but ehhh its
on my journey to understand poetry, probably not the best book to start with, but i still enjoyed what i understood, trying not to turn it into a school assignment and force myself to understand
why this got a lgbtq tag on it there's like 2% gay in this book, I literally only read cause I was hoping for lgbtq and got fuckin nothing bro.
Also I didn't like the book lol
i enjoyed this book besides the insta love that appeared in the middle of the book that fucked me sideways
i mean seriously, ezia's ENTIRE existance is to be a way for jean to fuck i guess
remove her from the book and NOTHING changes ..
scott trying to convince us they are in love... no lol theyve known each other for barely a month
authors need to desperately learn the difference between love and lust because im tired of yall writing this garbage
otherwise it was enjoyable. i know i'll probably be disappointed when sabetha finally shows up. actually i kinda hope they will learn she died 9 years ago lol shortly after she left them. otherwise it will prob just be more unnecessary romance i dont care about with a character ive learned nothing about (except shes hot? i guess?) shoe horned in the last book. oh well. lets find out.
also yes the filler is fucking insane in this book. i think it couldve been 100 - 200 pages shorter. im not kidding, theres that much filler. all the pirate lingo that nobody needs to know (and turned out to be completely useless anyway... we learned that with the MC's for NO REASON..) extremely long scenes that lead to nothing... the amount of pages i just plain skipped lol