what a shitty book. extreme male author syndrome its not even funny. i thought this was a book about sharks why was there a while sub plot cheating bruh i dont care about these characters
what the fuck was that LOL the scariest scenes in this book were the "sex" scenes (or when it was mentioned skull emoji
also multiple cases of male author moments lol
"Hope meant never giving up, despite everything she'd lost, holding on to even just on droplet. Because when it fell, it would always have a ripple effect. And all it took was a ripple to change the world."
Wow! I really enjoyed the crap out of this. Definitely will be reading the rest of the series.
Well that was disappointing. Next time if the author tells me not to read their book I'm taking their advice
short and sweet. I really enjoyed this. despite only being 70 pages, Tavor had a fair amount of chara development. he went from annoying to very likeable. I'll be reading the rest of the series :)
a little too juvenile for me, not exactly E for everyone meaning adults may have a hard time enjoying this
Contains spoilers
sex scenes were cringe but the romance was... actually sweet? holy shit it wasnt COMPLETE lust over love it felt like there was actual love in it even tho lowe LOWE LMFAO was obsessed with her immediately
all the mates and alpha shit was cringe too sorry i just cant stand it
i still dont know what knotting is and i dont know if i want to know
i might be learning that in my old age (a whole 20) i cant enjoy contemporary YA like i used to. there were a LOT of pretty bad cringy moments but third act was pretty good. im glad Reyes didnt do the “main couple breaks up and gets back together thing” in the third act, but rather it touched on a more darker subject with the whole family instead. i enjoyed the book, but i think imma start passing on ya with younger-than-18 charas lol
almost an actually good romance book but they fuck in the bathroom of a hospital while her dad is dying in the other room and they have kids :\
i thought the first book was bad but i was like ok first book is going to be shit sure but then it got worse
why the fuck does every woman want to fuck darrow it reeks of self insert
why the fuck did brown make eo pregnant if just to make her death more “tragic” like bro nobody cares about her we knew her for 50 pages
but why the fuck did eo sacrifice herself if she was pregnant? it wouldve been one thing if she didnt want it, but she was clearly excited for it cause she had a whole baby room and crib and shit. she couldve just gotten 40 lashings and lived. but ????? shes like nah i wanna be a martyr. for what reason??? she clearly wanted the kid???? why did she feel the need to die???? im confused????so the book could start ??? idk ??? i dont understand help . theres so much stupid shit in these books
also holy fucking shit is the only good memory darrow has of eo the last time they fucked? Literally the only fucking thing he talks about. Did she have any personality? did he even love her or just love the sex ???
the writing is so fucking shit that i had to reread paragraphs MULTIPLE TIMES to understand what the fuck was happening, and most of the time i still didnt fucking understand
last but not least i fucking hate how darrow the main character, keeps sympathising with fucking rapists. it puts a disgusting taste in my mouth for pierce brown. fuck this book and fuck the author. skip this one
two women connected over centuries make increasingly stupider and stupider decisions and making me wish they died. also 0 romance or love unlike what aernecke wants you to think, its all lust
i cant remember jack shit about this book other than the fact literally fuck all happened throughout the entire book until the last 50 pages.
Contains spoilers
ending made me fuckin mad
maren leaves kaia for sev? seriously? cmon man this was building up to polyamory and you know it. i swear the author was too scared to take that step
bruh how did she make a book about dragons boring
nothing happens until the last like 100-50 pages...
the fantasy is wanting
the romance sucks (its just lust no love lol)
like idk who the audience is for this book if u like fantasy u wont like this, the romance again is lacking
also the sex scenes were so CRINK LMFAO how do u cause lightning when you cum :sob emote: thats so cringe omg and i dont use that word lightly
also fated mates/soulmates RED FLAG RED FLAG
the writing sucks ass also. its very YA. i mean i could make a 10 min compilation of every time i died of cringe reading the book easily with how bad the writing is
in conclusion, bad tiktok book is bad shock
weird as hell but extremely enjoyable. unfortunately for me the plot was rather predictable tho
i like this book. not the ending tho, where they go to Occupied Palestine, i was hoping Dita wasn't part of the problem, but alas
i think i cracked and lost my sanity when the father appeared with a dress on
i mean bro was asking where he went wrong in raising his son and suddenly hes like fuck it time to yassify myself