felt like nothing even happened until like 300 pages in
and dont get me started on the fucking instalove
very sweet and wholesome straight romance and i empathise the “straight” bc i have NOT been finding wholesome straight romances lmfao but this one was pretty good ! id recommend it to non romance lovers (aka me)
this is such a disappointing book ... it starts off 5 stars but then ofc there has to be insta love and not only that, plot revolves around the love interest at the end. it was so fucking good duder whyd you have to massacre my boy
i cunt about instalove all the time but wow... why is it in this book? warner sees marie once and somehow loves her? literally never talks to her... just sees her. oh wow i love her. what?
i would like to pretend it was more of a realisation of seeing a blind girl and being like wow these are the people im killing? and he starts to think it over. but thats not what the book says. characters IN the book literally are like “i think he was in love with a girl” like... ok. also oppressor falling in “love” with the oppressed is weird. stop doing it
for a book thats “ten years in the writing” the writing was kind of dog water. sorry. why did i need to do that that one guy has weird bumps on his dick. what the fuck? ok. well. over hyped
WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ???? i hate it thanks also my favourite part was when she called the princes dick tiny that was great thanks
otherwise, genuinely, very uncomfortable to read idk if thats my sex repulsion talking or if other ppl feel the same. i didnt understand jack shit ion know its not for me.
also im 90 percent sure there was more r.pe than sex- the tiny dick prince with the DEAD GIRL, the queen to the king once or twice.. like wtf was this book ? is there any reason jesus fuck
be better if she killed the rapist creature. i dont like that he lives and starts a family.... yikes. KILL ALL RAPISTS
i really ... liked (?) the way fredrik handled the topic of rape . 9/10 times Male writers enjoy writing graphic situations but fredrik was very respectful
otherwise i liked it:)
disappointing. writing is not great, chapters are literally 2 pages long most of the time... its a 300 page book with... guess... 91 chapters... lol
characters were so flat and boring that i just realised while writing this review that i didnt like them. or hate them. or anything. i didnt feel anything for the characters because they practically have no personality. even didnt dislike/like max, even though her pretending to swear thing annoyed the FUCK out of me
not bad ! but honestly hate the ending a little bit ... detective man: ure thirteen but have this extremely high ranking place in this super special place .. instead of : youre thirteen so instead of offering such things , go have a childhood lmao and ill talk to u when ure 18 or sum ...
ngl at first this was a solid 2 star but that ending made up for it
nevan was an annoying little bitch but i actually ended up liking him at the end
ALSO i thought this was another instance of insta love but TH AN K F U CK it isnt !!!! its pure lust and she fucking kills him at the end 10/10 ALSO lets talk about the fucking scene around page 300 ???? WHY DID THEY START FUCKING PASSIONATLY MAKING OUT LMAOOAOAO AOA?????? HE MOANED AND EVERYHTING WHAT THE FUCK LFAOOAOAODADGAYDGD
all n all i actually loved this book and will b reading the sequel but holy shit it is a WILD RIDE
music listened to: Shadow Temple Theme from Ocarina of Time
time taken to read : 5:12:30
well that was bad the books are super fast paced and somehow enjoyable to read, but not good in any way shape or formit was so fucking cringe 80% of the time :cringe:jacks is so fucking edgy he actually surpassed me when i was 13also again with that immortal hundreds of year old grown man somehow falls in love with a child, a 17 year old girl. lol yippie (thats a crime) also i love the fact that garber just forgor about all the side charas. is lala going to get with castor? who knows. what happened to lucien? who knows. what happened to marisol? who knows. why the fuck was the 17 year old able to kiss the grown man without dying? who fuckin knows it also felt like 20% of the book was eve remembering shit. give a brief summary of what she remembered, dont completely copy paste what happened in previous books... it just bloats
i enjoyed it but i feel like there were a lot of loose ends that the author forgot about..
i dont like that there was a 3 month skip... how you skip over the kings whole ass death and the coronation of a new one? and also is the wedding for arthur and gwen still on or did gabriel stop that?
not great. incredible boring and uninteresting book, hard to get motivation to pick up
boring and disappointing. writing wasnt great. if i had a dollar for every time ariadne felt something in her breast i wouldnt be here. i did enjoy learning more about greek mythology and btw kill all men from greek mythology ong there isnt a single redeemable man from it
nothing screams female empowerment like rape and forced pregnancy
liked altha's story the most i hope she and grace got together in the end
kate was too stupid for me to handle so i just started to skip her
violet made me sad as fuck but im so glad she had her brother
why the fuck was there so much rape and pregnancy in this book?? wtb witchy book without pregnancy. it doesnt exist
insta 5 star if the protag died lol i just feel like it wouldve been so much better like that, its too happy
i have many thoughts abt this book...
i feel like the charas, zel in particular ... goes back and forth with their ideals so much ?
for example, one page zel says that all the guards are just thieves and pieces of shit basically and its like ok true but later on in the book suddenly she doesnt want them to die?? example two: inan's entire arc???? this dude was HELLBENT on killing magic but sees zels memories and suddenly is like o thats a bad idea ig like how the fuck did, what, 18 years of brainwashing suddenly ppPoof just because of that? id understand if he hesitated but the way he completely changed over the course of 3 days was so annoying.
second,... i fucking hate insta love and my god its in here two fold its so bad too
example: one of the insta love couple is zel and inan, and.... how???? zel hates amari for the first half of the book bc amari is the kings daughter and the king is a massive piece of hot shit , HOWEVER amari never did anything bad, she was just blissfully ignorant until the day her dad decides to murk her friend. inan on the other hand, is basically their fathers pet, he led the attacks on them multiple times , went over to her village with in intent to kill her and burn it down , killed leksan (well kaea did but inan was chill w/ it ) but somehow zel falls in love with him all bc he has the sudden change of heart and doesnt kill her but frees her from the captors??
honestly i genueinly have no problems with the plot or anything but the charas just , are so badly written? they never stick to one ideal or wtv (for lack of better word, its on the tip of my tongue but i cant remember laymao)
anyway no joke im rooting for zel and amari <3 itll never happen but they literally have 10x10 more chemistry than all the other matchups combined. considering this is a trilogy (or soon to be) i honestly dont understand why the charas had to fall in love so fast making it seem completely unrealistic. especially w/ inan and zel god im so peeved over them
i hope the next books are better with this bc ill still pick up the sequels, again , no problems with plot i rlly enjoyed it and the atomopshere very dark very tragic and sad but the charas ... and ofc the only charas that dont annoy the shite out of me dies bruh LMFAOOOO
music listened to: Sacred Grove from Twilight Princess
time taken to read: 6:50:38