Une histoire géniale de passage à l'âge adulte. Je vous conseille d'écouter les titres donnés pour vous mettre dans l'ambiance et entrer plus facilement dans la peau de Nawel.
The character is very self centered and whines a lot, he's also rapey towards the other character and gets molested himself so I'd definitely put a warning on it. It's a lazy parody of the Bible and the end is super disappointing. It's really anchored in the past and should not be put on any new list of best graphic novels to read ever again. It's annoying and boring, the women are objectified and always nearly naked if not totally naked. It's not revolutionary, even for the time at which it was published. I do not recommend.
This book felt like a cocoon to listen to. Ben and Erin Napier are such good hearted people, and their warm voices and their southern accents made me feel so comfortable and gave me so much inspiration to move forward into my projects. If you watch their HGTV show, you should read or listen to their book
This book is great for people who need more knowledge and/or reassurance about everything from periods to intercourse to pregnancy (and how to avoid it). The tone is very clear and the artworks are beautiful. It's a quick read, and I'd recommend it especially for teens and young adults.
LA preuve qu'on n'a p as besoin d'utiliser du texte pour raconter de belles histoires ...
Such an adorable found family romantasy! The characters are all so well written and believable, the conflicts are realistic in their fantasy setting. And the author gives us an actual enemies to lovers story, with two rivals who really go from hate to love in such a sweet fashion. I can't wait for the next volume of the series to come out
Such a wonderful read. I felt less alone and part of a larger thing while reading this book. The illustrations are wonderful, the text is inclusive and devoid of the guilt tripping that you can sometimes find in non fiction books. I borrowed it from the library, but I want to own it so that I can get back to it whenever.
This book was funny, adorable, made me kick my feet and squeal a little. It made me relive the thrill of the beginnings of a romance, and both main characters are so adorable in their own right. Swoon
This story left me in disarray. I can't wait to read the second volume. I need a typewriter.
DNFd at 67%
There are just so many chapters of flat action scenes led by obnoxious and weirdly complicated characters I can read. This book made me too frustrated to finish.
Why did it take me so long to read this book, I cannot say. What I can say is that I love Mona Chollet, and I shall now read all of her other publications.
It is a great review of the history of women and what brought us to where we are today, a great analysis and proofs that the world would be vastly different were it not for the hatred towards women that society loves to cultivate.
Also, it's refreshing to read a book that's not centered on the American point of view, and also that touches different aspects of feminism, for white straight women but also women of color and transgender women and non-binary people.
I'm lucky enough to be French, so I'm now going to read all of her other books.
An awesome coming of age story about childhood friends working in a pumpkin patch right before going to college.
Si triste mais si beau. J'aime qu'on ne voie l'histoire que d'un seul point de vue. C'est hyper déprimant et nous laisse avec plein de questions, on a la boule au ventre d'énervement en empathie avec le personnage principal. Très juste et poétique.
It took me so long to read this book, simply because I didn't want to finish it. Madeline Miller had this ability of capturing what makes people humans, even through the eyes of a goddess, and it was so wonderful to read, it makes me sad to have finished it. I hope she delights us of another book soon, as her first one, The Song of Achilles, was also a magnificent read.
What a wonderful story! I fell in love with the characters and their relationship, including with the secondary characters. It's a book full of poetry, beautiful pictures and cosy moments. I teared up at more than one occasion
I'd already read most of these through Lucy Knisley's Instagram page, but having the possibility to read them all at one is great. The intro and outro were also adorable additions. It's funny and sad, and having an older cat, it's also relatable. I dread the day we will have to let him go, but I find comfort in knowing that we're giving him all that he deserves.
Once again, I laughed, kicked my feet, squealed and swooned all the way through this book. I think I'm becoming a romance reader, and I'm not sorry about it. Just read it, have fun, and enjoy pretending to be a part of the Kingman family for a bit
It was an interesting read, and then at chapter 5 it kind of took a big hit when the author spent a very long time talking about this guy he holds a grudge against... It felt very petty and I was glad the end of the book was this close, else I may not have finished it.
(Note that I agree with his opinion, I'm just not interested in hearing about their quarrels for too long)
This was my first Ali Hazelwood book and I devoured it. I'm looking forward to a sequel if she decides to write one.
The relationship's evolution was so sweet, even in its misunderstandings. It often gets frustrating to read about the communication struggles in romances, but here it felt refreshing. The plot wasn't amazingly complex but it was still well built and grabbed me super fast. I'm usually not too bad at seeing twists happen but not this time, and it was pretty fun
One of my favorite books of all times. I love to re read it, sometimes trying one of the recipes at the same time.
I haven't read a book cover to cover in months, and this one just grabbed me right from the start and made me go through all of the emotions. The main characters are so deep and everything is so well written. It also brought me back in a mythology that I had long forgotten. I highly recommend !