An intimate story of what makes a family and how we relate to one another that pulls at your heart strings
Hope from raw emotion
Reading The Poetry of Emotion by Tiffany Rochelle is like having a conversation with a best friend. The honest prose beginning each section talks to you and humbly advises you from a perspective of real, lived experience. As soon as you finish this conversation you take a dive into the sometimes brutal but always sincere poetry of the author. It's akin to realizing just how much your friend trusts you and confides in you. The overarching message is one of hope and acceptance. It is a call to be human not only to those around you but to yourself. As Tiffany so eloquently writes, “... In this moment, I am human. And, in this moment, that's okay.”
Gaza in Crisis is a succint and informative overview of the complex yet overtly propagandized US-Israeli-Palestinian relationship. Everyone should read this if only to glimpse truth where truth is so fleeting.
Interesting concept with wonderful moments. This is one of those novels that almost got there. . . .
Another tome by King, but the pace is great. Like The Stand, it's a study in human interaction, character, and psychology. It's really interesting and thought-provoking!
Every time I return to read a Stephen King novel, I remember what a great writer King is!
Hedgehog is a wonderful read. I was thankful for the ever-ready dictionary on my Nook. If you love literature and enjoy thought-provoking narratives, this book is for you!
An unapologetic fact-based history from the perspective of the people, this important work provides the reader with a healthy dose of reality outside the spin of the elite. Although Zinn covers events from 1492 to 2002, the stories seldom change. We do not learn from our mistakes; we double down.