I listened to this book during two consecutive road trips. It was read by an English chap which, at times, was hard to understand and listen to, but also made sense since the story takes place in London during the 2012 Olympic Games.
It was a little eery to listen to the book and then go in and watch some of the games - and keeping the two separate in my mind. But I think having it take place during the current games made it more interesting to me. It was a decent story but more in the style of a comic book and not the suspense novel I was expecting from a highly acclaimed novelist.
I think one reason I liked this book so much was because I'm a big reality TV show fan, especially The Amazing Race and Survivor.
The book is about a group of contestants in a reality TV show called Lost and Found (very much like The Amazing Race). They each have their own secrets, and as much as they want to keep them secret, the show wants to expose them - on camera.
I also liked that each chapter was written in first person by a different contestant of the game show. There was intrigue and conflict, and good ole fashion fun and humor.
I enjoy reading memoirs and enjoyed Mary Karr's very much. So much so, I plan to read at least her first memoir (The Liar's Club) and maybe her second (Cherry).
I may not have understood every complex word the author used, but enough to get a feel for the events she wrote about and even more importantly, the emotions involved with being a wife, mother, daughter, as well as an alcoholic.
I enjoyed the story told but I listened to it instead of reading it and I think that was a mistake. Genealogy is hard to comprehend without a chart or family tree in front of you. I am involved in genealogy for my family and I still get confused if I have to go back more than two or three generations. A good portion of this book is a family tree poured over and explored extensively. Maybe the written book has a family tree graphic for the reader to go back to often for reference. But you didn't have those reference points while listening to the book and that left me lost and confused many times over. Still, I did enjoy the story. Maybe because I am into genealogy. More because it's two mysteries that the author works hard to solve. I would have given it 3 1/2 stars if I could.
4.5 stars. Loved the narrator. I could listen to her all day. And Jodi Picoult did not disappoint. Great story and her perspective on Covid and what a lot of people went through during the pandemic is worth reflection and a desire to live life fully.
My new all time favorite book. I can't recommend this book enough. There's so much depth and hope in this book. It pulls on your heartstrings and you finish feeling wiser and wanting to be a better friend, and person. This book has permeated my soul and will stay with you forever. Please read it.
I rarely give a book 5 stars and I don't usually write reviews, BUT... this book is worth both. It's one of my new favorites. What a story! I also don't reread books but I will this one. It's so deep and full of so many things I want to remember, so I'll reread and take some notes. Thank you Mr. Wright (and my book club). Proliteracy!
A well done story that interweaves characters and experiences. Judy Blume has a knack for writing about life in a way that the reader can identify with the emotions her characters feel and grapple with. I like that. Although it's a fictional story, the events that the story is rooted in actually happened.
I listened to this book and I'm glad I did. Part of the [fictional] story involves a podcast in which the narration included interviews from the podcast. Good narration and a story which keeps you guessing.
3.5 stars. It's always hard to rate a short story. You always wish it was a little longer.
T.J. Klune sure has an imagination! This is the third book of his that I've read and I enjoy his slant that he infuses into his stories. Original each one of them and issues and experiences that make you ponder life.
Just wasn't my type of book, even though I'm an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. I listened to the book through Audible and I couldn't motivate myself to just get through it. Part of it was the graphic descriptions of the intimacy between character but part of it was a storyline I just lost interest in. But after a few months, I finished it.
Not my typical kind of book but I recognize good writing, good story, and it was a page turner.
A good look at the Foster Care system and what reality is for kids who are subjected to this life.
I'm not sure what I think about this book. I'd probably rate it with 2.5 stars. Normally I enjoy short stories, but these were odd in that most of them didn't have a concrete ending. I guess I like that in my stories. The Indian culture and traditions were highlighted in each story, but I didn't get enough of the story to really understand those traditions. But I did find them oddly interesting - just wish there was more to them.
A book everyone should read. It hurt my heart but I know this story is the story for so many black (or other stereotypes) boys and men.