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Here's the (very much) shorter version:
This is marketed as one of Pratchett's books for young people and while it definitely can be read by children and young adults, I believe it is even more suited to an adult readership. I remember, as a child, I read books for the pure pleasure of story. I didn't care about messages, or the exploration of themes, or even world-building. I watched characters I liked do things that were interesting, and on that level, Nation succeeds. But it is the message that forms the heart of this novel, it is the encouragement to think for yourself, and to go through the world with open eyes and an open mind.
THE GOOD: Wonderful characters who live through a sad but beautiful story. Brilliant exploration of serious themes with just a pinch of Pratchett's trademark humor.
THE BAD: Takes a while to get into, some story elements (the Navy plotline) could have been left out.
BONUS: The filthy-mouthed parrot.
THE VERDICT: Highly recommended to Pratchett lovers or newcomers, to scientists and religious people, to those who have suffered through loss and pain, and those who are simply interested in a good story.
RATING: 9/10 – Beautiful. Close to perfection.
This review can also be found at SFF Book Review
Being my first Ishiguro novel, I knew nothing going into this. People had warned me of its slow pace, its quite prose, but I honestly didn't expect a book barely 300 pages thick to take me this long to read. Still, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I might even be tempted to pick up other books by this author.
In 1956, Stevens, a long-serving butler at Darlington Hall, decides to take a motoring trip through the West Country. The six-day excursion becomes a journey into the past of Stevens and England, a past that takes in fascism, two world wars and an unrealised love between the butler and his housekeeper. Ishiguro's dazzling novel is a sad and humorous love story, a meditation on the condition of modern man, and an elegy for England at a time of acute change.
Fans of a good period drama will surely love this. If you're at all interested in the downstairs part of Downton Abbey, this is a book that, in exquisite prose, gives you an insight into a servant's life that you simply can't get from TV. This is a very slow-paced, quite book, that comes alive not through action or even “things happening” but has a flow to it that I find hard to describe. I had a hard time getting into the story at first but once I relaxed into the style, it was a revel from then onwards.
Stevens is a fascinating protagonist. Every aspect of his private life is secondary to his being a great butler. His own family, the chance for love, his health, and his opinions – nothing matters if they obstruct, in any way, his master's comfort. He goes into some detail describing what makes a butler great and it is in his memories and musings that we see not only how deep his devotion is but we find out why he chose to live a life of truly passionate service. Stevens believes that, in being a great butler and providing an important gentlemen with as many comforts as he can, he helps a little bit in shaping the course of the world. Realising how small the part he plays is only makes him prouder to be part of it at all.
There are a few side characters here, and they all feel very fleshed-out and real. But the focus lies clearly on Stevens – and I wouldn't have had it any other way. While reading, my inner psychoanalyst was rejoicing at such an interesting subject. Reading about and understanding Stevens' subtlety was a pleasure that I didn't expect. His peculiar relationship with the housekeeper, Miss Kenton, is described in even quieter tones but gives more room for thought.
“Perhaps it is indeed time I begin to look at this whole matter of bantering more enthusiastically. After all, when one thinks about it, it is not such a fooish thing to indulge in – particularly if it is the case that in bantering lies the key to human warmth.”
In short, this is the story of a man who has devoted his life to his vocation and, looking back at it, ponders about the remains of the day – and whether it was all worth it.
THE GOOD: Beautiful language, an insight into an old school butler's life, and one of the most intriguing protagonists I've ever read about.
THE BAD: Takes a long time to get going and stays very subdued. Nothing for impatient readers or fans of lots of action.
THE VERDICT: A touching and magnificently written work of literature that will stay with me for quite some time.
RATING: 8,5/10 Quite excellent
4.5 stars
The constant repetitions made me feel like the author thinks I'm stupid, but the story and characters were SO GOOD I couldn't help but love this. Also, I'm crying now.
Full review at SFF Book Review
I love Jane Eyre. So any retelling would have a hard time convincing me - but the science fiction idea tickled my fancy and I dove right in.
This is a good book that stays very true to the original. Perhaps too much so. While the story of Jenna Starborn and Mr. Ravenbeck is almost as enchanting as that of the original Jane Eyre, there wasn't anything new brought to the table. The science fiction element was, to say the least, disappointing and took a background role.
It's worth the read but rather than a sci-fi version of Jane Eyre, this is just another Jane Eyre with a couple of hovercars and a space ship thrown in. Personally, I didn't feel the repercussions a society like this should have on characters and everyday life.