This was a tough one to rate. I liked the story well enough but the writing style was difficult for me to follow easily. However, due to the nature of the story, I appreciate the authors choice of style.
This was a tough one to rate. I liked the story well enough but the writing style was difficult for me to follow easily. However, due to the nature of the story, I appreciate the authors choice of style.
This is a tough one to give a star rating to. The prose was lyrical and poetic, a great example of magical realism, the subject and main plot however, was one most everyone can agree is ugly. Would not have read if the description had that one tiny detail, a detail that runs through the entire book.
This is a tough one to give a star rating to. The prose was lyrical and poetic, a great example of magical realism, the subject and main plot however, was one most everyone can agree is ugly. Would not have read if the description had that one tiny detail, a detail that runs through the entire book.