This is a historical fiction novel and follows the lives of 3 female protagonists, Osla, Mab and Beth through their time working at Bletchley Park in the Second World War where codebreakers worked in utmost secret decrypting messages in order to facilitate war planning.
Some of the characters were based on real life persons and the research that went into these people as well as many of the events in the book was done meticulously and I felt with great justice.
I loved that I felt connected with the 3 main female characters straight away. I also loved the characters of Harry Zarb and Francis Gray who later appear in the book. I thought Kate Quinn's character development was fantastic.
This is by far one of the best books I have ever read and would recommend it to anyone.
I struggled to completely get into this story at first and found it slightly bity however I loved the last third of the book and couldn't put it down.
Overall an enjoyable read.
This is an exceptional book and deserves all the praise that is has received although I do feel that some parts felt slightly too stretched from possible reality.
This was fantastic - I was instantly transported into the book and can't wait to pick up a full copy when it is released. In a few short pages it had me laughing and smiling.
I really enjoyed this book although I did find the first 200 pages quite slow going. Really enjoyed the second half of the book and will definitely be picking up the authors next book ‘the muse'.