Un gran libro para conocer Japón en muchas y variadas facetas! Me ha encantado y ha avivado todavía más mis ganas de visitar Japón! :D
Una buena guía para preparar un viaje a Japón!
Incluye mucha información muy buena sobre las principales ciudades y otras más pequeñas y varios pueblos interesantes.
Solo hay dos cosas que yo destacaría:
- Creo que necesitaría una actualización es la de los transportes/trenes, sobre todo desde el cambio de precios del JR Pass. Estaría guay tener una guía más completa y actualizada sobre esto, ya que el tema trenes y los diferentes pases y tickets que hay es uno de los mayores líos.
Relacionado con lo anterior, también estaría guay que para los itinerarios que recomienda, incluyera información más detallada sobre qué trenes coger, y qué pases/tickets serían los más recomendados para cada itinerario.
- La guía incluye enlaces para ciertas cosas, pero los enlaces cortos de Google que aparecen en la guía ya no parecen funcionar. Parece que Google paró el servicio de enlaces cortos o lo cambió y es una pena porque al final el lector se queda sin esa información extra.
Pero aparte de eso genial, la verdad. La guía no es aburrida, es muy detallada, y realmente contiene muchísima información útil que se puede encontrar en Internet, si, pero requeriría muchas y muchas horas.
El comienzo de una nueva saga sobre uno de los personajes más importantes de la historia romana.
En general a mí me ha parecido una novela muy buena, muy completa, aunque admito que otras obras del autor me han gustado más. A mí personalmente me ha gustado mucho la novela, y aunque contenga algún error histórico (si quisiera leer algo 100% real e histórico, me leería un libro de historia), yo la recomiendo encarecidamente.
So far the ending of Tarot wasn't bad, but honestly not as good as the main series. There's a few things I didn't like.
On the one hand it seems slow paced compared to Jason's story, this I think is mostly noticed in this last book. There's even some moments I got bored.
Thorn and the Orders appearance surprised me, but at least we know we're they come from. But I didn't like their role in this one. They're so strongly against anything god related and end up being convinced by one of the gods avatars to go after Jason... That easy? Oh and in Dominion Thorn says he's the leader of the Order, but here the leader seems to be Eldawin. Weird, I think.
Then Bilel, the big bad superpowerful enemy and God hater. So much power he could easily have destroyed Finn's army, Lahab and probably half the continent in a blink of his eyes, and he gets messed around with that easily? It gave me the impression Travis Bagwell either ran out of ideas here or just rushed through it to get to a timeline. And the last combat against Bilel... And how Finn takes over the staff? Way too easy and fast for what the other books showed in terms of problems.
Then they talk about hacking websites and forums to delete all evidence of Lahab... That could maybe go through if I didn't work as a systems engineer myself. But hacking Cerillion Entertainment servers? We know from the other books how much technology Cerillion has, how much security, and what people work there. Just suggesting that I think is kinda not well though through...
Then there's also the matter of basically no story outside of AO. A few chapters inside Finn's house, and a few of his memories, but that's it. Nothing more, no Cerillion Entertainment, who is monitoring and watching everything. Which brings me to the next point. In the other books Cerillion is on top of everything, watching, monitoring, recording. But here? With all that happens in Lahab, the dead, the catastrophes, the storm, the war, the players killed upon spawning at the mage guild... And nothing, not a sign of Cerillion.
I like how the AIs are introduced in this trilogy, how they're used, and how technology is mixed in Tarot, in a medieval magic desert world. I like how Daniel is used and evolves, and the Forge was an interesting twist, although it went on for too long and got repetitive.
I like how Tarot shows more about the gods, explains more about them and what they do, but the Seer just gets annoying in my opinion.
It's a bit weird that these books came out so late, when they're based before and during Evolution.
And Finn.... Mixed feelings. I like his character, his logic and clinical way of analysing and doing things. But I hate his emotional side, his living in the past, being so depressive and blaming himself the whole time. Always saying everything is “for Rachel”... She's dead. She's been dead for a long time. Just live with it, get on with your life. I just find that part really annoying about him.
And then I like the use of body augments, but self doing these? “Oh let me take my eyes out and replace them with metal sticks”, “oh let me fuse this metal to my arm”...
And lastly, none of the main characters dies a single fricking time since leaving the mage guild. Really? It's a game, everyone dies at some point. Alexion dies, Jason dies, Frank dies... All died at some point. But Finn and his group? They're always doing crazy stuff and by miracle always stopping at 1% health? Really?
I really loved Finn Beales photography. I came across him on Instagram and loved his works.
When he released this book, I couldn't resist getting it. On one hand, to support Finn, and on the other, because I was curious to learn from him about how he approaches photography, how he approaches a project and how he approaches storytelling. The book provides amazing insight and really really good information and tips about photography, storytelling and how to make a business out of it.
Kazuo Ishiguro's novel, “Klara and the Sun”, is a thought-provoking exploration of a world where Artificial Intelligence is commonplace. The protagonist, Klara, is an Artificial Friend (AF) created to provide companionship to humans. Through Klara's point of view, the novel examines the complexities of love, loss, connection and mortality. It explores the boundaries between human and AI, and delves into themes of religion and a higher power whom Klara speaks to and believes influences her path.
Overall, Klara and the Sun is an absolutely beautiful, powerful and unforgettable novel. I highly recommend it and I'm sure it won't be the last of Ishiguro's novels I read!
Una gran continuación! Santiago Posteguillo es de mis autores preferidos y las trilogías de Escipion y Trajano son de las novelas históricas más buenas que he leído. Y Julia no decepciona.
Es cierto que estos libros son algo diferentes, incluyendo la asamblea de los dioses en ciertas partes para en cierto modo “explicar” los hechos que le ocurren a Julia, a su familia y al imperio, pero personalmente creo que el autor ha acertado con esta decisión, uniendo así hechos que realmente no tengan nada que ver entre ellos, y creando una dinámica que permite al autor integrar diferentes problemas en cierto número de “pruebas” que le ponen los dioses.
It's been a long time since I read the Knightsbridge Series, and The Pillars of the Earth is one of my all-time favourite books ever. I love Follets style and storytelling. I know these books are fiction, but when reading them it just all seems real to me. I think that's what makes his books so good.
The Evening and the Morning is, just like the rest of the books in this series, marvelous. But yes, I must say, it's not as good as The Pillars of the Earth. I loved every page, but I somehow just felt it missed something.
I'd highly recommend it to anyone who likes historical fiction, and to anyone who's read the other books in the series.
Different, but the same.
I liked it, but I also disliked it. Somehow at least.
Let see, I love the new Characters (Finn most of all). I love his logical, engineer like way of thinking (I'm an engineer, so I agree with most of his decisions), but I also hate his emotional problems and issues, and his longing for something that's gone. Something that's been gone for a long time. Get over it man.
I love the AO world. It's so big, so diverse, so unique. But I hate the “world”, or let's say location, this books occurs in. The whole book in one location, one prison like location. That got me bored after a while, and only the story and evolution of characters kept me hooked.
So yeah. Loved the book. Disliked some things, but the good outweighs the bad by a ton, and that's definitely worth it.
Another awesome chapter in the Awaken Online series and the Tarot trilogy. Still loving Finn as a character, and still hating his flaws, doubts, his grief and his sadness. So much evolution seen in Finn and his companions in this novel, and still I can't get over Finn going after something he most probably won't ever get back, someone who's been gone for a long time. Get over it man!
Loooooved it! Frank is not my favourite character by far, he's way to easy to identify with independently of your own background. It's a good thing and a bad thing. But this book I liked. The story was good, a nice change from Jason. The Shifters, Tamers and Growers provide refreshing new abilities and whole new interesting background and story. And Frank's new class seems to finally have something interesting to look forward to.
I'm looking forward to see how Frank evolves from here and where the people from Haven go! Maybe they'll go all wild now!
Instead of Dominion, this should be called “The Book of many many problems”. I mean, all previous books have our characters face problems and challenges, both in the real world and AO, but man, this one takes the crown. I don't want to spoil anything that happens, only poor Jason, I'd say.
But yeah, this book is longer than the previous ones in the series, which after reading it makes sense and is practically unavoidable (and it's much better than Eliza's Sidequest), but you get through it as fast as the others, because it just has some very fast paced chapters, where many things happen at the same time, it just keeps you hooked.
On the other hand, there's some small parts which are too slow paced, and where I wished there's was either more information, more things to consider, or that it was faster. It's just a few parts where I found it bit more boring.
Then there's also some parts (as for example a specific “thorny” fight, which I wished had been more descriptive and exciting. It felt like some elements around the fight and some of the other characters hadn't been thought through completely by the author. As if he had forgotten about a character and needed to get him/her back into the story quickly, but in a way that would kinda make sense.
So in general I really liked it, following the style of the previous entries of the saga. But from what I describe above, I have to discount one star.
Now, on to Franks side quest! And then either AO5 if it's out or the Fire Deity's Avatar... We'll see!
As always, absolutely loved this novel. Santiago Posteguillo is by far my favourite Spanish writer. Can't wait for the second part!!
Another great book in this AO saga. I actually liked this one more than Retribution. Highly recommended, just like all others in this saga.
Superb side quest for Riley! A little bit different than the main story (Jason) but as entertaining and addictive as the other books. Highly recommended!
I'm reading the Awaken Online novels in order, and so far, Apathy has been the one I've liked the least. Compared to the previous ones I've found this one quite slow and boring, and it's also taken me a lot more to finish it because I just didn't find the excitement to read as much and as continuously as with the previous entries in this saga. I found Eliza to be a very slow, dull and yes, boring character. The Hippie is just as insufferable as Eliza is boring, and although I can empathize with how Eliza feels towards the Hippie, because every time he appears it's just like “do we really need to do this now?”.
Apart from that I do also find Elizas backstory, and real life character just boring.
It's nice to have these Sidequest novels to get to know the characters better and understand where they come from, but if I had known how this novel was going to unfold, I'd probably have skipped it.
But now it's back to Dominion, which I hope gives me a shot of excitement!
It's great! I had a hard time putting down the book at any given moment!
Joe Abercrombie is one of my favourite authors. I thoroughly enjoyed the First Law trilogy and The Shattered Sea trilogy when I read them a couple of years ago. And reading A Little Hatred made me feel sorry for not having read the three standalone books set in the same world of the First Law.
This book introduces a whole new cast, but we still hear a lot about characters from the original trilogy and apart form the characters, there's other big new changes happening which affect the world, like the modernisation of the industry, while at the same time big battles are being fought in the north with swords and axes.
I think that All in all this book is setting the scene for what's to come in the following books. It'll get worse, which means it'll get better for us readers.
Following the first book, this one continues with its great story and kept me hooked page after page. Starting the next one! Highly recommended ❤️
All in all I personally really enjoyed it. The beginning of the story is slow, which at some point felt more like setting the scene took too long, but it does get better and darker as the story progresses, even thrilling throughout the second half.
Absolutely great! Loved every page of it. And the main character's class is my favourite class either way, so just kept me hooked on. Highly recommended!
Starting the second one