258 Books
See allКнига (и история) оказалась более длинной и сложной, чем я ожидала.
Поначалу было трудно избавиться от стереотипов, которые окружают книгу и по-настоящему понять что именно я думаю про темы, которые в ней поднимаются.
В итоге, я не могу присоединиться ни к лагерю тех, кто поносит книгу как дешёвую порнографию, ни к противоположному, который считает произведение шедевром.
Да, чувствуется рука мастера, ощущение присутствия в голове Гумберта полное. Но не могу сказать, что мне понравилось там находиться, скорее наоборот. Продираться через некоторые моменты было очень сложно.
Thankfully, this one turned out to be not as heart wrenching as The Giver. But it still had similar difficult questions raised.
Curious to find out how it all works out to be a part of a whole in the end. So far, haven't noticed any evident connection to The Giver.
This one was a bit less intense than book 2, but still far more engaging than book 1, hence 4 stars.
After TEoTW I had serious doubts that I would continue the series, but now I'm positively hooked. I have no idea how I'm going to squeeze SFFBC reads into my WOT binging in the next few months )))
Had to struggle through some parts of the book. Not sure that I'm going to continue reading the series.
2nd read, March 2024.
Upgraded to 4 stars. Listening with actual text in front of me made all the difference. So many things just went over my head the first time.
All the characters that were just a mess for me when I listened the first time appeared very well-rounded and distinctive this time. I was particularly touched by Warden and his story.
The relationship between Gideon and Harrow turns out to be much deeper than I thought. The ending makes sense now and is very sad. I still have some questions about Gideon unanswered and hope to get some information about her in the second book.
2.5 rounded to 3 because of how the book ends. The last few chapters made it not feel like I wasted my time on the book. I shouldn't have felt bored by such a book, but somehow most of the time I did. I muddled through it rather than immersed and enjoyed, like it usually happens.