Location:North Carolina
123 Books
See allIt was cute, fluffy, and generic. Writing was good. Really like Noah. Love the banter but by the end I couldn't wait for it to end.
I read this probably last year of high school and I remember loving it. I don't know if I read it again I would have the same opinion but since I don't have my copy anymore It may be awhile before I try again.
I was surprised with how fast I read this book. Ione did a great job creating and building the world. Well written. The characters had great depth and complexity. The reader gets more of a feel of the “evil” side and I think I would like to learn more about the “good” side. The story was fast paced but not lacking deepness. The plot wasn't lost with the sex scene. I was (pleasantly) surprised and loved how the sex scenes help build the background and personality of the characters. So what bothered me? Every other word had to do with how hot someone looked or every character thinking about sex all the time. But for sexy fluff it was a good read.
Meh. Just like a movie it took forever to end and the narrative was flat. The dark sense of humor was good.