Interesting topic, but the writing isn't always clear and it feels more like a book written for fellow analysts than for the general public. It's challenging for those who don't have a good knowledge of basic psychoanalytic concepts and terms.

July 26, 2023

Libro pieno di personaggi orribili dal punto di vista umano, ma scritti così bene da non riuscire a staccarsene.


Interessante, uno spaccato su un mondo particolare e spesso incomprensibile. Essendo una storia ambientata nella prima metà del 900 non lo consiglierei per chi desidera informarsi sulla malavita attuale, ma come storia personale e cronaca storica è molto interessante.

July 26, 2023
March 14, 2023

A heartfelt, gut wrenching account of the life of a Palestinian Family going through the tragedies of history. The characters are all well fleshed out, for a read that is incredibly human. 

January 1, 2017
March 1, 2021
April 10, 2024

Not bad, the first two books are especially entertaining, but the overt religious message spoils the latest ones

August 10, 2023

As always, the prose is beautiful and it perfectly evokes an atmosphere of nostalgia and melancholy. 

September 10, 2022