Colonial Trauma: A Study of the Psychic and Political Consequences of Colonial Oppression in Algeria
Interesting topic, but the writing isn't always clear and it feels more like a book written for fellow analysts than for the general public. It's challenging for those who don't have a good knowledge of basic psychoanalytic concepts and terms.
Libro pieno di personaggi orribili dal punto di vista umano, ma scritti così bene da non riuscire a staccarsene.
Interessante, uno spaccato su un mondo particolare e spesso incomprensibile. Essendo una storia ambientata nella prima metà del 900 non lo consiglierei per chi desidera informarsi sulla malavita attuale, ma come storia personale e cronaca storica è molto interessante.
The plot is well crafted, so are the characters and their interactions, and this is an overall easy, entertaining read.
I don't know how faithful the translation is to the original novel, so I cannot give a fair assessment on the writing, beside the fact that it's pretty average and does it's job.
The translation unfortunately doesn't do this book any favours. It's rife with modern day anglicisms that really break immersion in a novel set in a fantasy version of ancient China; when the characters use less formal registers they sound like American teenagers, and overall there are sudden, inexplicable tone shifts with archaic words used next to slang words. The result is at times very jarring. I would have to learn Chinese and read the original to fully appreciate this book.
4 stars for the plot and characters; 2 for the translation, rounded up the final score to 3.5 because of the story potential.
A heartfelt, gut wrenching account of the life of a Palestinian Family going through the tragedies of history. The characters are all well fleshed out, for a read that is incredibly human.
I was debating whether to give this book a 4 or 5 star rating for a while, but ultimately I found it quite informative, well researched and well written. Reni Eddo-Lodge makes her point with clarity and eloquence, without indulging in pointless semantic exercises, which makes this an engaging read.
As a white person willing to learn more about systemic racism and white privilege, I found this book useful to understand the perspective of black people, and see how things I usually consider normal are, in fact, damaging and problematic, and should be addressed.
Some good points, some bad points, sometimes I feel she's not very precise in her arguments (ex: people being accused of a crime and people being convicted of a crime are two different things, lumping them together to advance one's cause isn't peak intellectual honesty), and the fact that if you want to review any citation you need to go on a webpage isn't the easiest way to use this book for academic purposes.
Not bad, the first two books are especially entertaining, but the overt religious message spoils the latest ones
It seems everyone either adores this book or loathes it. I might be one of the few who's firmly in between. I wouldn't call this book a masterpiece, it has some glaring flaws in its execution that unfortunately do bring down the overall quality, but I still found it an engaging read that at least attempts to give the readers something to think about.
Things I liked:
Things I didn't like:
As always, the prose is beautiful and it perfectly evokes an atmosphere of nostalgia and melancholy.