I wasn't sure about reading this book because I really disliked Javier but I am so glad I read it. I even loved this book much more than the first book in The Artists Trilogy, it just seemed deeper and more emotional to me.
If I wasn't sure about Karina Halle before, I absolutely love her as an author now. Not only is she very good at getting across emotion, which we saw through Ellie's mind, she is also good at action scenes and you feel like you're in the scene with the characters as the scene is unfolding.
Also, why is this book recommended to be read after the first book in The Artists Trilogy? I would have probably enjoyed it more if I had read it before the first book. I mean, there is some history mentioned about Ellie and Javier in the first one but we don't really know in more detail what happened between them. This would have just given us some more background information, and we would have had an easier time understanding why Ellie was so reluctant to love again after him and planned on conning Camden in the beginning. I am never listening to those “recommendations” again.
In addition, I loved how messed up their relationship was. It was so intense, heartfelt and didn't feel forced whatsoever. I mean, I still don't like Javier but at least I understand more of why he did what he did. And I don't think that Ellie's relationship with Camden was as intense but there are still two more books in the series so I guess we'll see what happens. At this point I am leaning slightly towards Javier as who I like more for Ellie.
I actually read this book like 5 days ago but since I'm a working woman now, I wasn't able to write a review until now. Safe to say, this book blew the previous one out of the water and I think anyone who likes intense relationships with plenty of smut will enjoy this book immensely and should give it a chance. I am definitely reading the rest of the books in the series soon because now I'm curious to know what happens to Ellie and if she ever finds her one true love.
Oh yeah, and the writing- flawless. Easy to read and hard to put down, even though it was on the shorter side in terms of length. Still, it was full of feeling and I got deeply invested in the story. In one word- it was a terrific book!
Yes! What a way to start the new year! At the end of December, with the holidays and everything, I was starting to find myself in a reading slump and just feeling out of it about everything, so I picked up this book because I needed something cozy and entertaining and just comforting to me. I discovered the Andy Carpenter series after I got it in a subscription box a little over a month ago and fell in love with it. It wasn't overly long but as far as courtroom thrillers are concerned, it's by far my favorite and the first book in the series did not disappoint. I will be buying and reading the rest of the books in this series because it's consistently good and I count on it to remain that way. Bravo!
The first book, Open and Shut in the Andy Carpenter series, is about Andy Carpenter, a lawyer, who takes on a case that's already been judged in court once before and it is seemingly a very open and shut case on the surface. As more things come to light, Andy realizes that this case is not as open and shut as it seems. I freaking loved the plot! David Rosenfelt obviously has found the secret formula to make fantastic courtroom thrillers and there wasn't a moment in which I found the plot boring in anyway. Things moved along perfectly and things were revealed a little at a time, just how I prefer it. I enjoy working towards the answers because when the ending is done right and it delivers, all that work was more than worth it and in this case I can say that it was more than worth it! I also loved how the most important things were concluded very well and yet the book left some other things unanswered, which makes the perfect leeway into the next books and the continuation of the stories to come, which I can't wait to read!
Secondly, the characterization is top notch, as it was in the last book I read in this series. Andy Carpenter is my spirit animal and it is a joy to see into his mind and I found myself laughing out loud many times throughout this book. He has so much charisma, wit and sarcasm that it really makes me wish I had an Andy Carpenter in my own life to keep me entertained. The other characters are great as well and even the minor ones are revealed to us in some way, even if in passing whilst reading what Andy is thinking and concluding in his own mind. I just love all of them, I can't get enough!
Finally, the writing is precise and to the point, which is my favorite because it gets the story across with the most impact, at least in my opinion. The writing style definitely fits with Andy Carpenter's personality because it is clever and simple, without taking itself too seriously all the time. The pages went by in a blur and in the future I will definitely be checking out all of David Rosenfelt's other works because the way he writes is just a joy to read.
In conclusion, I got exactly what I was hoping for with Rosenfelt's first Andy Carpenter book and I was not disappointed, not even a little bit. It was fast paced, clever and an absolute joy to read and begin my year off with a bang! I would recommend this to anyone who loves a good courtroom thriller and wants a hero who stands out and is perfectly imperfect in all his sarcastic wit and glory. I couldn't recommend these series enough, a must read!
Yay, my first honest book review for a book I got of NetGalley (nifty little site). This book is what I would call a “hot mess”. I haven't given such a low rating to a book before but I have to be honest here, never before have I had such a problem getting through a book. And this book wasn't even that long. It just dragged, because the plot moved at a very slow pace and did not leave me on the edge of my seat.
And did the synopsis say this book is a thriller? I'm wondering what they based that assumption on. In my opinion, this book has no characteristics of a thriller. For one, there was nothing very huge or surprising that happened anywhere in this book. I think the most surprising thing that happened was Adelia snooping in Miles' office but even when he caught her, nothing really happened whatsoever. Perhaps if the writing was more in the moment, we would have felt in the midst of everything but the writing was distant and confusing at times. And what was the first chapter for? I don't understand the significance of it because it seemed completely useless to the whole book.
The writing surely didn't flow at all and for this reason I was fully aware exactly what page of the book I was on and how much of it was still left. And Adelia, don't even get me started with her. Never has a main character annoyed me more. Who in their right mind would marry someone in about a week? I get the whole in love thing, I really do and I have personal experience with that but come on. Really? I rolled my eyes like 50 times during the whole book.
And apart from Adelia, Miles was just as annoying if not more. Was it just me or did the characters seem extremely two-dimensional? I mean, there weren't any quirks about either of them and they just seemed so flat and not memorable in any way.
I think this is the first book that I've ever read that I had such a big problem getting through. I've just been having so much luck with all my books previously and this was a huge letdown, especially because the cover of the book was pretty and I really wanted to like this book.
And then we move on to the plot, which in my opinion left a lot to be desired. I mean, most of the book is Adelia and Miles having smutty sex. And don't get me wrong, I love smut but in this book it just seemed pointless and very redundant. Plus, the variety of words used during the smut was very limited and didn't take my breath away in any way. I think the point where I started liking the book more than previously was when Miles forced Adelia to leave his farm and to go back to her own place. At least at this point things got a little more interesting than they were before and not so “happy, happy” and fairytale like. I wish Ami would have wrote that event sooner into the book because it would have saved the book for me by far.
With that being said, this book is probably the worst that I have read this year and many years previously as well. The plot could have used some work, the writing didn't flow smoothly and I just wasn't feeling it at all. Safe to say, I will not be picking up the next book in this series nor will I recommend this book to anyone. I hope my next book will be much more satisfying and more quality as well.
(ARC provided via NetGalley for an honest review.)
I can describe this book in in one word: cute. No, it wasn't one of those books that will leave an everlasting impression on me for the rest of my life but it was pleasurable to read just the same. Plus, the fact that it takes place in a very wintery part of the world goes along with the Christmas mood and it's a fitting book to read for this time of the year.
To begin with, the writing was good and flowed smoothly in addition to very well structured sentences and a wide array of vocabulary. Short books are already way too short, there's nothing that ruins them more than spelling or grammar mistakes so kudos to the author on that note.
On a less positive note, when I first began reading this book, I had a hard time feeling the chemistry between Melanie and Joe just because it seemed a little forced to me. However, after I got a little bit more into the book I warmed up to them and their chemistry seemed to flow a little more naturally. I guess this is also partially why I didn't finish this book in one day. Well, that along with my never ending search for a decent job- which I found by the way, FINALLY!
Moving on, the plot as well fell just a bit short for my liking. Maybe it's the fact that I have read some books with very exciting and jumping-off-the-edge-of-the-cliff kind of plots lately but it just wasn't enough excitement for me. Don't get me wrong, it was still far from what I would consider boring, I just wish it would have been a little more adventurous is all.
With that being said, I loved how deep Masters ventured into the minds of the two main characters. Not only were the chapters being written from their personal perspectives very fun and amusing to follow but they also added a very personal touch. I loved that, just for that I would be willing to read more of the author's works. Although with my new job, I will have far less time to read. Oh well.
Also, I should point out that I didn't check the genre of this book before I requested it and just thought that it would be a romance novel with some smut in it. Unfortunately, it had no smut in it whatsoever. Although that didn't take away from my experience of the book, I have to make a mental note to myself that I have officially turned into a horny, sex-craving reader who loves those kinky sex scenes. Yep, how interesting. I almost wish there were some because I would have liked to see that private moment between Melanie and Joe, whom I grew to adore by the end of the book. I guess anything to make the short book just a little bit longer. Although, her film crew really annoyed me- I wouldn't have minded less of them.
All in all, this is a very cute romance story that was just way too short and I felt like it ended just as we were getting to the good part. Also an epilogue would have added a little something to the book as well. I recommend this to anyone wanting a quick romance read that will undoubtedly leave them wanting more without a continuation waiting for them in the future.
The author, Emily Schmidt, was kind enough to provide a free electronic arc copy of her novel to me in exchange for an honest review. I like to read things outside of my comfort zone from time to time and this fell in that arena for me. I am not a huge reader of historical fiction but I do enjoy it from time to time, especially when it is done well. Also, being a first generation immigrant from Russia myself, the story had a special connection for me and I was excited to get a chance to read about the Galvin sisters and their individual experiences coming to this country.
The story centers on five Galvin sisters, as they leave their beloved Ireland and try to make lives for themselves in America. I initially liked the book for being on the short side because I thought it would be a quick read but as I finished it, I craved for more. That definitely goes to show how much I definitely enjoyed this book and will be reading future works by this author. The plot itself is a dear one to me and I relate immensely to it, so I loved every second of it. Also, the photographs in the middle of the book of the family and the Galvin sisters themselves added a special touch and made them even more real in my mind. I loved putting faces to the girls in the book.
Further on, the characterization was great. Even though I wanted the book to be longer so I could get to know the individual Galvin sisters even more, we were given an overall good look into who they are, especially for how long the book was. I really hope there will be more books about the Galvin sisters in the future because I would read them all.
Thirdly, the writing style was good, in my opinion. It was a little more sophisticated than I am used to and the Irish terminology and way of conversation took a little getting used to but once I got used to it, the book went by in a blur. It is really inspiring that the author was able to write such a heartfelt and well thought-out book and I was able to feel genuine love for these sisters and was rooting for them all the way through.
All in all, this book was a fantastic historical fiction novel, albeit a little too short for me. I would recommend it to lovers of historical fiction and even those who don't usually read it because it definitely moved me and I can't wait to see more. Bravo!
(ARC provided via NetGalley for an honest review.)
I give this book a standing ovation, I really do. After the last two books I read from NetGalley turned out to be huge disappointments I was really starting to lose my faith in the site but now this book has redeemed it. I am once again a believer and I will continue to use NetGalley, perhaps I will just be a bit pickier when choosing what books to request.
Now let me tell you why this book was phenomenal. In one word- EVERYTHING. That's right. I loved everything about this book. The only thing I am sad and disappointed about with this book is that it's a stand alone and I won't be able to read about Noah's and Kathryn's relationship further. Damn it. Oh well.
To begin with, this is the first romance/erotic novel I've read with realistic dialogue! Yes, finally! The conversations between the characters were believable and I didn't roll my eyes like I have done so often during previous books. Yes, the book is about love and two people falling in love with each other but the author didn't overdo it with the cheesiness and I am forever grateful. There was just enough love in the dialogue between them but not overly so where it was dripping with it.
Also, there are a lot of sex scenes in this book but I enjoyed every last one of them. I loved that they varied from intensity to position...etc. Finally, an author using their kinky creativity. It seems the more I read well written smut, the more I become a sex vixen myself and my boyfriend can definitely appreciate it. Thank you, Cathryn Fox!
And the characters? So much depth to each one of them and I think this is the first time I found myself crying over a book in a long time. Perhaps it had something to do with the down-to-earth plot that still managed to have some adventure in it and didn't disappoint. I could relate to both characters and I loved that they all had their own demons to deal with because let's face it- we are all human beings and are fighting our own battles within ourselves. I loved that we were given background info on why the characters were the way that they were because it added complexity and dynamic to them.
And I loved the changing perspectives. It gave a further insight into the depths of the characters and their inner mind processes and the like. Never did I think that a romance novel could move me like this, especially since it was pretty short and a stand alone. I really wish the author would make a second book to this one, a continuation. Damn it, I want more.
The writing too, was very well orchestrated and I was able to easily follow it without getting bored from it being overly basic.
All in all, this was a terrific book and I will be reading more of Fox's books in the near future, you can bet on that. Also, if my review hasn't convinced you to read this book yet perhaps I should mention that it's super late here, in Chicago, and although I am extremely tired and should probably go get some rest, I had to go downstairs to use our business center's computer and internet because I had to share my positive feelings about this amazing book. My mom took away our internet at the house so now I have to venture outside the apartment and downstairs in order to get it. So yeah, this is the profound affect this book had on me. I recommend this to everyone who doesn't mind smut and wants a heartfelt story that will move them. Loved it, absolutely blew me away.
Wow! Considering the fact that I put this book on my Amazon wishlist on a whim, I am still in awe and trying to process the fact that this book is as good as it is. It blew me away in every sense of the word and I had a really hard time putting it down, which means I would have probably finished it in one sitting if that was at all possible with my schedule. I loved every single thing about this book, from the complex and intricate characters that also have dark pasts, to the plot that kept taking turn after turn and kept me on the edge of my seat, holding my breath the entire time! All I can say is- WOW!
To begin with, Cross Her Heart is the first book in the Bree Taggert series and it follows a homicide detective, Bree, as she is called back to her hometown to investigate the sudden death of her sister, Erin. As far as plots go, this one isn't the most unique but the execution is one of the best I have ever seen in a book. It's a pretty overdone premise and yet in this book it feels so unique, so different because there are so many twists and turns that I never saw coming. It's one of those books where you start to suspect everybody and start doubting yourself after every chapter and I honestly love that, it makes the reveal all that much more exciting in my opinion. There wasn't a moment in this book where I was bored either, the pacing was on point and I appreciated the short chapters, where something exciting happened in almost every single one. Definitely not a dull moment in this book.
Further on, the characterization in this novel is top notch, at least in my opinion. I loved how read the characters felt, how they practically jumped off the page at me. They all had their own intricate and complicated pasts and those pasts really affected them in the present day and made them who they are, which is the same in real life, with real people. They also had their own complex personalities and were on their own life journeys. There were both minuses and pluses to each character and I've never been able to relate more to every single one. Bree Taggert is definitely one of my all time favorite heroines and I can't wait to read all the other books in the series and get blown away.
In conclusion, if you are looking to start a new detective/murder series look no further. I haven't heard or seen many people talk about this book and that needs to change because it was terrific. It even elicited such strong emotions from me that I actually cried whilst reading it, which never happens to me. After I finished this book, I felt like I had to say goodbye to good friends. Once I realized this was a series, I was ecstatic because it made me realize that I don't have to say goodbye quite yet. Please read this book, you won't regret it! One of my all-time favorites!
I have been meaning to read a Megan Goldin book for a while, especially because I have two, and I am really glad I finally got to this one! It was definitely exactly what I needed after last month's reading slump, where it took me over ten days to read Lie To Me. I chose this book off my shelf because I was hoping it would be fast paced and exciting and it delivered on both of those premises. The only thing I had a problem with was the ending, it just wrapped everything up way too fast and felt a little unbelievable, especially because the whole book prior felt somewhat plausible. Overall, I had a really good time with this and will be reading Megan Goldin's other books soon.
To begin with, The Escape Room is about these four workers, who work in one of the most prestigious finance firms on Wall Street. They get called to do an escape room challenge in order to bond more as co-workers and soon realize that the elevator they all got on is indeed the escape room. But who is behind this cryptic activity and what can possibly transpire in such tight confines? I thought that this plot was unique enough. The only other book I read that was similar to this one in terms of plot was The Firm and I didn't like that one much. I thought the pacing was a lot better in this one and I was hooked from the very first page. I liked how it went between the four co-workers being stuck in the elevator in the present day and then an ex-coworker's perspective of how she ended up where she did, I thought that was really well done. However, the ending felt completely rushed and whereas the pacing was on point up until the end, the conclusion completely flew off the handle and gave me a bit of a whiplash. I just thought that it was somewhat unbelievable and I felt really unsatisfied, especially because there weren't any huge revelations, only maybe one.
Further on, the characterization definitely stands out to me in this novel. Everyone who works in this firm is messed-up, to the very core- complicated and I was here for it. I loved just how despicable these people were and how far they were willing to go to ultimately get what they wanted. I feel like many authors shy away from really going there and committing but not in this case. For this reason alone, I will be checking out the other novels by this author and I can't wait. I felt like I got a look into their souls and there's not much more than I can ask for in that aspect.
Finally, the writing was my favorite kind. The thing I look for most in my writing style, when I am reading my favorite thrillers, is that the writing flow and it definitely did in this book. I raced through this book because the pages basically flipped themselves and I found myself not being able to put the book down. Also, the chapters were really short and that also helped tremendously in keeping my attention and interest as I rushed to get to the ending and the conclusion of this creative plot.
In conclusion, even though this book isn't a favorite thriller of all time for me, it did pull me out of my reading slump and I couldn't put it down. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a really fast-paced thriller, where you don't really find out what's going on until the very end. It gave me the same vibe as No Exit did, although in this case you don't find out who the bad guy is early on in the book, which was my issue with No Exit. If you're looking for an exciting read, I'd say give this one a try!
(ARC provided via NetGalley for an honest review.)
I picked up this book not sure what to expect and I think overall the book was okay. It didn't blow me away in any way but it was somewhat enjoyable for me to read this book.
First of, the story was rather short and there wasn't enough drama in it, in my opinion. It lacked the “wow” factor for me. The grammar and the writing was pretty good and it flowed smoothly. However, it didn't manage to save the mediocre plot.
Further, if anyone has read some of my previous reviews, they would know that I love twisted, messed up and moments that make me go “What the fuck?”. Safe to say there were no such moments like these during this book. I will have to make a note to myself that I like romance, I really do, but I prefer there to be some kind of adventure or interesting stuff that happens and is tied into it. I like a balance but this book was entirely romance and that was a negative point for me.
In addition, the characters were not completely two-dimensional but they didn't jump of the page either. Although we were given a good look into the minds of both major characters, it just came across as tedious and redundant at some points all due to the fact that the plot was lacking in everything but romance. I myself am a hopeless romantic and I love romance but this book was a bit too much, even for me. It might have also had to do with the fact that some of the dialogue was rather cheesy and unbelievable and Tristan's and Mandy's relationship was just way too flawless for majority of the book, except for the moments when they weren't together which lasted for almost no time at all.
Also, call me a pessimist but do men really change? It seems like the plot was just too good to be true and it was a bit “fairy-tale like” (especially the ending). And the ending? It was just way too neatly resolved and all the ends were tied and it didn't make me ponder anything further, after I've already finished the book. I like books that make me think further and challenge my mind beyond but this book did nothing of that sort.
I also have to add that some of the grammar was just overly simplistic and it almost made me think that I could write a book like this, with my limited amount of vocabulary and my rather low amount of books that I've read. And don't get me started on the smut. I appreciate the writer being straightforward and calling things by their right names but I couldn't help but feel that it was just way too redundant and the variety of words used was very limited. This made for sex scenes that were not memorable and become boring/redundant after a while, considering the fact that there were a lot of them all throughout the book. I think it's a first for me in the sense that I was able to stop reading the book in the middle of a sex scene, usually I can't put it down at moments like these and they get me all hot and bothered.
All in all, this book was a let down although I didn't expect much from it anyways. The only people I would recommend this to would be people who want a very quick and easy read and don't mind cheesy either. Is this book really worthwhile? Not at all.
And Fitzpatrick delivers another extraordinary story, to be read after you read the first novel in the Hush, Hush series. After loving the first book, my expectations for the second were pretty high and she didn't disappoint. I love that her books are filled with both action and romance, even adventure. There's a little for everyone and for this reason all different kind of people would enjoy this book.
While the first book focused on Nora and her budding, yet slightly messed up relationship with Patch, the second one introduced a few more important characters. Although none of them captured my attention quite like Patch, they definitely added more tensions and conflicts to the story, another layer if you will.
After the first book, Nora and Patch's happily-ever-after is short lived because Patch starts acting really cold and withdrawn towards Nora. My heart ached because of that and even though I realized quickly that he was doing it because he loved her, it still did bad things to my emotions. Nora, on the other hand, I was able to relate to her and I felt her hopelessness and uncertainty as she struggled to understand and make sense of someone she loves pushing her out of his life. I've been in a situation like that before but gladly, for Nora, Patch was doing it out of his undying and unwavering love for her so it made me a little calmer.
But Scott, well “Scotty-the-hottie” I had mixed feelings about. Although I did like that she managed to tie him permanently into the story, even with everything else going on, because even though he did kind of become like a third wheel, I can see how she would draw herself closer to Scott as Patch pulled himself away from her. She would have been confused and upset, hell I've been there, I know how it is. Sometimes, you can't help but hope that you'll be able to find comfort someplace else, even when your insides are aching and you want nothing but to crawl into a hole and die.
And then there's Marcie. Yes, that shit with her is twisted. I loved how Marcie provided another obstacle for Nora, it was nice that we weren't only overwhelmed with Nora's problems with Patch breaking her heart and what not.
And it definitely made me happy that even when Patch said he'd stay away from her, he couldn't really follow through and he ended up appearing everywhere in the book where she was, regardless. I loved that he didn't disappear from her life because, as a reader, it would have been very hard to take.
I think Fitzpatrick's greatest strength as a writer comes from her skill of characterization. All of the characters were individuals and they all had their own little quirks and “hooks” that made them unforgettable. I can still recount Patch as the mysterious, edgy one, while Scott was the least confident one, who drank his sorrows. There are more of course, but I will only mention those for now. The characters were all just extremely memorable.
All in all, I loved this installment in the series and it made me want to keep reading the next one, without taking a break with another book. I hope Fitzpatrick writes many more books in the future, I'd like to read more of her stories.
It took me a long time to jump on the Shalini Boland train but I totally understand the hype now! My dear friend Niki, from bookstagram recommended her to me and mentioned that her books are addicting and quick because they are short and very quick paced. I totally agree with that sentiment. Not only did I get through the book quicker than most other books lately, but I stayed up until four in the morning finishing it last night. I am grateful to my friend for recommending this new to me author and I can't wait to dive into her extensive backlist, considering I already have a few on my shelves waiting for me to get to them.
To begin with, The Silent Sister is about a woman named Lizzy, who starts getting creepy letters addressed to her and as the letters get progressively more threatening and she is put in danger multiple times, she has to figure out what is going on before she completely lets fear overtake her life. I thought the premise of this book wasn't the most unique one but it was done very well. The book moved at a very swift pace and considering this book was on the shorter side, it was done to perfection. There was not a moment in this book when I was bored and the short chapters made it completely impossible to put down. The only reason I rated it four stars, was because I felt the book shied away from completely going to that dark place that I enjoy in my thrillers so much. That's not to say that it wasn't dark, it just wasn't quite as dark as I wanted it to be.
Further on, the characterization in this book was great. We got to know the main characters well, however, what I enjoyed the most was the sister relationship and complex dynamic between Lizzy and Emma. There were just so many layers to their relationship, which is how family relationships are in real life as well. I loved figuring out little by little what really happened to their friendship and why things took a turn for the worst. I thought the individual characterization could have been a little better but since the book was so short I thought she did beautifully with the space that she had.
Finally, the writing style was superb. This is my favorite kind of writing, concise and to the point because it makes it impossible for me to stop reading. When the writing is too elongated and beautiful, I often find myself getting lost and not quite understanding what is going on at the moment in the book. This book is what I would call a popcorn read, quick and easy to get through with twists and turns that will make your jaw drop.
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to any thriller lover who lives for the fast paced thrillers. I usually don't read thrillers that are this short but I will be picking up the rest of Boland's books, especially if I am in a reading slump because I have no doubt they would pull you right out of that. I wouldn't say that this is a masterpiece or the most creative thriller but it definitely managed to take my breath away and keep me on the edge of my seat.
(ARC provided via NetGalley for an honest review.)
And now I'm a believer. If I wasn't sure about NetGalley before, I am now. I wasn't quite sure about this book when it started, before we got to the kinky parts but that didn't take too long and then it was just smooth sailing from there.
First of, I just have to say that this book was wonderfully orchestrated. It was my first Sub/Dom novel and it didn't disappoint. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I was more than pleasantly surprised, that's for sure.
I am so glad that I ventured out of my comfort zone and gave this book a chance. The grammar and writing of this book were a little more complicated than I am used to but I like a challenge. I would say it's intermediate level in terms of that and the writing is wonderful.
And India Burke, what an interesting heroine. I don't think I've read a book with a heroine who was as sharp-tongued and bitchy as she was, except maybe Scarlett O'Hara but I read that a long time ago. I loved that she had a mind of her own and reminded me of myself in some parts. What I especially loved is that she stayed true to herself all throughout the book and didn't make any decisions that made me question her character. No, she is definitely a character who's not very comfortable with change or intimacy and it shows in her actions and decisions. And I absolutely loved that, she made the book that much more interesting.
However, India Burke wasn't just your average bitch either, no. She was a bitch in real life who likes to escape into a world of submission on her “lost weekends” and this made her so damn human to me. I mean, how many of us feel the need to escape from our real lives from time to time? To get lost in something and not to have to think about what's going on in our lives right now? For me, it has become reading but there are many other ways that people escape too. Also, we had a really good explanation of her background and why she likes to escape in this manner and why she is the way that she is. Having been a psychology major in school, it's very important for me that books have that foundation. Otherwise it just doesn't draw me in as much.
The only thing I didn't like was the part where she was working because for some reason this part was kind of confusing to me and the writing didn't flow as well as in the kinky/love parts of the book. Maybe it's because I know nothing about the type of work she does and the housing guidelines and what not, especially because there were a lot of those nuances in there and they went right over my head. Fortunately, they were only a small part of the book and I still read over them, trying to understand as well as I could. This shouldn't upset anyone though, because this book is eighty percent romantic/erotic and those parts are amazing.
Sex scenes? Ummmm, absolutely out-of-the-box, imaginative and they blew my mind. I mean, I haven't read any dom/sub books in the past but I'm certain the sex scenes are really good even by the highest standards. And there was a good mix of the sub/dom sex scenes and then the India/Crispin ones as well, which was a very unique twist for me and they both made me hot and bothered. Vocabulary did not lack here either, because it was written in a sophisticated manner but that didn't prevent it from being sizzling and super hot.
And did I mention how we got to venture into India's mind? I loved the first point-of-view and this book masterfully gave us a deep look into the mind of India Burke. I mean, it was almost as though we could see into her soul which I haven't found with any other book before this one. In terms of characters I just wish that we got more background info on Crispin, although who knows, maybe there will be in the next book of the series.
Which brings me to the cliffhanger at the end. Like, what the fuck? I thought this book was a stand-alone. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am glad there's another book and it's needed to tie everything together but I just wanted them to get their happily-ever-after already. That's all. And now I have to wait to know what happens? Ahh. I can't help but be frustrated.
The only other thing that I didn't care for was the name of the book, Personal Geography? I don't get it, I think it wouldn't draw as many people to read this book because the name doesn't do the book justice and isn't a good indicator of what this book is about. I was not a big fan of this but I'm glad I gave the book a shot because I was not disappointed.
All in all, I recommend this book to anyone who wants a unique story with twists that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Also, the plot is mesmerizing and people who enjoy smut will love this book. It has a lot to offer.
And just like that, I have found another favorite author! This book was so different from anything I've read before and it was definitely my first ever “smart-house thriller”. I have also understood that I will be reading more in this trope soon, because I absolutely loved it. There were so many twists and turns and even after I thought the twists and turns were all revealed and everything was finished, I was mistaken because then the biggest reveal of all came. I wasn't sure what I was going to give this book but the ending especially blew me away and I couldn't stop reading late into the night for the life of me. I will be reading this author's backlist and pre-ordering all his future works as well.
To begin with, The Girl Before is about this minimalist-style house that is only rented to tenants the architect approves before hand. The girl, Jane, moves into the unique building and starts discovering terrifying things about the place and what happened to the previous girl who lived here, Emma. I thought this was a very unique premise and I loved how it was delivered. The ending was extremely fast paced and exhilarating but there wasn't a moment when I found myself bored either, because things were revealed constantly, even minor things. Most chapters ended on a cliffhanger and I loved that, especially considering the chapters were rather short and went between the previous tenant, Emma, and what was happening in the present day with Jane now living there instead. The plot had so many different layers and I really enjoyed pealing them one by one, absolutely extraordinary.
Secondly, the characterization was amazing as well. We really got to see into the psyches of these two characters, Emma in the past, and Jane in the present. We really delved deep into their minds and got to know exactly what happened inside that unique structure and what caused them to end up in that exact moment. They were flawed and complicated and even though I felt like I understood them, somewhat, ultimately what they did surprised me because oftentimes people are too complicated to be easily predictable. That made the story even more believable and absolutely memorable to me.
Finally, the writing was great. There were times when I would have wished more dialogue was used instead of us just being given a description of who said what and what the other person answered but ultimately I had no problem getting used to that style and it was almost a breath of fresh air and definitely something different and exciting. I am all for venturing out and trying new things and I am glad I gave this book a chance and have discovered a hidden gem of an author in the process. Can't wait to read more of his work!
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to everyone who loves thrillers, especially the unconventional ones that don't follow a specific formula but play to the beat of their own drum. This was by far one of the most unique thrillers I have read so far and I have no doubt it will stand out in my mind for a long time to come. I applaud an author trying something different, a new approach to a very standard concept, something that's been around for a long time.
Believe me when I tell you- this is probably the best book I have read all year! J.A Redmerski delivers another mesmerizing book in the incredibly exciting series, In the Company of Killers. I was actually a little hesitant to read this book, especially after reading the synopsis because Niklas has never been one of my favorite characters in the book. But I am so glad I did. He needed his own book and it blew me away.
First of, can we take a moment to ponder just how complex Niklas is? I mean, after reading the previous books I just thought he was an asshole, plain and simple. But now he is human to me. I can understand why he is the way that he is. From being forced into a life he didn't choose just because he loved his brother to being betrayed by that same brother, all I can say is ‘wow'. It all makes sense now. And how could you not love his rough exterior, even when that exterior is hiding a heart of gold? So many layers- love it, love it, love it. Redmerski is a master at writing 3- dimensional characters and Niklas definitely didn't disappoint.
Another thing that this book did beautifully was it brought just the right mix of action and romance, even though most of the romance occurred in the midst of all the action. Normally, this is a hit or miss for me but she is a master at this skill. Nothing seems out of place and the story flows effortlessly. Not only that, but it astounds me how she comes up with such a twisty, messed-up plot that I can't stop thinking about days after finishing her books. I honestly hope these series never end because they are my favorite series by far. Hands down.
Also, how unique is it that the chapters consist of different perspectives from all the major characters in the story? Extremely unique and so tastefully done. It adds to the excitement and the anticipation of what's going to happen next. I love that personal touch.
Going back to the complexity of the characters, it is also amazing how they progress and change as the story develops and things they haven't foreseen happen. Now, in book five, all the characters have come a long way and they have changed immensely and in many ways. And it's all a result of what happens to them and how they deal with it or don't. However, at the same time, they are still fundamentally true to themselves and who they are and I don't find myself questioning whether or not a certain character would act like that or not in a particular situation. I love being able to follow their development, especially from inside their head. Bravo, Redmerski! Bravo!
All in all, this book is one of a kind. It is filled with everything from romance and action to sex and horror. And even though it's the fifth book in the series, it's just as good as the previous ones. What a talented writer, I will definitely read all her other books and will be anxiously awaiting the next book in this series. Everybody should read this book because it has something for everyone! You can take my word for it.
As most of you know, if you read my book reviews, I watch a lot of booktube. Well, many booktubers have mentioned My Lovely Wife as a great domestic thriller and since that is my favorite genre, I knew I had to give this book a try. And I am so glad I did because I loved it! It was great from beginning to end and I will be recommending it to everyone from now on.
The story itself is about a married couple who get bored in their mundane lives and decide to find a woman to kill together and what transpires after that. It wasn't like any plot I've ever come across in any thriller so far and I loved it. Downing is also masterful at pulling you into the story and not letting you out until you have finished the whole book. The only reason I didn't give this book five stars is because most of the excitement took place in the end of the book and for majority of it the pacing was a bit slower than I'd prefer and nothing major happened. Don't get me wrong, I still found that part of the book exciting enough to keep reading, it just wasn't as fast paced there as I would have liked. Otherwise, the plot was terrific.
Further on, the characterization was wonderfully done. We really got a great look into all of the characters, even the couple's kids. Anyone with whom the main character had any kind of relationship with was portrayed in some detail to us because we got to see into his mind and what he himself made of the relationship and how he saw this person and so forth. I love seeing the story from the main character's eyes and this book did not disappoint on that front. I will be picking up the other works by Samantha Downing, that is for sure.
Finally, the writing style was my absolute favorite. It was precise and clear and to the point. It got the scene across beautifully and I pictured the story in my mind as I was reading it without any problems whatsoever. I hate fluff in my writing styles and so this was a breath of fresh air. The writing didn't take away from the action packed story, only added something to it by making it even more exhilarating
In conclusion, this book has definitely made it into my list of favorite thrillers. I would recommend it to anyone and it delivered in almost every single aspect, except that part of the book moved a little slower than I would have wanted it to. Otherwise it was a terrific read and another great book I have finally gotten around to reading in 2021!.
The author was kind enough to provide me with a copy of her book in exchange for an honest review. First of, let me tell you I don't read a lot of fantasy so my review is solely my opinion and will likely differ from those who are more comfortable in this genre. I can say that I did get enjoyment out of reading this book, even if it was not really my cup of tea. I loved the premise of the plot but felt that the actual plot itself wasn't executed to its highest potential. This book definitely had a lot of potential but ultimately fell short in my eyes.
To begin with, the book is about a girl who's been confined to a glasshouse that she can never leave because of a curse that's been put on her when she was an infant. As Rose gets older and starts to yearn for more freedom and to get out of her confinement, she goes to great lengths and tries to break free against all odds. I loved the idea of the plot but it didn't feel like a fully developed story came from it and I wanted more. I wanted to know more background, more of what happened, just expanding on the plot would have made this story feel a little less rushed and more whole.
Secondly, the characterization is probably the strongest point in this book and yet it still lacks the stuff that transforms the character into a real life person for me. I wanted to see more into their minds and a lot more thoughts behind why they acted the way that they did in the story. The central romance of the story also seemed a little bit forced and sometimes the dialogue was just a bit on the cheesy side. Since the characters could have been developed more fully, the relationship between them didn't quite move me as much as I wanted to be moved and committed to their lifelong happiness together.
Finally, the writing style was precise and to the point and it helped me get through the book even when I was struggling. There was some vivid imagery painted in this book but it wasn't quite enough. I could just imagine what was happening but the very bare minimum at that and my mind had to fill in the blanks myself. Still, the writing style flowed and there was no confusion as to what was happening in the story.
All in all, I believe this book has a lot of potential but many things are missing for me and many aspects aren't as developed as I would want them to. I might read the second book in the series but I am not sure because I didn't feel that invested in the story or the characters. It wasn't a bad read by any means, it just didn't feel like reading a fully developed story.
The second book in the Darkness Rising Trilogy was another home-run for me and I honestly can't say which book I liked more, the first one or this one. Usually, I prefer books with more romance but in this case, I didn't mind the lack of romance for the majority of the book and it blew me away- just like the first book in the series had.
To begin with, the thing I loved most about this book was the amount of action that was in it. For the majority of the book that's all we got- action. And although usually I prefer some romance in there as well, in this book I didn't mind it at all. It seemed fitting to the plot line and the action was done so beautifully that it took my breath away and kept me on the edge of my seat. Also, the end of the book makes up for the lack of romance earlier,so it ends up being worth the wait.
Another thing that I really enjoyed was the progression of Daniel's and Maya's friendship. I honestly didn't think their friendship could get any stronger, but I was wrong. Because of the dire situations and circumstances they have to face, their bond gets even stronger and it was a joy following this progression. Usually, I prefer to read about romantic relationships as opposed to friendly ones but in this case I loved every second of it. It made the lack of romance easier to handle.
Aside from Daniel and Maya's relationship progression, all of the character development was amazing. We finally got a good look into all the characters as intricate human beings, even though the point of view was Maya's. It makes me want to be friends with this wonderful group of people who always have each other's backs.
As I've mentioned before, I didn't really like the lack of romance throughout the majority of the book but the action packed plot and Maya's and Daniel's friendship made up for that. When we finally did get to the romance in the end, it was more intense and I felt it very strongly- it just felt so real.
And yes, there was a cliffhanger at the end. But that didn't really bother me as much in this book. I do want to know what happened next but I am satisfied with where the plot took me in this book. It would have been nice to have some more questions answered but I am content with how the book ended and what was revealed. So, it seems there's really nothing about this book that I dislike.
All in all, I recommend this book to anyone who loves action and adventure. Also, anyone who loves reading about the supernatural will enjoy this book as well. But seriously, read this book- you won't regret it!
After picking up this book solely on a whim because I fell in love with the cover after I saw it as a possible Book of the Month add on, I am glad to say that I liked it and enjoyed it immensely. Of course, there were things about it that I wasn't particularly thrilled about but in general it was a satisfying reading experience and I will be checking out Megan Collins' other books, even though I've never heard about her work before. It's nice how sometimes you stumble upon authors you would have never come across, totally by accident and maybe partial luck.
First of, The Winter Sister is about a woman named Sylvie, who is drawn back to her hometown because her mother is sick with cancer and she is the only one who can take care of her. This is the same place, where sixteen years ago, her sister Persephone was strangled and the murdered never found. I have read storylines like this one before so it wasn't the most unique in regards to that but I think that the writing and the beautifully complicated relationship that the heroine has with her mother is one of the best I have ever come across in a novel. That's what really bumped the story up to four stars for me and kept me reading and engaged. The pacing it also decent but is somewhat brought down by the rather predictable story.
Secondly, the characterization in this book is probably what I loved the most about it. I loved that all of the characters were flawed and human and it definitely made them very relatable, even in some aspects. And as I have mentioned already, the relationship between Sylvie and her mother was portrayed and brought to life beautifully and it gave me chills because there were so many aspects that I could see in my own relationship with my mother. I have always felt that the relationship between mother and daughter is the most complicated one of all and this book masterfully brings the intricacies of such a fragile thing to life. That's really what made me tear through the book and what I found the most meaningful.
Finally, the writing style was on the higher end for me. It was beautiful and yet it wasn't overdone or made to be longer then necessary. It got the story beautifully across and the meaning behind everything and yet it didn't feel tedious reading it, not even for one second. It felt sophisticated without being too complicated for me to grasp fully the first time I read it. I will definitely be checking out the author's other works exactly for this very reason.
In conclusion, even though I didn't love this book, I definitely enjoyed it. It isn't the most exciting thriller mystery I have ever read but there is a strong mother/daughter relationship in it and I thought it carried the whole book pretty much. I would recommend it to someone looking for a meaningful book with meaningful connections between characters and not necessarily to someone looking for an exciting, “on-the-edge-of-your-seat” type of read.
This book was probably one of the first dark romance novels I've ever read and it was a great book to begin with. It had a little bit of everything: action, adventure, romance- well actually, there was a lot of romance. It captured my attention from the start and didn't let it go until the last page, and even then it ended with a bit of a cliff-hanger.
First of all, there were very little spelling and grammar mistakes, so that made me very happy because there's nothing that ruins a book more for me than silly little spelling errors and such. It's definitely not a difficult read but it isn't overly easy either.
I love that right of the bat, we get into the action of it all, I'm not a big fan of having to read chapter after chapter waiting for the plot to get moving. In this book, there was no such thing.
Another huge plus of this book was that we get both Victor's perspective and Sarai's from time to time which switched it up a bit and kept me on my toes. In addition, instead of writing the same event and time frame from two different characters' perspectives, the book keeps moving by continuing from where the last person's perspective ended and by going into the next thing that happens after that.
The dialogue was another thing that Redmerski nailed in this book, especially since it flaws smoothly and is believable for this particular situation after taking everything else into account.
I very much loved the gradual development of Sarai's relationship with Victor and because of this it made it that much more realistic and believable. Neither character was in love with the other from first sight, and instead they end up slowly realizing just how much they both mean to each other. I myself don't believe in love-at-first-sight and this definitely made me want to keep reading, in order to find out just how things progress between them and where things end up in the end. Also, considering Sarai's messed up background- it only made sense that she had some issues in the beginning of their relationship. Psychologically, that kind of damage doesn't go away for a long time and we could see instances of her issues and damaged personas all throughout the book. I'm glad that their relationship isn't a “fairy tale” type because how boring would that be?
Can I just say how happy I was that there are more books in the series? Because that cliffhanger in the end, that really made me go WTF? I definitely can't wait to read the next one and it's actually the next book on my to-read list.
I always thought that books with a lot of smut are rather inappropriate and I wasn't really comfortable reading them until I picked up this book, which was very tastefully written. I can honestly say that this book turned me into a believer of dark, romance novels and also made me realize that smut can be written flawlessly, without being overly vulgar and yet not going into overdrive with the dirty language either. In addition, it didn't stretch any one scene for too long and kept flawing gradually from one scene to the next which in turn made it a downright delight to read.
This book is for anyone who loves a fast-paced, “assassin-rescue-the-heroine-plot” with some smut but not overly too much to overwhelm any readers who aren't really comfortable with the sexual situations.
This book was terrific, from beginning to end. The plot was captivating in all aspects and I will definitely be reading Armstrong's other books. I thought this book was actually going to be too short but it seemed just the right length without being too drawn out.
To begin with, I will mention the only thing I didn't quite love about this book- the style of the writing. I was actually going to give this book four stars instead of five for that matter but because everything else about this book was perfect, I had to go with five. What I particularly didn't like about the writing style was that it was a bit awkward, the wording of the sentences in some places. Once I got used to it, it was fine, but before that I had a hard time understanding who certain things were happening to and whom the author was talking about. Now, this wasn't a hard thing to get used to by any means- after a few chapters I didn't even notice it anymore.
On the other hand, the thing I loved most about this book was the fast-paced and very intriguing plot. It wasn't drawn out and it didn't drag, it moved at the perfect pace. And within that plot, it had something for everyone- from romance to adventure, therefore I believe anyone could enjoy this book. Originally, I would prefer a book with a little more romance then adventure but in this case I really didn't mind because it was the perfect balance and it was executed beautifully all throughout the book.
Another thing that blew me away in this book was the whole idea of skin-walkers. Maybe that's because it's my first book with them ( I haven't read that many books yet) but it definitely left me fascinated about this topic. And they turn into big cats? How fucking awesome is that? Love it, love it, love it.
In addition, the characters were a good representation of real people because they included what the main character, Maya, was feeling and thinking. And because the book was from her perspective, that was good. I got to see somewhat into her head. A very unique aspect of this book in particular, were the flashbacks and I really enjoyed reading those. It gave me a better sense of how things actually happened, instead of just taking her word for it. Also, they showed us what happened in the past and how it led up to what's happening in the present moment. And the relationship between Rafe and Maya was so freaking adorable, I couldn't take it. I can't wait to see what happens between them in the next book. Also, I want a friendship like Daniel and Maya have, okay? Seriously, what a strong bond.
All in all, this book was truly enjoyable and I will be continuing her series shortly. Whether or not I will need to read a different book before continuing, I am not sure. I recommend this read to anyone who enjoys some fantasy but still wants to feel like the world created by the author is possible in real life. Also, fans of both adventure and romance will dig this book as well.
Wow. This book more than exceeded my expectations. I think it's by far the best book I've read this year and one of the best I've ever read in my life. I was actually debating between giving this book four and five stars but the last few chapters really brought it home for me. And this is why.....
Do you ever expect to be disappointed by something only to have that something go above and beyond all your wildest dreams? Well, this is exactly how I felt with this book. Actually, I was almost certain that this book would cement my belief that I am officially growing out of Young Adult novels and that I should start reading more “grown up” books. Well, boy was I wrong. I'm not stopping with this genre anytime soon because no other genre has as much imagination and individuality. It's as simple as that, and this book is a perfect example of that.
To begin with, this book is about angels, and let's be honest this is a subject that has been written about extensively over recent years and I myself have read a bunch of books centering on these magical beings. However, this book is different because it digs deeper into the whole angelic phenomena and introduces the concept of purpose. And right of the bat, you feel like you can relate, at least I did because I often ponder the meaning of life and why each of us was put on this planet in the first place. This book has reached me to the chore and made me question my existence all over again. Not many books have done this.
One thing that I didn't like was that the book started off a little slow for me and it took me a little while to really get into it. However, once everything began happening and we got into the swing of things- I couldn't put it down for the life of me! Talk about ending with a bang! I mean, once I finished this book, I had to take a deep breath because it literally blew me away and made me see things from a different perspective.
The writing was concise and perfectly to the point and yet it was able to describe things perfectly as they were happening and I could see the events unfolding right before my eyes. Nothing was drawn out or lingered on for too long and the chapters moved quickly, even the earlier ones that were a little on the boring side.
Further on, characterization was top-notch. I actually feel like I could be Clara, the main character in the book. Her soul was laid out right before me to dive into and she proved to be a very special heroine. By special, I don't mean because she wasn't entirely human or because of her powers, but because she dared to defy and go against everything that was expected of her. That huge twist at the end.....there really are no words to describe it. This huge plot twist really made the book go from good to phenomenal in a matter of seconds. It was another life changing moment that made me question my own life as a result. Really did not see that one coming, at all. When she had to make a decision between love and duty, she made the choice that stayed true to who she was and for this reason she is one of the greatest heroines of all time. I loved that who she was on the outside didn't change who she was truly on the inside- I applaud her for this.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that this book is unlike anything I have ever read before. Yes, it has a great mix of romance and action in it but that's only a tiny part of what makes it truly special. At the core, is an astounding heroine, who has inspired me and has me in awe of her. No, she is not perfect but she dares to act in a way that is true to who she is. I will definitely be reading the rest of the trilogy and can't wait to begin. All in all, I recommend this book to anyone who wants something different, something that will astound them and make them ponder life's toughest questions.
Wow. Just WOW. I don't know why I've never read a Stephen King novel before because I've really been missing out. I think it's mostly because I thought all of his novels were horror stories, like It and Carrie and that's really not my cup of tea. I am glad that I was wrong because not only have I discovered a new favorite author and book, but I can't wait to read all his other works. Even the super scary and gory ones.
Bag of Bones was so intense, that there were moments when I had to take a break from reading and go outside to smoke a cigarette. If that's not an indication of an amazing book, I don't know what is. For the whole time that I was reading this book, I often found that it was on my mind, even when I wasn't reading it. The story has seeped into my skin and kept me on edge, even in the real world. The reason for this is because it's just realistic enough where you can imagine something like it happening in the real world. After all, I am a believer of ghosts and the paranormal.
Another reason why this book resonated so deeply with me is because I am at a stage in my life where I can relate, especially to Mattie and her love for her daughter, Kyra. My daughter is ten months old and I know for a fact that if I wasn't a mother myself, I would not have been able to understand Mattie's emotions and her deep bond with her daughter. This also made it hard to read at certain times, because the pain and emotions I felt from her hit too close to home.
And what a terrific writer Stephen King is. I was afraid that the book would be too long for me and would drag on and on, but that was not the case. He is a master in storytelling and I don't think I've ever had the chance to see so deeply into a character's soul. Michael Noonan, the main character in the story, was me- we were one. That's how well I got to know him. He was far from just “a bag of bones”, he might as well have been my best friend in the real world.
Also, the writing flowed smoothly and challenged me as well. There was complexity in his sentences and style, and yet it didn't derail me from continuing to read this book. I actually think it added a kind of sophistication that I have never seen in another book before. It challenged me as a reader, something that not many books have done since I graduated from college. I realize now that I have been playing it safe when it comes to choosing what books I want to read on my own free time. Just because a book is a quick read doesn't make it the right book to read for when I want to relax. After this book, I am going to dive into other famous writers' books. I want to read everything, not just the easy/fun stuff.
Further on, I loved the fact that this book had a lot of mysteries going on the entire time but that at the heart of the book was an even different story line all together. I think this kept me even more interested because I never got bored of any one particular thing. Also, it had equal parts action and also what I would call as “personal reflection” from the protagonist of the story. I loved all of Mike Noonan's thought processes as the plot unfolded but I still got a bunch of action and stuff happening as well. It was a perfect balance between the two.
The only thing I have to complain about this book, is that it tied everything in the end perfectly. What's my problem, right? I mean it seems like I have complained time and time again in the past about books leaving us hanging with no idea how things actually ended or if they ended at all. But I guess, in this book, I almost wanted the mystery to continue- to get just enough but not everything. But who am I kidding, if that would have been the case I probably would have complained about not getting all the answers I wanted anyways. There's no winning with me in this situation and that's entirely on me.
All in all, this book was the first serious book I have read in a long time and it was much needed. It has opened my eyes to the possibility of reading more serious works from famous authors. I guess, I have thought in the past that these books would be too much for me but now I realize that's not a bad thing at all. I would recommend this book to everyone, and I know that no matter what I say about it, I would not be able to do this amazing story justice. Just read it and see for yourself.
I loved this whole series from the very beginning. Let's just start of by talking about the gorgeous cover, which illustrates everything that this book is about. It's dark, edgy and mysterious- all of these things are the essence of this book. Yes, I was attracted to this book through the cover but in this case the book's cover and the story are equally as alluring, in every which way.
This book was sexy, without trying to be. Fitzpatrick's writing is prompt and to the point, which makes for an intriguing, fast-paced read.
This first book, in particular, took me by surprise because it wasn't as it appeared to be from the beginning. When we first meet Patch and he seems to be interested in Nora, it seems like the very usual way in which books like these start. But, unlike Twilight, it wasn't just a plain “he-loves-her-she-loves-him-right-of-the-bat” kind of thing, no there was a secret about that which was revealed to us in the end of the first book and it made the whole story so much more intriguing and so much more satisfying when it was finally shown that they indeed did fall in love. It was that much more meaningful this way, when they finally did reveal it.
I also loved how complete of a character Patch was, especially him. All the characters were jumping out of the page at me but Patch did this the most. I think it's because of his quiet nature, mysteriousness and just plain edginess. I also loved that he was so secretive and that the author didn't lay out his whole life to us right off the bat. It made me keep reading, because I wanted to know what demons he had in his closet.
I loved that Patch was also flawed, obviously. He wasn't your typical “handsome gentleman type” who comes in and sweeps the heroine off her feet. No. He was so much more then that, he really made the book come to life for me, especially since he wasn't only edgy but had a sense of humor as well, his own. In a book as dark as this one, it was refreshing to have a few chuckles here and there.
Their dynamic was also great, I loved that even though they had rather opposite personalities, they ended up balancing each other out nicely. In this book opposites really do attract.
Also, the end of the book stumped me, completely. I did not think that the bad guy was indeed the bad guy, I guess I should just get used to always getting it wrong in most cases. Not that I mind, it makes for great exhilaration when I finally come to find out who the bad guy is.
And can we please spend a moment talking about Vee? Honestly, that chick not only made me laugh at her crazy dialogue but she also annoyed me at times too. I liked the fact that she reminded me somewhat of my own best friend, because that girl also annoys me and yet I love her for all her shortcomings and weird quirks.
In addition, the underlying conflict that is the glue that holds these books together was phenomenal. I loved that supernatural part of it, it was just the right amount of fantasy without going overboard and making it completely unbelievable. I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of fantasy but this book still seemed very realistic. It was like bringing a little bit of magic into ordinary, everyday life. It's weird to say, but I think this books trumps Twilight for me. Yes, I still love Twilight and it's one of my faves but this one tops the cake for me. I just wish there was a movie for this already or something, it would be so good.
All in all, this book is for anyone who likes dark romance and a story line that's one of a kind and quite literary out of this world. Becca Fitzpatrick made me a believer and usually I don't like reading all the books in a series, one right after the other, but in this case I couldn't put any of these books down, at least until I was done.
Honestly, I freaking loved this book and the story! This was my first pandemic thriller and I thought that it might be too soon but the story sounded really good and I just couldn't wait to read it. Talk about a rollercoaster ride! About halfway through I was certain I knew who the killer is and all the reveals and what not and it turns out I knew almost absolutely nothing. This book might tempt you to assume about what's coming up and what has really happened and let me give you some advice, fight that temptation. I wasn't sure I was going to like the ending because everything seemed pretty laid out in front of us and already fully revealed and boy was I wrong. The twists and turns kept coming until the very end and I was there for it all.
To begin with, 56 Days is about a couple who meet a few days before lockdown begins due to Covid-19 and they are instantly smitten with each other so they decide to move in together for the duration of lockdown in order to maintain their blossoming relationship. However, a short time after, one person in the relationship is found murdered. What really happened? Man, this plot was twisty and stressful as all else. Having lived through lockdown not too long ago with two little kids, the stress that caused at the time is still pretty fresh in my mind so I had to hold my breath as I was reading this. It definitely brought up a lot of emotions and I wasn't sure I would be able to stomach the time period of this thriller and yet I was completely hooked from the very beginning. There were so many twists and turns and the plot had so many different layers that were revealed all throughout the book that I just couldn't put it down. If it wasn't for my dog tragically dying last weekend, I would have probably finished it in two days. Something very different, that is for sure.
Secondly, the characterization was pretty good and I don't have many complaints about it. The characters were very dynamic and I enjoyed reading about how their relationships to each other developed and changed all throughout the book as well. They were very complex characters with flaws and their own agendas and I was here for it. This book is definitely not afraid to go there, it gets pretty dark and has plenty of trigger warnings that you should look up if you're worried it might affect you in a negative way.
Finally, the writing style is probably the only reason I gave this book four stars and not five. Because let me be completely honest, the writing style is definitely not my favorite. It feels like an endless continuation of run-on sentences and felt very choppy to me as I was reading it. Once I got used to it, it wasn't much of an issue anymore but it never felt smooth and wasn't a joy to read. The plot and the characters made up for that though. Also, the book skips around a lot and it was confusing keeping track of what we were reading about and when at times and we would get the same scene from the two different characters' perspectives and even though at times it helped to understand what actually happened, sometimes it felt rather redundant and the full length of the retelling didn't feel completely necessary.
In conclusion, I would definitely recommend this book to all my fellow thriller lovers who don't mind reading a thriller that takes place during Covid-19, more specifically in lockdown. It will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat and if you're not afraid of the writing being a bit choppy and wordy, it's easy to get past that fact and get fully immersed in the story. Definitely a treat!
I remember jumping at the chance to get this book in my Book of the Month box because I read The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo a long time ago and loved it. Well, I'm not quite sure if my preferences have changed since then or if this book just doesn't hit as hard as Evelyn Hugo did but I came out of this one a bit underwhelmed. I knew that it wasn't a thriller going into it but I have heard beforehand that there's a mystery aspect to it and that's all I needed to know before picking it up. Maybe I should just stop trying to read historical fiction all together, since it does not seem to be the genre for me.
To begin with, Malibu Rising is about the lives and histories of the Riva family. We follow the family from it's beginning to where their lives consequently take them. We also follow Nina Riva and her party guests as she hosts the extravagant yearly party at her huge house. I thought the premise of this book was okay but I am starting to realize that I really don't enjoy reading about fictional characters' histories and lives, especially when it follows a long timeline. I'd rather follow what the character is doing at the present moment, with brief mentions of what they went through in the past. I was more excited to read about what was happening in the present day, at the party, and even then I didn't feel like there was nearly enough there. I usually love dual timelines but not when it's in a historical fiction novel apparently. It's good I finally learned this about myself. Also, the ending was a bit of a let down for me because I was hoping for more to the mystery of who set the house on fire.
Further on, the characterization was okay in this book, in my opinion. I felt that because there were so many characters, especially in the present day, at the party, we only got to see a very small snapshot of most of them and for this reason the characters really didn't grow on me and I didn't feel attachment to any of them. Don't get me wrong, I was still rooting for them and wanted to see where life would take them but it didn't illicit any real emotions out of me. I wish we could have seen more into the soul of the main characters, as opposed to reading very brief chapters about very minor ones. Also, for this reason I don't think this book should have been as long as it was, it would have packed a greater punch with less. In this case, less is more, at least in my opinion.
Finally, the writing style is classic Taylor Jenkins Reid, which is beautiful and flowing without being overly complicated and hard to follow. I love how she is able to make beautiful writing accessible and very easy to understand for everybody. I think that if she would have focused on less amount of characters, we would have really gotten to see into their souls and her writing would have evoked all the feelings and emotions within me that seemed to have been missing for me this time around. The beauty is apparent, there's just not enough of its focus in certain areas.
In conclusion, I thought this book was a good historical fiction novel about the ties of family and escaping your family lineage or what you're more prone to or is expected of you in the family dynamic. I think it would be good for historical fiction fans but I found it to be too much, with not enough depth and focus on the stars of the show. Overall it wasn't a bad book, just not the most memorable.