I have been dreading reading this arc just because I've never read anything by this author before and with good reason because I was greatly disappointed. I was really excited to receive this arc via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review because it was categorized as a mystery thriller and those are my favorite. However, this novel is farther from being a mystery thriller that I can even imagine. The first ninety percent read like a family/romance/drama and the last ten percent had a slight resemblance to a thriller but just barely. I was hoping to find a new favorite thriller novel, but this was definitely not it.
To begin with, The Guilt Trip is about a woman named Rachel and her husband, Jack, who are invited for a weekend to Jack's brother's wedding. However, as things get underway, Rachel starts being suspicious of her brother-in-law's bride and starts to suspect that she may not be exactly who she says she is. The plot was just eh, very mediocre. It wasn't anything too out there and yet I do enjoy the closed location trope, if it's done well but, in this case, it was not executed well in my opinion. The first ninety percent of the book read like a romance drama, and I was frustrated because that's not what I signed up to read. For this reason, it stretched for far too long and what should have been a quick read, became a bit longer one.
Secondly, the characterization was okay, as was everything else in this novel. The characters felt bland and none of them stood out to me and felt even remotely real. I didn't really care what happened to them and only kept reading because I find it my duty to finish a book to its very end and give my brutally honest opinion of it. I wish we would have seen more into the characters' psyches, aside from just the romance aspects that they had to other characters in the story. The uninteresting characters made for a rather difficult time getting through the whole story.
Finally, the writing style was okay, if maybe slightly above average for my tastes and preferences. I like the simple writing style; however, it might have been a bit too oversimplified. I am happy to say that it didn't make the story any harder to read, which is a good thing. However, it also didn't add anything to the story either, which could have helped immensely in making me feel as if I was immersed in the story and actually living it myself.
In conclusion, I would not recommend this book to thriller lovers because it's very hard to call this even somewhat close to what a thriller is. Maybe fans of romance dramas would enjoy it or someone who is looking for a rather easy and very forgettable read but otherwise I wouldn't waste my time. I will check out some of the author's other works in the future because I would like to give her work another chance and would like to find a book of hers that would resonate better with me and be more my taste.
Uhhhhh.......this book. I was so excited when a good friend of mine off Bookstagram gifted it to me because I have been seeing it around and wanted to read it myself. Well, let's just say that I have not had a harder time before getting through a book than I did with this one. After a few chapters in, I understood that the only way that I would be able to finish this book was to buy the audiobook and follow along and that's exactly what I did. Even though the audiobook was pretty well done and it made it more tolerable to get through it, it still didn't get me invested in the story and took everything I had in me not to dnf it.
First of all, The Sanatorium is about a detective who is on leave, Elin, as she takes a trip to see her long estranged brother who has recently gotten engaged to his girlfriend at a sanatorium that has recently been converted into a hotel and at which his new fiancé works. Things start happening and Elin is thrown back into detective mode as lives are taken and secrets come out. The plot sounded so good when I read the synopsis, especially because I enjoy these closed setting “who-dun-its” but it really lacked in the execution for me. All the aspects together really made for an extremely “slow-burn” novel that didn't really excite me, even when things were happening. That's never really happened to me in a novel before, especially with one that I was so excited to read in the first place.
Secondly, the characterization was mediocre. It wasn't anything special. For some reason I could not relate to the main heroine whatsoever, even though I have things in common with her, like suffering from panic attacks and having a lot of anxiety to deal with day to day. She just came across as too weak and I really wanted her to grow and come out of her shell but she didn't really do that, even at the end. All the characters had their own backgrounds and such and usually that would help in getting me to care about them and what happened to them but in this instance it did not penetrate beneath my skin and get any kind of emotion or feeling out of me. This is definitely a first for me.
Finally, the writing style is what I had the hardest time with whilst reading this novel. I just didn't vibe with it, at all. It felt somewhat choppy and the descriptions were a bit drawn out and repeated over and over again in somewhat various forms. As I wanted the story to progress and evolve, I would get a bunch more descriptions and what Elin was feeling over and over again. This novel was pretty long in my opinion but it could have been shortened considerable and that would have made for a much more thriller-y and heart pounding vibe.
In conclusion, I will not be recommending this novel to anyone because it didn't move me at all. I felt very distanced from the story and the characters the whole time and it didn't evoke any feelings within me. If you have the novel already, you can read it but if you're thinking about buying this, I would say pass. I wish I would have known how difficult it would be for me to finish this book beforehand.
Wow! Reading this book was an experience like nothing I've ever had before. When I first started this book, even though I was extremely intrigued, I worried that the fantasy components of this novel would put me off from finishing this book or maybe even liking it. I am not the biggest lover of fantasy so you can understand why I would have this fear. While I was reading it, I kept asking myself if it was too much for me and if it was rooted in enough reality for me to continue it and love it as well. And I just have to say- it totally blew me away and knocked my socks off. When I finished it, even though I knew this book was way outside of my comfort zone, I knew that I couldn't give it anything less than five stars because it was extraordinary from beginning to end.
First of all, House of Hollow is about these three sisters, who have gone missing when they were children and have returned later to the same place where they went missing from. Years later, when the oldest Hollow sister goes missing again, the other two team up to find her and unravel a whole chest of secrets that may have been better left locked away. If this isn't the definition of an amazing, creative and extremely unique plot, I don't know what is. It was so different from anything I've ever read and was full of twists and turns and countless layer after layer that kept being unraveled all the way through. If you want something that will captivate you with a very action packed and twisty plot, this novel is definitely for you. And even though I guessed a few reveals right, there were so many others that I couldn't even begin to fathom or comprehend the answers for.
Secondly, the characterization in this mostly action driven novel was beyond amazing. We went on a journey with these characters and I felt myself transforming and changing right along with them as all the things kept happening. But what's even more beautiful is the relationships that the characters have with each other and how those transform and change all throughout the book. I really grew attached to these characters and even though they were flawed through and through, I couldn't help but root for them in the end regardless. I will definitely be checking out Sutherland's future works because this novel was like an earthquake that shook me to my core and I will never be the same.
Finally, the writing style was simple, yet had a sophisticated tone to it. It wasn't just super straight forward or oversimplified and yet I understood things as they were happening very vividly and fully, the first time reading the paragraphs. This is definitely a very atmospheric read and even though sometimes that can be a little too much for my liking, I thought that it was masterfully done in this story. It painted the setting vividly and I never grew tired of reading about all these amazing places and imagining them in my mind.
In conclusion, this novel was so far outside of my comfort zone and yet I am beyond happy that I gave it a chance and picked it up. I would recommend it to lovers of fantasy and even those that love a good mystery, as wicked and twisted as that mystery may be. And even as a thriller lover, I absolutely loved every second of this book, so maybe other thriller fans would love it too! Give it a shot, you never know if you might love it, just like I did!
Okay, when I picked this book up I had a feeling that I would like it but little did I know that I would end up absolutely LOVING IT! This is my first Alice Feeney book and I am officially obsessed. Her books get a lot of hype on social media and now I can see that it is all very well deserved. I mean the author knows how to write an amazing thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and packed quite a punch in under three hundred pages! This is one of those “read it easily in one sitting” type of books and the only reason why I wasn't able to do that was because of mom life but if not for that, I would have stayed up all night reading this book from beginning to end, without a doubt. It had everything I want in my thriller novels and more. Alice Feeney is definitely an auto-buy author for me after this book and I can't wait to read all of her older books.
To begin with, Rock Paper Scissors is about a couple who go away on a trip to save their marriage to a secluded chapel that's been renovated into a house. However, both spouses have been keeping endless amounts of secrets from each other and this whole trip might be a lot more than they ever bargained for. I haven't read a book with a plot like this and for me it felt very unique and I was definitely invested all the way through. I really liked how the book jumped between the different perspectives and also between the letters that the wife had written over all these years to her husband. It was easy to follow and I flied through the short chapters, finishing the book in what felt like the blink of an eye. I also thought that the pacing was masterfully done in my opinion and every short chapter ended on a little cliffhanger, so it made you want to keep reading to find out what exactly that cliffhanger meant and what will happen next. And that ending- OH MY GOD! It was twist after twist after twist and I was there for it. I didn't see most of the twists coming, especially the bigger ones and it definitely left me feeling exhilarated and also in awe.
Secondly, the characterization is also absolutely amazing in this. Even though the chapters were really short, each and every one packed a punch and transported us into the very soul of that character. I was absolutely enamored and at the same time disgusted and terrified reading about what was going on in these characters' minds, as sick and twisted as they absolutely were. However, as flawed and horrible as these characters were, they really laid it all out in the open for us to see and this made them relatable because we really got a sense of how they go to be this way and what led them to act a certain way in a particular instance. I absolutely loved/hated all of them with a passion and this book will stay with me for a long time to come. That is certain.
Finally, the writing was my favorite kind, short and precise, without being choppy or not flowing well. Part of the reason it was so easy to race through this book for me was the writing style, it just flowed so smoothly and effortlessly and I didn't have to reread parts to get a better understanding as to what was happening or what the author wanted to convey. I also loved all the in-depth thoughts that were going through the characters' psyches and even that was masterfully put into words and made me feel for the characters, even relate to them on so many human levels. I just can't say enough good things about this book.
In conclusion, if you are a thriller lover and haven't picked this book up yet- what are you waiting for? Read it right now! Not only is it absolutely addicting and impossible to put down but it will leave you breathless and hanging on each and every word. What a great novel to start the month off with, definitely a very strong start out of the gate! Absolutely obsessed!
This is my second book by Shari Lapena and I have to say, I am definitely impressed. Lapena definitely has a gift for manipulation in her books because in this one, I kept changing my mind about who the killer was until the very end. And when I finally found out who it was, I realized I'd been looking in the wrong place all this time. I am sure that if I went back and reread the book, knowing what I know now, I'd be able to pinpoint bits and pieces, little clues that were there to lead you to the answer as to who the killer really was all this time. I am definitely planning on reading all her other works and have one on my shelf already.
To begin with, Not a Happy Family is about a rich, prestigious family and all the secrets that go on inside it. When the parents, Sheila and Fred Mercer, get brutally murdered on Easter Sunday, after their grownup children leave Easter dinner at their house, the police suspects one of the three children did it because they all stood to gain a lot from their horrible parents lives. I thought that the premise of this book was very intriguing and I was definitely interested right off the bat. However, I wasn't always on the edge of my seat because the book dragged for me at some points and I wish it would have progressed a bit quicker. I do love me a good domestic thriller and this one's definitely above average. Also, I didn't care for the ending all that much because it was a bit open ended and left me wanting more.
Secondly, the characterization in this book was above average as well. There are times when in certain thrillers that are full of action, the characters get a bit overlooked and we don't get a good sense of who they really are at their core but in this case we definitely got a good look into them and what makes them tick. They were definitely all very unlikable but if done correctly I don't mind that and I thought it was executed pretty well here. I feel like we started discovering their psyches but didn't quite get to see into their very soul and I would have liked a bit more on that front. However, in all I really thought the characterization was done well and some thought had been put into it, no question about that.
Finally, the writing style is classic Shari Lapena and even though it definitely stands out and make for a very quick and easy reading experience, sometimes it feels a bit too simple for me. I would like a little more description when it comes to her setting the scenes and depicting how her characters look at certain points in the story. I can, however, appreciate how accessible her writing style is to many different kinds of people and I am certain that even beginners of the genre will not find it hard to get hooked into her books.
In conclusion, this book was above average for me in terms of where it stands to all the other thrillers I have read but it definitely wasn't one that completely took my breath away and knocked my socks off. I enjoyed the plot, characters and writing style but feel that certain aspects of each were lacking for me. With that being said, I would definitely recommend this book to thriller lovers and even beginners because it's a quick read and it definitely has some good twists and turns that you won't see coming.
Since this is my third Lisa Jewell book, I have to say she is an author that delivers good quality novels constantly, at least in my opinion. This is her most recent release and even though I liked Then She Was Gone the most out of the ones I have read, I really enjoyed this story about a couple that goes missing, leaving their infant son behind and a mother determined to find out what happened to them. I had no problem getting through this book and I thought the story was really captivating and even made me tear up a few times.
To begin with, The Night She Disappeared is about a young couple that goes missing, leaving their infant son at home with the grandmother, who is determined to find out what happened to them at all cost. I really enjoyed this plot and even though I have read some stories about missing people, this one didn't feel too similar to any I have read before. The only reason this book is a four star for me and not a five star was because the pacing was just a little too slow in my opinion. The book itself was almost 400 pages and I feel that it could have been condensed a little and would have packed more of a punch that way. Otherwise, I have no complaints on that front.
Further on, the characterization in this story was good. It wasn't the most in-depth look into the characters' psyches and yet it definitely explored who they were on the inside somewhat. I really enjoyed the short chapters and the different perspectives and had no problems deciphering between whom I was reading about at the moment. The characters' definitely had some flaws to them but those weren't really discussed at length, we were only able to see them from the context of what was happening in the story. I thought that the ending was pretty satisfactory, even though I would have liked it to have been a little darker and more intense. And no, I definitely did not guess the ending, I wasn't even close.
Finally, the writing style was typical Lisa Jewell. It's easy to read and comprehend and it helped the story move right along. Some words were used that aren't quite used in the US, where I live, but those were easy to decipher what they meant in the context of the sentence they were in. I really don't have any complaints about Lisa Jewell's writing style and will continue to pick up all her future books for this reason and some others. It definitely doesn't blow me away but it gets the job done in an enjoyable way.
In conclusion, this mystery was well-written and I would recommend it to fans of the slower-burn stories, because the pacing was a little on the slower side. Otherwise, it was extremely captivating and the story sucked me right in and I had to find out what happened to the missing couple no matter what. Lisa Jewell delivers once again!
Even though the first Karin Slaughter book I ever read, Pretty Girls, was life changing for me and it still remains one of my all time favorite thrillers of all time, lately I have been less confident with her and her books. I read Pieces of Her and just really felt “meh” about it. However, I have been hearing very good things about her newest thriller, False Witness, so I decided to give it a shot and am so glad that I did! Although, it didn't surpass Pretty Girls for me, I still very much enjoyed it and it restored my fate in Karin Slaughter for sure. I will definitely be picking up her other books in the future.
To begin with, False Witness, is about a lawyer, who has a very messed up relationship with her past and her drug addicted sister. Then, she is forced to represent a part of her childhood that she had meant to stay hidden forever and face all her demons. I liked this plot, I thought that even though it wasn't the most original one, I thought that it was still done beautifully and I thoroughly enjoyed this book for that reason. I thought that the book dragged in the middle for a bit, but once it picked up, I couldn't put it down. It's the only reason I took of one star. I am coming to find that legal thrillers aren't my most favorite but I do enjoy the ones that are done right and this one was really good.
Further on, the characterization in this novel was supreme, as it almost always is in Karin Slaughter's novels. I really enjoyed experiencing the complicated sister dynamic of Leigh and Callie, especially since I am an only child and this was able to touch me in ways that I didn't think was possible to get from a book. I thought all the characters' development was superb and I really got a good picture and look into almost all of them. I was able to understand what drives them and we got to see into their soul. They are also all very imperfect and messed up and that made them that much more human to me.
Finally, the writing style was pretty good. I don't think Karin Slaughter's writing is my all-time favorite but it definitely made me care about the characters deeply so it must have done a good job. I really loved the deep look we got into all of the different characters and how vulnerable and deep their souls really went. It was a smooth read, even when it wasn't the fastest paced.
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to thriller lovers who don't mind a legal thriller. I am not the biggest fan of them and even I was able to enjoy it and learn something from it. I also loved the representation of drug addicts and their struggles in this book, especially considering I have no experience or real knowledge of that aspect of real life. I think this book was very deep and meaningful, even if it dragged at times.
(This book was given to me by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.) This is probably one of the most inconsistent books I've ever read because it was just all over the place. One moment I was enjoying it and the next I'd notice something that would make me roll my eyes or not be able to take the story seriously anymore. The story is about Mel and her daughter, Kate, who move into a hotel after Mel receives a letter saying that she has inherited it but the benefactor wants to remain anonymous. A lot of things transpire and it was a hot mess if I'm being completely honest.
To begin with, the plot was unique, I'll give it that. However, it was just so drawn out at times and nothing really exciting happened until about 70 percent through the book. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and it just didn't. The only reason I decided to give this book three stars instead of two is because I appreciated the effort, it just failed to deliver anything worthwhile. I feel like this is the least thrillery you could possibly get, very minimal in that aspect. Also, the plot dragged at times because the set up took up most of the book and the climax was very brief and then the ending was a bit drawn out again. I kept waiting for the book to be done but it just kept going, even without needing to in my opinion.
Further on, the characters were not very realistic in my opinion. I felt as if they were kept at an arm's length from us and even though we got an idea of who they were, we didn't get into their psyches and found out who they were in their souls. Also, the dialogue was a bit cheesy at times and didn't fit the situation at hand which didn't make the characters any better either. I feel like this book had the potential to be a great psychological thriller but its execution just doesn't work in any aspect.
The writing style was average. I didn't have many issues with it but it was maybe a little over simplistic. Considering how drawn out this whole story was, the writing made it a bit less painful to read and get through. I might give this author another shot but perhaps sometime in the future because this novel was a trainwreck.
In conclusion, I didn't feel a lot other than disappointment from reading this novel. While the idea is there, the execution fails miserably. I would not recommend this novel to anyone else because there are tons better psychological thrillers out there in my opinion.
Yes! I didn't think it would be possible for Riley Sager to disappoint me and so far I have been right! This book is probably my first closed “stuck-in-a-car” kind of trope and even though originally I wasn't sure I was going to like it, I really ended up loving how Sager executed the whole premise. I am starting to get more and more certain that I know what the big reveal is going to be or who the bad guy really is and let me just say, when it comes to Sager's books I literally know nothing. I was really taken by surprise and the ending left me stunned and shaking my head in awe. I mean, talk about a quality author. Forever a Riley Sager fan.
To begin with, Survive the Night is about a girl named Charlie, who is grieving over the murder of her best friend/roommate by a killer fittingly named “The Campus Killer”. She wants to get as far away from her university campus as possible so she accepts a ride share with a stranger, who ends up having a lot more secrets that she could have ever imagined. I seriously loved this plot, it had so many different levels and I never grew bored of it because it was super fast paced and exhilarating as I felt as though I was riding in that car along with the two characters. I didn't think the car-trip trope would be my thing but I absolutely devoured this book and it was seriously, suspense-central all throughout. I can see similarities between this book and No Exit but for me I think this one is everything that I wished No Exit was. The suspense lasted a lot longer and many questions we had to wait for the whole book to be done in order to find answers for. I liked that way more.
Secondly, the characterization was amazing, as always. The main heroine, Charlie is very complicated and flawed and yet she changes and develops into a different person as the book progresses, in accordance with the experience she is going through and I think that is very realistic. She definitely felt very real to me and I loved her little quirks, like her obsession with movies, having had that same obsession myself. I also really enjoyed all the movie references and seeing different things that were unique to each and every character, which made them all separate individuals who stood out in their own ways.
Finally, the writing style is exceptional, as it always is in my opinion when it comes to Riley Sager. Perfect writing style for a thriller, straight and to the point without being choppy or cutting out important aspects like setting the scene and painting us a picture of the action as it is happening. While with some books I have a hard time getting through the writing, Riley Sager never disappoints me in that area or any other area for that matter. It's just so smooth and flowing, like a breath of fresh air.
In conclusion, I would recommend this novel to any thriller lover out there or even someone who likes a very fast-paced and suspenseful read. I have heard mixed reviews about this book so far but in my opinion it was amazing and I don't think you'll be disappointed if you give it a try. I still love Lock Every Door the best but this one might now be my second favorite. Can't wait to see what else Sager comes up with!
This book is on the smaller side but it packs quite a punch! I picked it up initially because I was looking for a smaller book to read and it happened to blow me away completely! There is nothing about this book that I don't love- from the twisty plot to the very dark and morally gray characters, I just couldn't get enough of this book and this story. I would have gladly read another hundred pages of it because I couldn't get enough.
To begin with, The Good Lie is about a psychiatrist who treats killers. When she suspects that one of her clients has committed a crime that she should have seen coming, she gets entwined with a defense attorney who hires her to write a profile of the most notorious serial killer- the Bloody Heart Killer, who also happened to have killed his own son. I honestly loved this plot and ate it right up! I haven't read a thriller with such a creative plot in a very long time and this book surpassed all of my expectations and desires that I have ever looked for or wanted in a thriller. It was pretty fast paced and I didn't find that I was bored at all, each chapter gave us a little nugget of information that was important and it really drove me to hurry up and finish the book, which has been a struggle for me lately with books. I guess you can say I've been in a bit of a reading slump or maybe it's just life. Either way, this book was fantastic.
Further on, the characterization is brilliant, that's the only way I can think of to describe the depth and flaws of these very morally gray characters. I was able to relate to all of them, even the very worst ones, because of the simple fact that they were human and flawed humanity was forever a part of them, no matter how much they might want to deny that. They have all made many mistakes in their lives but they were still living and trying to do what they could to help repent or find some kind of peace, so that they could actually learn to live with those mistakes. I can't wait to read this authors other books, I am actually starting a buddy read by this author right after I finish up this review. That's how amazing this book really was! I just can't get enough!
Finally, the writing style was top notch, at least as far as thrillers go. It wasn't too wordy or descriptive and yet it illustrated what was going on beautifully. It was also precise but not too overly simplified and was intelligently able to get to the point pretty quickly. The book wasn't big but the writing was on the smaller side and even with that, I was still able to get through the book relatively quickly, especially for me.
In conclusion, I absolutely loved this book and it's the first five star thriller that I have read so far this year. I would recommend it to anyone who likes twisty and fast-paced thrillers with morally gray characters, whom you can't help but root for. I am obsessed with this book and can't wait to pick up The Girl in 6E next!
I read this as a buddy read with my friend Tierney over on bookstagram and even though I didn't love it, I am glad I read it. This is my first Young Adult thriller/mystery in a long time and if I was the targeted audience, I would have loved this book through and through. However, since I am a mother, in my thirties, this book just didn't quite do it for me and left a lot to be desired in my opinion. With that being said, it's a great book and touches on important topics.
To begin with, Ace of Spades follows two students who go to a prestigious high school and in their senior year someone under the name Ace of Spades starts spreading their secrets and other personal stuff for the whole school to see. They have to figure out what's going on before time runs out and their futures hang in the balance. I liked this plot, even though I haven't been in high school in a long time and it wasn't the best novel I read that takes place in a high school. I thought that the first half of the book dragged somewhat and the ending felt a bit anticlimactic for me. Everything was wrapped up too perfectly and there was no place for pondering anything further. Some things I saw coming and others I did not but since I wasn't extremely invested in the story or the characters, they didn't have much of an impact on me either way.
Further on, the characterization was above average for me in this book. I thought that the two main characters we were following had somewhat of deep backgrounds and we got to know them pretty well. However, this being a Young Adult novel, the character depth just wasn't quite there for me, not like it is in a well-written adult novel. Also, I had a hard time relating to the characters, since they were in high school and going to a prestigious one at that. The book was interesting enough but it didn't keep me hooked all the way through.
Finally, the writing style was a very popular one for Young Adult books. I thought that it was simple and to the point but didn't add anything more to the novel. It got the story across but that's all it really did, nothing that made me ponder anything further.
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to young adults, around high school age who will be able to relate to the characters more than I did. It's also good for people who want a more in-depth look into some of the issues surrounding African Americans in today's world. Overall, it wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't great. Teenagers and younger individuals will be able to appreciate it more I think.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for an honest review. This was one of those books that I had a really hard time placing between four and three stars. While there were many things that I liked, there were just as many things that either irritated me or just put me off to the story. I originally got the arc a while ago and even though it took me a long time to finally read it, I am definitely glad that I did because even if the story wasn't the most exciting, there are some really deep truths about assault victims and I found the novel to be extremely moving in that regard. I would still recommend this book but know that it's not your typical thriller mystery but if you want to be profoundly touched then it just might be for you.
First of, When the Stars Go Dark is about a missing persons' detective, Anna Hart, who flees from her current family life after a tragic accident back to her childhood home, which stirs up a lot things she left behind and then she is forced right back into her job when a girl goes missing and she can't resist her need to help find the girl. I thought the plot was okay and this is one of my first tropes like this but the story progressed rather slow and I don't think it had to be this long. Things were revealed too slowly for me, especially because I prefer things coming to light all throughout the novels that I am reading, not just at the end. That is what I mean when I say that it's not your typical suspenseful thriller, the unfolding of the story definitely didn't keep me holding onto the edge of my seat.
Secondly, the characterization was probably the thing I enjoyed the most about this book because we really get a good look into Anna's psyche and what makes her tick and we really understand what compels her to be so immersed and obsessed with her job. The writing style definitely helps with that because even though it's more drawn out than I'd prefer in my thrillers, it is also very deeply profound and gets Anna's soul across beautifully. Not something I would expect from a thriller but I enjoyed that aspect of it.
Thirdly, the writing style is beautiful and flowing but a little bit too much for me, especially in a thriller, which I am used to being fast-paced and exhilarating. For this reason, I found it to have progressed extremely slowly. I did enjoy all the deep truths in regards to assault victims, which I haven't pondered that deeply myself yet, I just wasn't prepared for it and thought I was going into something completely different.
In conclusion, even though this book wasn't my favorite, I think readers who enjoy long flowy sentences and an abundance of descriptions would really enjoy this one. However, if you are looking for a fast-paced, mind blowing, shocking thriller, I did not find this to be it.
Finally, I book that blew it out of the water for me! I feel like I've been reading so many mediocre books lately and I am ecstatic that I finally got to this one! When I say that this book had me hooked from page one, I am not exaggerating. I was invested in the plot and all the characters and this book is definitely making it into one of my all-time favorite thrillers of all time! I mean, there were times when this book read more like a mystery but it was thrilling from beginning to end and it was the perfect combo for me.
To begin with, Local Woman Missing is about a woman who goes missing and then a short time after, another woman and her daughter go missing from the same neighborhood. There are dual timelines from different characters' perspectives and I honestly enjoyed seeing the story unfold from all their eyes equally. Usually, I favor one perspective over another but in this case I was so invested in the story that I didn't mind the constant perspective and timeline changeup. The plot was so unique in my opinion, that I was addicted and couldn't put the book down for the life of me. I would have finished this book in one sitting if mom life didn't intervene. I have heard people say that it reads like a true crime novel but I wouldn't know because I've never read one before. However, after loving this book so much, I will definitely check that genre out in the future. The plot was done so masterfully and moved at the perfect pace, I just can't say enough good things about this amazing book!
Further on, the characterization was top notch in this book as well. All the characters were delved into and their psyches laid out for us to see and judge for ourselves. If you love thrillers with full of unlikeable characters, where you have no idea who to trust and who might be the bad guy, then you need to check this book out because it's right up your alley. I spent the whole book being suspicious of every single character in turn, only to find out that I was completely wrong, like not even close. I loved the complexity of the characters and how they changed all throughout the story and how there were so many layers to each and everyone of them.
Finally, the writing style was my favorite kind, simple and to the point but also flowing and not choppy. It really got the story across well and I could see it in my mind as I was reading. It also added to the excitement of the book because I didn't have to go back and reread any sections because of odd wording or sentence structure. No, in this case I devoured this book pretty quickly, considering I have two little children at home, a husband, three dogs and a household to keep up with.
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good missing person mystery that is also thrilling at times. My heart was beating out of my chest for the majority of this novel and it was downright exhilarating. This is one of the best books I have read this year so far and also one of my favorite thrillers of all time. I will be checking out Mary Kubica's other books, that's for sure because her thrillers just really do it for me and I can't wait!
I can't really put into words what exactly I thought about this book. On one hand, I didn't hate and it kept me entertained at certain points but on the other, I also found it to be extremely hard for me to get through. This isn't my usual thriller genre and I initially requested this arc from Netgalley because I have read Mexican Gothic by the same author in the past and liked that one. Well, let me just tell you, this one is nothing like Mexican Gothic was and I realize it's not the same genre but personally for me, this one was just really not my cup of tea. Like at all.
First of all, Velvet Was the Night is about a woman, named Maite, who gets tangled up with some dangerous groups of people when she agrees to housesit for her neighbor, Leonora. This plot really was not my thing and I found all the political talk to be very tedious and boring to me. I enjoyed the romantic aspects of the plot but that's about it. There was definitely enough excitement but it was more on the action side of things and it was just too much for me. I prefer suspense and thrills in my books leading up to the climactic buildup over nonstop action and violence. Definitely will not be reading any books based heavily in the political sphere ever again.
Secondly, the characters were okay. They were not jumping out of the book at me and yet they also weren't the most boring characters I have come across in books. We definitely got to know Maite well but not as in-depth as I would have preferred. Maybe the whole plot was so far out of any realm of reality for me that it made the characters harder to relate to. This is the reason domestic thrillers are my absolute favorite trop probably. The relations between the characters in this novel was the strongest part of the characterization in my opinion.
Finally, the writing style was done well enough. It was easy to read and understand what was happening as it occurred but at the same time it didn't flow effortlessly either. It was just okay. I do appreciate it for not being too choppy, that would have made it getting through the book that much harder.
In conclusion, while this book didn't blow me away, it didn't completely disappoint me either. I have ventured out of my comfort zone and have understood that books based heavily in politics and the government are just not for me. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys action and adventure over personal development of characters. This book definitely felt a lot like watching an action film and for this reason I can definitely appreciate it for what it is.
If I had to describe this incredible whirlwind of a book in one word it would be intensely unsettling. I read most of it late at night, since that's when I have the most time to read after putting the kids to bed, and I was stressing and on edge the whole time, afraid something would jump out at me or break into the house. I have read other books that were suspenseful and really creepy in that way before to give me goosebumps but they paled in comparison. It was like a ghost story on crack and I absolutely loved it. I am only sad that it took me so long to finally get to this book because my TBR shelf is exploding at the moment. Only advise I have, try not to read it alone at night because even if you will get scared, you won't be able to stop reading this novel.
First of all, The Sun Down Motel is a story that follows dual timelines, that from the perspective of Viv, a woman who disappeared from her shift at the Sun Down Motel one night a long time ago, and the other one from the present day eyes of Carly- Viv's niece. Carly is determined to find out what happened to her aunt, no matter what, even if the motel and answers are a lot more than she bargained for. This plot was terrific and I loved that it had so many layers to it, just when I thought I had figured out one layer, I would realize that there are tons more where that came from. It was one of the most suspenseful novels I've ever read and the phrase “keeping you on the edge of your seat” really takes on a whole new level with this book and story. It's hard to put into words just how thrilling this book really is, read it for yourself to find out!
Secondly, the characterization was top notch. As I've mentioned in previous reviews of mine, I like complicated people doing messed up things for various dark and twisted reasons and this book delivered in that area like nothing else. We really got into the heads of the two main heroines of the story and even though they made a lot of questionable choices, it was hard not to like them because they were very relatable and bluntly put- human. No cookie cutter characters in this novel, no these people felt so real that it made my anxiety even worse because I was afraid right along with them as the novel unfolded.
Finally, the writing style is terrific. It's not overly simple with short sentences and overly simplistic vocabulary but it's also not too complicated to understand and follow along with the story either. I really grew to love St. James' writing style and will be diving into the other book I have by her very soon. She is definitely an auto-buy author for me now. And those dual timelines were really just masterfully done and it wasn't confusing whatsoever.
In conclusion, this book is a must read for all thriller lovers alike! It's hard for me to imagine someone not loving it since it delivered on such a high level for me and made me understand that I do love ghost stories, if they are done well. If you're looking for a thrilling rollercoaster of a novel that will keep your heart beating at an accelerated pace, this book is definitely for you. Highly recommend!
Wow, this book very pleasantly surprised me. I wasn't sure at all what to expect when diving into this novel and I haven't watched the movie but when I started it I thought that it would not be my cup of tea. However, I am glad I stuck it out because in all I really enjoyed this whole novel and I can't wait to watch the movie now. I have also discovered an amazing author in the process and will definitely be getting to his other works a lot sooner now. I think it's also important not to go into this book with too much background information because it's pretty easy to follow and after a few chapters I was hooked.
To begin with, Shutter Island is about two marshals who go to a remote island called Shutter Island, which hosts the incredibly insane, because a patient of theirs has escaped out of her cell and they need help locating her. However, things quickly get out of control and we find out that nothing on this island is as it seems. And this book's plot- just WOW! It's got to be incredibly hard to come up with something so original but this surpasses that. The pacing was great and after I was hooked, I couldn't stop reading it because I wanted to see what happens. Also, this book probably has one of the biggest reveals I have encountered so far, it's something akin to the surprise in The Silent Patient, for those who have read it and know what I'm talking about.
Further on, the characterization was pretty good. I wouldn't say they were the most extraordinary characters I have ever encountered in a novel but they were definitely very complicated and complex people, with a lot of skeletons in their closets. This was rather a short read and maybe if it was a bit longer we could have seen a little bit more into the characters' souls. However, with that said the main character, Teddy, definitely has a complete background and by the end of the book everything makes sense about why he acts the way that he acts. So, definitely not disappointed one bit.
Finally, the writing was what I had problems with the most in this book. Even though it flawed well enough, there were times when it felt choppy and I had to reread parts to make sure I understood everything fully. This was very minimal but it still took me a few chapters to fully get used to the writing style because it's not the one that feels the most natural to me in thrillers like this. All in all, not bad though.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed this quick, suspenseful thriller and will be recommending it to all my thriller nerds, if not just for that huge twist at the end. It definitely had me holding onto my seat once I got used to the writing style and the plot was set and established. I am so excited to watch the movie after this and can't wait to compare this awesome book to that. It was a great read and I can't wait to check out all of this author's other works!
I was confused by this book to say the least. I didn't even know what rating I was going to give it until I was almost all the way through the book because I had such mixed emotions about it. I am just starting to figure myself out as a reader and have definitely come to the conclusion that horror really isn't the genre for me, however, I did enjoy this book. After initially picking it up because many booktubers were raving about it and also the cover is absolutely beautiful and one of my favorites, I was taken by surprise after discovering just how gruesome and terrifying it was in some places but I did end up enjoying it ultimately.
The story is about a girl, Noemi, who is forced to go investigate her cousin's new husband and their estate after she receives a frantic letter with her cousin swearing that her new husband is poisoning her and that something wrong is going on at the manor of her new husband's family. The plot is something that really caught my attention and I thought it was interesting enough so I gave it a shot. I haven't read much horror whatsoever, so it definitely appealed to me. Not my usual thriller mystery but there seemed to be some aspects of it in this novel. I did struggle a little through through the first half of the book since most of the action and excitement takes place is the last part of it.
Further on, the characterization is superb. I got into the mind of many of the characters and I learned to love Noemi for her quick wit and refusal to be anyone but herself. Even the bad characters, though I was not able to feel much sympathy for them, I felt there was a very good amount of background and it was explained very well why they were the way that they were. It definitely made them more real in my eyes, not just the “villains” anymore because it gave them a flawed, human side and I was there for it. The story was very character driven and I loved seeing into all their minds, even if I got the chills all throughout this book because the characters were unsettling to say the least.
Finally, the writing style is mesmerizing. It painted vividly for me, the High Place manor with its creepy atmosphere and unknown things lurking at every corner. I think that's probably my favorite part of this book, that the writing was just a joy to read and I felt myself transferred to High Place as I read the book. It was just on the precipice of being too much with the details and the descriptions without reaching it. Beautiful writing, through and through.
In conclusion, I enjoyed this book immensely even if horror as a genre is really not my cup of tea and I prefer to stick to my thrillers. I would recommend this book to anyone who is not put off my some horrifying imagery and fans of twisty, horrory things. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, that's for sure. Not my absolute favorite but I can see how it would be for someone who is more into all the horrific things and likes the horror genre more than I do.
Woah. If there's one word I would use to describe this book it would be- trippy. I had no idea what this book was about going in and I didn't know what to expect but it sure as heck was not this. I can without a doubt say that this is probably the best plot I have encountered in a thriller so far. It's just raw and messed up and very unpredictable. I was holding onto the edge of my seat for my dear life and still feel like I didn't escape totally in one piece. This book will suck you in from page one and then spit you out. Exhilarating.
This novel is about Nina, who keeps her mother chained inside her own home for reasons you wouldn't expect and how things transpire from that. I loved everything about this plot, it's exactly what I want from my thrillers. I also loved that we got a peek into what happened in the past and how it led them to where they are today, that made for an even more immersive reading experience and there was not a chance in hell of ever being bored. Anxiety stricken and biting your nails- yes. Bored- hell no. I didn't even try to guess what would happen in this book because the plot was beyond messed-up and I was still recovering from the shock factor of it all. Of course, the shocks just kept coming and didn't stop until the book ended. Talk about a wild ride.
Further on, the characterization in this book is superb. The characters are very well developed and we get to see into all their dark psyches and as more details from the past come to light, we see into their souls deeper and deeper. The characters grew on me but they were probably some of the most wicked, flawed characters I have ever encountered in novels before. From a psychological standpoint I found it fascinating but from an ordinary human standpoint it was beyond horrifying and eye-opening. It really showed the negative aspect of the human race.
Thirdly, the writing style was great. It wasn't my favorite in the whole world but it did it's job and even excelled in doing it for the most part. It was precise and to the point, although it was just a tiny bit too choppy for me in some places. Even so, I ate this book up and that didn't deter me from racing through the novel without barely stopping to take a breath. I will be picking up the other books this author has written and already have one coming in the mail in a few days. Glad I found a new favorite!
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to be insanely creeped out and shocked beyond the point of no return. This is one of the most messed up thrillers I have read so far and it chilled me right to the bone. Not for the faint of heart, this book will send you over the edge and you will remain there for a long time after you have finished reading it. Outstanding!
Ah, I don't even know where to start with this. I had so much hope for this one and yet it felt short in almost every aspect for me. I think I'm finally coming to terms with it but I am okay with liking and disliking books that I like and I am no longer afraid to say how I truly feel. Only took me over five years! I got this in my Book of the Month Club Box and since I just signed up again, after years of not being part of this service, I was hoping for the best. However, what I got was a lot of disappointment. It definitely had promise but by the end all that promise was gone and I could not find many things that I truly loved about this novel.
The story is about a woman named Jane, who is a dog walker in a rich neighborhood, out on the prowl for a rich man who can make all her financial burdens disappear. She meets Eddie, who used to be married to a woman named Bea and a lot of other things transpire..... I haven't even been an avid reader for that long but this book was UNDERWHELMING. The plot started interestingly enough and then it just went.....flat. I had read my share of domestic thrillers and this doesn't compete in any kind of way. Again, the beginning was compelling but then the plot took a rather dull turn. I wasn't that surprised and that's saying a lot because most things in life and books tend to surprise me like crazy.
Secondly, the characters just fell....flat, as did most of the book. I didn't have a chance to get a good look into what makes them who they are and there wasn't anything memorable about them, just ink on a page. They barely made it into the two-dimensional sphere, let alone the three-dimensional one. With that being said, the lack of characterization along with a very boring plot, made for a mediocre book at best. I am not one to give low ratings but my dislike for ALL the main characters didn't really allow for anything else, they just didn't hook me in any kind of way. I finished the book but I could have as easily stopped reading it about a fourth of the way through.
The writing was okay. I did appreciate the fact that the writing didn't make it any harder to read the book and get through it all but I also didn't appreciate the fact that it didn't add anything to it either. It was straightforward and to the point but that was it. I liked the multiple perspectives but that would not have depended in any way on the writing style because it failed to hook me and I only kept going because I wanted to put it on my December reads.
In conclusion, I was underwhelmed by this book. It failed to hook me and keep me hooked and I felt like I had to make myself finish it just because I wanted to be able to write an honest review. I would not recommend it to anyone even though it had some potential because there are so many thrillers out there that are SO much better!
And just like that I have found a new favorite author of mine! I wasn't exactly sure what to expect with this novel but because it was the thriller pick for Book of the Month Club box, I went with it and I'm so glad I did. I thought it was going to be just like many of the other domestic thrillers I have read recently but it was so much more and insanely unique in its own way. I can honestly say that I haven't read a domestic thriller like this before. And the story was so well written and thought out completely that I can't say enough good things about it. I can't wait to see what Carola Lovering writes in the future and will check out her previous work too!
To begin with, Too Good to Be True centers around three characters, depicted through their unique perspectives and in dual timelines. Perfect man Burke Michaels proposes to his girlfriend Skye and she can't believe that even with her OCD, she has found the absolute love of her life but is it too good to be true? Things transpire and get out of hand as the character's multiple truths are revealed but which truth is the actual way the story unfolded? Ahhhh, I loved this plot so much! It was so different and amazingly unique for a domestic thriller and even though it wasn't completely action packed all throughout, little things were revealed all throughout to keep me on the edge of my seat, even if those things weren't always the honest truth. I love the way that the story is presented, through the three main characters eyes in different ways and how their stories all intertwine with one another's. Brilliant.
Secondly, the characterization was superb. I know I've said it before but I am a big fan of complete backgrounds for different characters because it shows how they got to be where they presently are in the story and this book did not disappoint on that front at all. All the characters have complete pictures painted of who they are and where they came from and what their motivations stem from in life. They are all so intricate and complex and perfectly imperfect, which makes it that much easier to relate to them, even the least likeable ones. I felt like I got to personally know all of them and by the end of the book they felt like old friends to me.
Thirdly, the writing style along with the decision to present the book in dual timelines and varying perspectives just completely knocked my socks off. It was a genius decision and a remarkably unique way in which to tell the story. I devoured this book and would have read all day if I didn't have two kids to take care off, that's for sure. I also loved seeing the past as it unraveled and the future and then how it all came together and to a head in the climax. I can't even begin to do it justice.
In conclusion, I will be recommending this book to all the thriller lovers in my life because that's how much this story touched me. I thought it was meaningful and very profound, even aside from it being an amazing thriller novel and possessing all the things I look for in the perfect thriller story. Bravo!
I originally brought this book because I was Hailey Hughes' Booktube religiously and she raved about this book and also ended up giving it five stars. I take a lot of her recommendations, so I jumped at the chance to give this one a try. Even though I didn't love it as much as Hailey did, I very munch enjoyed it and read it in a record three days, which I haven't done in a very long time. It is very reminiscent of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, although it didn't quite reach that same level for me as A Good Girl's Guide to Murder did.
To begin with, 14 Ways to Die is about a girl who's mother was murdered when she was a child by a serial killed known as The Magpie Man. Ten years later she applies to be on a Youtube reality show with the goal of catching The Magpie Man once and for all. I have read quite a few serial killer books but the reality show aspect is definitely new for me and I liked the uniqueness that that added to a pretty typical trope. I also loved the super short chapters because they got to the point and kept the pace of the story really well. I had a hard time putting this book down and the pages flipped themselves it seemed like.
Further on, the characterization was great overall in this book. I most of all liked how deeply we got to know the heroine's father and his grief really transcended the pages and made me sympathize with him. The main heroine goes through a character arc and I loved seeing her change and mature, even if some of the choices she made were pretty questionable to me. Hey, she's her own person and it made sense in the context of the book why she would do the things she did. The only reason I gave this book four stars and not five, is because I wanted the book to go a bit darker. I understand that it's a Young Adult novel but I feel like it just lightly brushed the dark potential that this book could have delivered. But hey, I really can't say enough good things about this novel, especially it being a YA one.
Finally, the writing style was a little over simplistic in my opinion but I still loved every second of it. I think it would be just as easy for a younger reader to comprehend and get into the story as it was for me. I will definitely be reading Ralph's other books because this book definitely helped get me out of a reading slump and it was a breath of fresh air.
In conclusion, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys serial killer thrillers and even though it wasn't the most amazing serial killer thriller I've ever read, I still immensely enjoyed it. It could have had a bit more twists and turns but because the chapters were so short and the pace of the book was so fast, I didn't mind that as much as I usually would.
I really don't remember being as pleasantly surprised ever in my life as I was from this book. My neighbor lended it to me and I accepted it because I trust her taste and she tends to give me the most meaningful reads possible. Never in my time as a reader has a heroine grew more on me than in this book. I felt like I was going through the journey with her, the journey of her life.
She's Come Undone is a story about Dolores' life and all the trials and tribulations that she goes through. It wasn't the most uplifting book for the majority of the novel but then it made a grand comeback and blew me completely away with the complete significance of everything! Dolores is someone that I initially had a hard time relating to, mostly because I dealt with my obstacles in life differently but her growth all throughout the book, that's what really just made her unforgettable in my heart and soul. She's so flawed and sometimes she gives into her demons but at the end of the day, she never gives up. Ah, I felt like she was my best friend by the end of the book because even though she wasn't perfect, she was completely, honestly herself and just like we saw her through her worst moments, we also saw her through the most beautiful ones. I feel like she's not the only one who grew and developed throughout the novel, I did to.
Aside from the superb main character, the story itself was woven beautifully all throughout her life and we took a journey right along with her. I don't really cry often from books but this one made me tear up on more than one occasion because of how epic and yet almost completely simplistic her life journey was. The writing was so beautiful, it made the story almost undeniably understated in a way but in a way that was also able to portray the beauty of life, even in the darkest moments. Because let's be honest, our experiences shape all of us and we all react to those experiences in different ways and yet that doesn't take any of the beauty out of it, it just makes it that much more meaningful.
All in all, this is going into the list of the best reading masterpieces I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing in my life and I would recommend it to anyone! It's so meaningful, humorous and just deeply touching that you are missing out on an amazing reading experience if you don't read it. I personally think everyone needs to read this book at least once in their life because it's one of those books that will help you grow in more ways than one.
Yes! I gotta say, this is one of those books that took me completely by surprise in the end because when I first started reading it I did not think I would end up giving it five stars. The beginning was a bit slow but once it got going it completely won me over and I totally think that this book deserves all the hype that it has gotten. It's a really terrific “closed island” thriller mystery with a murder at the center and the reader trying to figure out, first of all- who is dead, and then- who killed them. Wow, there are not enough good things that I can say about this novel and will be recommending it for years to come.
First of, The Guest List is about a wedding on a secluded island and following all the main individuals involved in it as things transpire and secrets are revealed which leads to a murder and trying to figure out who committed the crime. I have been reading lots of closed-in, murder thriller mysteries lately and I gotta say, this one is probably my favorite so far. Even though this plot has been done countless times, the characters were just so sinister and flawed and messed up, that it was fascinating watching as things came to a head and secrets about how they were all related were revealed. I thought it was clever and very intriguing and I loved every moment of it.
Further on, the characterization was superb, there's no other word for it. I love messed up people doing messed up things and this novel delivered exactly that. Not only were the characters super complex and intricately complicated, but they also had complete backgrounds that really explained how they got to be who they were at the time the novel took place. Even though it was a bit of a slow burn in the beginning, the backgrounds really brought the characters to light even more and made them bigger than life. There were no cookie-cutter characters here, even if they tried to give off that persona in the very beginning. Also, the different characters' perspectives were done incredibly well.
Finally, the writing was flawless and I was able to breeze through this novel without having to go back and reread sections of it to make sure I wasn't missing anything important. I loved that the chapters were so short but even aside from that, the writing painted clearly what was transpiring in the novel and built up to a crescendo at the end of the novel, the climax. The ending of the book was my absolute favorite part because it was mind-blowing and spine tingling and part of that had to do with the extraordinary writing choices that the author made with this novel.
In conclusion, I believe that anyone who loves thrillers and murder mysteries would love this book. I shy away a bit from hyped up novels but this one definitely turned me into a believer and I will be reading Lucy Foley's other works very soon. I love finding favorite authors and she has definitely become one of mine. Don't skip this book, it's well worth a read!
This book took me a bit to get into but once I was in it I couldn't put it down. I realize that I have to be in the mood for a police procedural. But so glad I decided to continue the series, really like this writer and her characters.
After forgetting my current read “The Night She Disappeared” at my mom's I was looking through my Scribd app on my E-Reader to find a short novella I had been wanting to read, until I can go get my book from my mom's. Well, this one definitely fit the short novella requirement, being only one hundred-something pages. It was also my first novella ever, most books I read are in the three-hundred range and up. Even though it was okay, ultimately this book was just not for me. It was not a genre I really enjoy but I am glad that I found out for myself and gave it a shot.
To begin with, The Patient is about a psychiatrist, who sets out to cure a very problematic patient, who has been in an insane asylum since he was six. However, he soon realizes that he is in way over his head and that there might be a reason why he incurable. I thought the premise was interesting enough and I really enjoy patient/psychiatrist type stories, so in the beginning I was loving every second of it. I just had to keep reading to see what was wrong with this patient. The pacing was done really well and I really liked that it was written through a blog type thing, a long time after the events actually happened. However, I was hoping it would be more psychological thriller and less horror but that's not what it ultimately was. I don't enjoy horror in general in movies or books because I like there to be a more psychological explanation for things, rather than just gory monster-type things that don't offer much in the way of explanation. This was probably my first true horror novel and I am happy to have ventured into that genre, however, it was just not my cup of tea and I will gladly stick to my psychological thrillers, mysteries and detective type stories from now on.
Further on, the characterization was okay but with it being a novella, I didn't get as in-depth of a look into the characters' psyches as I would have liked. It was nice to get through a book so quickly but it felt rushed and left me wanting more. I thought that we just skimmed the surface of Joe and even Parker, the psychiatrist and there could have been more to find out about them. Overall, this was just okay for me.
Finally, the writing style was precise and to the point and helped me to get through this book in a matter of days. With the story being written a long time after the events already happened, that made it a little less “in-the-moment” for me and took away from the excitement but ultimately I don't have a lot of bad things to say about the writing style. It got the story across and got the job done.
In conclusion, I would recommend this to horror lovers only. I am a psychological thriller lover and this book didn't have enough psychological aspects for me. From now on, I will be sticking to my usual genre but I am very proud of myself for trying something new that I have never tried before.