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I gave this book 3 stars because I really enjoyed the story line. I really liked the idea of Angel being able to see into the past by just by touching the hand writing. I almost wish there was more of her viewing Clyde and seeing into his past life in the book! If it hadn't been for that story line and how fast moving the book was (which kept it exciting) I would have given it 2 stars, only because I just didn't care for the main character, Angel. I didn't mind the other characters, but I just couldn't connect with her. I felt like she was “too much” and didn't care for the way she seemed almost too focused on her look and her sex life. Granted, this can be a very important part of understanding a character and moving along in the story, I just did not care for the way it happened in this particular book.
Felt bored, even in the moments that should have been exciting (threat of pirates, ship potentially going down, mystery of what's happening to the sea grass, etc). Decided to dnf after realizing I felt no desire to start listening again after not picking up for a couple of weeks.
Plan to finish at a later date. It is a good story, just not in the mood for a slow paced fantasy at the moment.
Interesting concept, but author's writing is not for me. Have tried several of her book and just cannot get interested when reading even though the ideas behind the books always sound up my alley.
Wasn't keeping my interest. Seems like this is supposed to be a “cozy” read but certainly is not as of the halfway mark. Don't really enjoy the perspective of either main character.
Not the book for me. Didn't like the writing style. Believe characters are supposed to be twenty somethings and act like they're 15. Hated the constant calling of Nick names/shortened names. Boring and bleh. Disappointed since I sincerely expected to love this book!
Loved reading this! Very entertaining... like Goosebumps Choose Your Own Scare book, but for an adult! I look forward to reading it several times to see all the different outcomes.
Was cute and enjoyed the story at first, but started to get a little tedious around the 40% mark. Felt like I was getting hit over the head with descriptions of how Elias was “icing”( used that descriptive waaay too many times) his feelings over, and decriptions of Isabelle's stubbornness and refusal to listen to anyone but herself were just getting repetitive and tiresome. I'm sure the ending would be just fine, but haven't felt the urge to pick this story up again.
Not a bad book! Just ended up putting it down for a while and don't feel in the mood for it at the moment. May continue another time if in the mood for this type of story.
Slow...feel like same thoughts and problems are being repeated over and over with no development or resolution. Delora gets on my nerves.