93 Books
See allUgh... such ponderous dialogue
Save yourself a lot of time and skip this book. There is no logic to the plot for the characters action
the number of misused military buzz words was unforgivable in the first chapter alone
Could even finish the first chapter. Would make a decent anime, but not even a mediocre sci-fi novel. Will not be reading more.
A series of detailed descriptions
If you love the style of describing every sight, sound, thought, or smell that each character experiences in detail, this is the book for you.
The story is very simple with a reasonable surprise at the end. The book is more experiential rather than plot driven.
Well written, but no point to it but mildly diverting entertainment with little to learn or take away. Wasn't able to finish it.
Interesting if you want goth space mages
It has lots of interesting characters. Spaceships, computers, and Magic... but swords are the predominant weapon...?!?
There seem to be some large logical issues that are required to drive the plot... but if your suspension of disbelief muscle is ready, there is a decent story here.