1/5 stars
I was disappointed in this manga. I was expecting it to be dark, but I wasn't expecting grooming to be involved. When I was first told about this manga, I was told it was an enemy-to-lover GL romance involving, Haegu, a professional hitwoman, and the daughter of a man she had been assigned to kill. I wasn't expecting the man to be killed immediately in front of his daughter. Although I was told about the age gap, I wasn't expecting them to meet when she was still very much underage.
Haegu decided to name the girl Mian. We then get a time skip in which we see a much older Mian try and fail to get the courage to kill Haegu. We then see her next to her teacher, who continues to grope her until her “mother” appears. We see him get threatened by Haegu, and we see them leave. A bunch more stuff happens before we see Haegu fantasize about having sex and being something more to Mian. I was shocked because I was secretly hoping that the love interest was someone else. To make matters worse, Mian does end up kissing her later. This leads to a series of old flashbacks which show Mian's evolution over the years and the different things she did in order to try and seduce Haegu.
Although we see Haegu reject Mian due to her being a minor, we see how more and more accepting she is of said actions the older she gets. Although a lot of people ignore the fact that Haegu practically raised Mian and is basically her mother, is something that can't be ignored, even if it's supposed to be a dark romance manga. I don't believe it is justifiable if you are attracted to a kid you raised. I understand that Mian may be doing it because she believes that it's a good way to get revenge, but I still don't think it's the best way to get revenge.
I wouldn't recommend anyone reading this manga. Unless you can condone the dynamic of the relationship, go ahead and read it.
3.9/5 stars
This is another short and easy read. It's mainly wholesome and fluffy. The art is good, and it helps add to the adorable factor. The plot revolves around Yeonwoo and Jaehee, who need help finding a better style to impress their crush. We see that as Yeonwoo's style slowly falls in love with Yeonwoo. Yeonwoo isn't aware of and doesn't realize his feelings until he is questioned about his relationship with Jaehee.
I do believe that the story was a bit rushed at the end, but I feel like it was better than having the author drag it out in order to make it longer. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a short and adorable read. this is one of the sweeter ones out there and I hope to find more.
2.5/5 stars
I will say that this webtoon is trash. It doesn't have a very good plot it relies a lot on tropes, and it doesn't make sense half the time. I continued reading because I found a lot of it hilarious. This included how ML reacted to learning that a random woman was pretending to be his wife. I will say that the FL is my favorite character only because she somehow only digs a deeper hole for herself every time she tries to get out of a bad situation.
Apart from that everything else sucked. Everything was rushed. The ML barely had any personality. We really didn't get to know him until the end. Although he does actions that show that he cares for the FL it's still weird to see him fall in love that quickly. I would have liked more development in their friendship before they dropped in the baby acquisition and misunderstanding tropes. Even that got resolved quickly so that they could have a happy ending.
3/5 stars
So far, this has been full of twists and turns in terms of plot. I don't think this is a love story or that the two main characters will have a happy ending. I believe it's interesting to watch these characters' actions as well as how they interact with each other. Je-oh has quickly become my favorite character. I love how petty he has been as well as making decisions I wasn't expecting him to take. I look forward to seeing more of this type of behavior from him. In terms of Seong-rok, I don't find him as interesting. I felt as if his whole backstory and motivation were revealed a little too early. I'm choosing to believe that this was done so that we can explore his new motivations in season 2.
I can't really say that I would recommend this manga. I don't feel as though I will keep reading if it goes longer than two or three seasons. Considering how fast-paced certain parts of the plot are, adding on more would feel as if they were prolonging the end of the series. I am sure there are people who disagree, but this is just my personal opinion.
3/5 stars
It was a short read. It was only three chapters, so I was lenient in terms of how fast-paced it was. It used a lot of tropes. The age difference was never really specified. I was confused as to how they fell in love. It appears that in the beginning the FL is terrified of the ML. ML is a rather well-known actor that is type-cast into villain roles. Fl is just a regular seamstress who wants to be a designer. Hotei finds an interest in the Fl and starts to hire them independently from the tailor shop. To summarize, someone breaks into her house, and she decides to call Hotei. He shows up, protects her, and things end up getting spicy. The last chapter focuses more on their relationship.
It's a short and sweet read. If you're interested in plot, this is not the manga for you. I personally would not reread it; otherwise, I would rank it lower. If it were to be longer and focus more on the development of the relationship, I would have ranked it higher.
2/5 stars
Main story is worth the read. the side stories no so much apart from the main couple. This is actually one of the few series in which I actually like the side chapters that showcase the main couple rather that the side couples.
3/5 stars
It was an interesting read. It does go a little bit into the history of kombucha as well as the materials you will need in order to make it. Otherwise, it kind of fell flat. I was fully expecting more ways to make kombucha as well as possible tricks for beginners. Instead, we had a variety of recipes that were still beverages but had little to do with kombucha, including soda. I feel like the title shouldn't have specifically mentioned kombucha. Instead, it could have just been called The Joy of Home Brewing: How to Craft Probiotic and Fermented Drinks (Joy of Series). That way, it wouldn't have felt as misleading because I kind of expected it to be mostly about kombucha.
1/5 stars
I remember first reading this when I was younger, in 2013. When I had it, it was short and sweet. Now that I have reread it, I have started to realize how wrong some aspects of it were. At the time, I hadn't realized that the primary focus was the romantic relationship between a student and a teacher. It's weird how Kousuke fell for someone who was his younger brother's age. I know a lot of people that can overlook this but to me, it's iffy, and therefore won't continue to read this.
I would not recommend this to anyone. I don't think I'll give it another chance because I know that my opinion won't change and, in fact, would make me lower the rating I had originally given it.
3/5 stars
Fun and informative book to read. I had already heard a lot of the stories in the book but there were a few tidbits of information I learned about.
3/5 stars
The beginning was weird. It still has some iffy moments but it gets better once they start to focus more on leveling up the store as well as combat. Mc falls under the asshole category which isn't a surprise. The system and the pets are what make it the most interesting at the moment.
2.5/5 stars
I can't believe he was actually in a coma for that long. If there isn't any more character development from the character soon, I am going to drop the whole series. The characters aren't that memorable or likeable to keep up with their names. Then again, it could be due to the number of series I try to keep up with. Either way, while I understand the character's struggles, the point it's trying to get across falls flat. Yes, he's overpowered, but he doesn't know how to use it. That was what first drew me to this series. But it eventually started to get repetitive, and the side characters we were getting to know aren't appearing consistently anymore.
This dude survived truck-kun only to get hit by lightning. Yet didn't regress. Hes literally has the best luck apart from his brother. Wish they took time to focus on his relationship with his brother and niece. He mostly mentions them in passing but they barely get shows. I don't really care enough to try to guess what the plot is. I'm just reading this to take a break from reading sad things/horror stuff.
2.7/5 stars
I thought it sounded familiar, but I couldn't find out why until I started reading and realized that I had read this before. Although the initial concept is interesting, the execution is unmemorable. Which is funny considering that the MC of this manga is easily forgotten by the people who meet him. I wouldn't buy this manga, but I will continue to read this one. The fan service isn't overboard in this one so it is a quick, mindless read.
3.5/5 stars
The art kind of sucks at the beginning, but as time progresses, it gets better. To better explain, it feels like the MC keeps getting drawn to look off compared to the rest of the characters. The skeletons and monsters appear to be better drawn. I feel like this is done on purpose sometimes. It has an okay plot. It did start to get a little dark, but it doesn't seem like it'll get any darker than that. I mainly read this for the characters and their evolutions. It was nice to see the skeleton dragon get humbled.
2.5 /5 stars
The first half was okay the second half got weird. Left off on a cliffhanger. That was the only reason I even picked up the second book in this series.
3/5 stars
First time I read it I liked it a lot. Second time not so much. Most of the characters are likeable but I do find issue in how trusting the MC is. Specifically, with how he immediately let some of the characters interact with his child/spirit. Although it is implied that the mc is worried they might find out this isn't really shown through his actions.
1/5 stars
Finished it. Although the tropes they use of an oblivious overpowered character the rest of the characters were not that great. There was more fanservice than I would have liked. I can usually handle that but in this case it felt like it affected all the characters developments.
4/5 stars
It was a cute relationship to see develop. I liked the emphasis on consent as well. A lot of BL manga tend to forget that consent is a thing. So, that was a nice change. Although Kanae is usually cold, we see moments of genuine emotion as well. Haiga is the opposite, as he is full of emotion and would be what we consider puppy love. I liked the ending. It was short and rather sweet. The character designs also help a lot and make it more loveable.
I would recommend this manga. although I would ask if they were ok with reading certain aspects, such as Kanae's work. I know that not everyone is comfortable with that.
4.8/5 stars
I'm up to date in terms of the webtoon. It's currently on hiatus. Here are my thoughts so far.
Unlike my experiences with other webtoons and manga, the quality of the story and the art (sometimes it's the opposite case with the art) goes down. In a lot of cases, if I do like the story, I go back and check the novel again to see if it's of better quality. So far, I don't believe that's the case. Then again, I could be speaking so soon since it's only been one season so far.
The MC is sort of an asshole, but it's not overdone. They are still able to show that he actually cares for others close to him, even if he seems to be only after money. It also has a good balance between taking itself seriously and using comedy. Sometimes the humor comes from the art rather than what the characters are saying.
I really like the chapter in which his status with his summons switched from a master-servant relationship to being an actual part of their family. It really hit home when it was mentioned that he wanted to spend more time with his dog.
I'm rating it a five-star for now, but it's bound to change depending on the upcoming seasons. I do recommend this, especially if you need a good laugh.
The premise is a bit weird considering she met him when he was a child. They only met once and she saved him. At least she didn't watch him grow up. Art is pretty good and is more on the cute side.
2.6/5 stars
it's really good at times in terms of the concept but there are certain times that it gets really uncomfortable to read. At least to me with the fan service. It was subtle at first but it gets really in your face in chapter 5.
I felt like this had too much fam service to continue reading the rest of the series.
3/5 stars
This book features two stories. Although I preferred the first story, both confused me. The two stories are vastly different, not only in terms of art style but also in terms of storytelling.
The first story is more stereotypical, in which a group of friends is camping in the woods when they are attacked by two unidentified entities. I liked this story because of the monsters, not because of the friend group. The way they evolved throughout the story demonstrated the artist's talent and the amount of effort they put into the smallest details. There did not seem to be much of a plot going on, and it seemed to be more focused on the artistic horror aspect.
The second story was not what I expected. A man moves into a house where there appears to be magic, but it appears to be helpful. We learn more about the characters in this story, including how he shares custody of his children with his ex-wife. It appears that she doesn't like sharing custody, and neither does her current partner. This is the turning point in the story, and the horror antics become more intense. The magic reacts to the man's emotions, specifically his anger. This leads to the deaths of his ex-wife's partner and her parents. At this point, the man discovers who is behind the magic and possibly a way to control it. His wife comes to him for validation and comfort, and he starts to explain the situation to her. They end up attacking these invisible creatures, and it appears that they win. Personally, I felt that this was too easy for it to be true, so I assumed he somehow managed to confirm this. It isn't implicitly said, but I felt that this was confirmed by the ending panel. He is completely surrounded by these creatures and seems to be holding the book that was given to him. To me, this is basically a confirmation, but you draw up your own conclusions. Overall, it was not a bad story, but I did have to read through it a couple times to understand what was going on. I do wish we had more time spent looking into the new dynamics between the magic and the man.
It's a fun read. This is all due to the fact that I read this during the month of October. Both stories seem to have an open ending. If you have a problem with that, you can go ahead and skip this one.
TW: drug addiction, suicide, murder, assault, rape
<2.6 stars
I did like this book but as the book progressed, I felt as if my list of cons grew longer. (You can read this and draw your conclusion; this is just my personal opinion.) I was excited at first because I had liked Warrior Girl Unearthed and expected a similar reading experience. It started fine but went downhill when I was about 40% through the book. I felt that at that point it was trying to cover too much ground. To me, it felt that the story was spread thin and left many things unresolved. While I did learn about Ojibwe culture and language, it does become lost with everything else going on.
The romance in this story was unnecessary. With everything else going on, I saw zero chemistry between the characters. To me, this came off as instant love. Instead of helping in character development, I believe it actually stunted them. Jamie felt like a generic character, whose predominant personality trait is his job and being “hot.” Also, his saying, “I love how you see the world,” was an immediate ick. It felt very manic, like a pixie dream girl, not like other girls. This is further established by Daunis's inner monologue. Although I liked the fact that she was a huge science geek and played hockey, I didn't really like the ongoing comments she had about her girls. (This happens more towards the beginning.) This is notable by calling the girlfriends of hockey players ‘parasitic': “I won't be a wannabe anglerfish trying to latch on to a guy who is already taken. There are more comments like this throughout the book. This never really gets addressed unless it shows that her comments about these girls were correct.
Overall, it was an okay book but certain plot points made it drag on. I am likely not going to be recommending this book to anyone at this time.