3/5 star
Martina was an empress who managed to get revenge on everyone that had wronged her. Only to be betrayed by the one whom she loved and trusted. After hundreds of years, she is reincarnated as Astina, with all her memories intact. Due to her family's financial struggles and her background in swordsmanship, she takes the place of her sister after she is set to marry a Duke who is rumored to have been turned into a beast.
Right off the bat, I was pulled into the premise. As soon as we begin to read, we are given Martina's backstory, which gives us the reason why she is the way she is when she is reincarnated. We see the differences between her old life and her new one. She shows how she feels lonely in comparison with her previous life.
Overall, I would recommend it if you're looking for something different than the expected FL and ML reads. I may come back later to read the first season to see if it gives me the motivation to read the second. It's not a bad read, but when I'm tired of something, I'd rather read something that I've already read and am familiar with.
1/5 stars
I personally didn't like this story.
1) One of the major problems I have is that it glosses over the fact that the MC took advantage of how drunk the FL was. Then he acts as if he didn't and how the FL was the one who took advantage of him and therefore owed him.
2) I also didn't understand how the FL fell in love with ML. When she finally managed to get him to quit, she decided to run back to him. I understood that they were getting closer, but it still didn't feel like enough for them to be in love.
3) Throughout the story, neither character experienced much character development. The little development they had was made to cover up plot holes or actions that made no sense in terms of context.
2.5 stars
The story could have been fleshed out more. The twist was interesting compared to the typical Isekai story but the mechanisms used weren't really explained.
The art is good but the male lead is frustrating. Hopefully he develops a more developed personality and doesn't stay bland. I also hop they continue the route of making perfumes but don't overuse it like
It was a fun but very confusing and chaotic read. I don't think it'll ever be continued but if you like reading chaotic and confusing stories this is a good read for you.
3/5 stars
As much as I love this series, it's getting hard to read. I liked that this volume focused on the secondary characters more than they did in other volumes. Meeting the new characters was also fun, as we are getting more diverse characters in terms of sexuality. Unfortunately, this volume also has some problems. There have been at least four relationships that included a teacher and a student. Although from what we see it doesn't seem like they're exploiting each other, it's still uncomfortable to read. Otherwise, the romance in this book is well done if you like slow-burn romance and fluff.
This story is told from the perspective of the bastard brother of the king (aka prince charming). This is set after 5 years after Cinderella has met the prince. This retelling includes the fae instead of the Godmother. Prince Charming is now a cold king. Queen Ella can't forget her past and is resentful of it. We are also reintroduced to the cruel stepsister who made a blood sacrifice to the fae. One of my favorite parts of this story is seeing how conflicted Ella feels towards her stepsister. She let her live but refused to let her come back to court.
Her stepsister sacrificed her blood to the fair in exchange for glass slippers to make the prince fall in love with her. She doesn't understand why she ended up giving the heels to her.
This story focuses on what the king has ordered him to do and how the queen intervenes to find out what is happening. It all revolved around whether or not the stepsister would be able to come back to court. This story was interesting but didn't leave much of an impact on me. I wish we could have seen more of the stepsister, but that wasn't possible.
This was a very wholesome and sweet as the first volume. Unfortunately, the pacing wasn't as good. It also doesn't feel like the story is complete. Although I understand why this is the last volume since it was starting to get repetitive. I feel like the author lost sense of where the story was going.
I would still recommend this series. It's still got a lot of good elements.
1/5 stars
I can usually read weird stuff, but this was an exception. Although it was constantly recommended, it never caught my attention. Also, I didn't understand what was going on in terms of the plot. When I'm reading, I want to understand what is happening. If I wanted a confusing plot, there are better webtoons and manga that do it better.
4/5 stars
I'm going to try to find the seasons because I believe that the different seasons all had different ratings. That way, I can go into further detail without making too long of a review. Some were better than others. Overall, the series was a 4-star read for me. I could relate to the way the MC felt at times, and some of her actions weren't the best at the time, but I understand the reasons behind them.
I will say that I did love how the story at times focused on other characters. This allowed us to further understand why they had the personality they had and why they took certain actions that didn't make sense when compared to what we had been shown so far.
This was a very wholesome and sweet read. This isn't a romance manga but instead it focuses on the themes of family and friendship. So far it's pacing is good. I really like the balance they had between focusing on Ayato's sibling vs his friendship with Hinata.
I would recommend this to anyone in need of a wholesome read.
1/5 stars
Yet another manga that I found on TikTok that was missing key information when they were promotioning it. Never did it say that all three men that were in the fl harem were RELATED. It didn't even say in the description where read it either. I'm so glad that I realized it in the first chapter and that I didn't go past it. It just feels weird to see the fl be with twins plus the uncle further on (at least that's what I think that's what happens). Anyway I can't really confirm how spicy it gets. I don't think it has much plot either (based on other reviews).
Read at your own risk. This isn't my cup of tea but it might be yours. I would not recommend this to other people.
5/5 stars
The ending had me crying. I thought I would dislike this story since I couldn't get through the Netflix version. Now that I read the actual novels, I see that they took a lot of things out that made this lovable. I wasn't expecting a bittersweet ending at all. The epilogue wasn't what I expected either. I'm glad that Chae-rok grew from how he was originally and continued on to help other people willingly. I'm also glad that even in old age and barely having any sense of what's happening Deok-chool is still able to help people like he always had.
1/5 stars
I dropped this because:
1) I have a rule where I drop the book/manga if the MC is either a character with no personality or is toxic. In this case, the MC is toxic. He's extremely possessive of a girl he barely even knows (Not that I excuse extreme possessiveness in other cases) and tries to kill multiple people he deems as threats.
2) In terms of the FL I just can't wrap my head around the fact that she immediately likes him. Even though he tries to go on killing sprees multiple times throughout the manga.
I was expecting this story to be better considering how popular it is and how many times it was recommended to me. Personally wouldn't recommend this to other people unless they like bad stories with over-possessive MCs.
4/5 stars
I'm up to date in terms of the webtoon. I find it hilarious how elves treat other humans in comparison to the MC. Some characters are getting annoying but are tolerable. I'm glad he is living his dream of being a florist, even if it's in the weirdest way possible. I'm glad the mother is supportive as long as he keeps his grades up. I also find it amusing that both the dad and the MC are scared of the mom.
1/5 stars
I really liked her character at first and how it was developing. In the beginning, I believed that the knight she met would have been the ML.
The ML supposedly is the slave she freed, who happens to be 4 years younger than her and is drawn/characterized as a child. In any case, this is still a theory, but I”m not going to continue reading as the red flags were already raised. It can be assumed that she is 18 and he is 14. Unless something else is done about this, I don't think I'll pick it up again as I'm not comfortable if this relationship does happen.
Herbal Revolution: 65+ Recipes for Teas, Elixirs, Tinctures, Syrups, Foods + Body Products That Heal
3/5 stars
I would recommend this to a person who has recently gotten into making teas, elixirs, etc. The book makes it easy to modify them so that they better fit you. It also provides different uses for the herbs used in these recipes. Although I have learned that different sources indicate different uses. In this case, the author only stated the more commonly used ones. I would recommend checking out different sources to double check the effectiveness of these recipes.
Overall, this was one of the better books I have found while researching alternative remedies. It keeps things simple while providing adjustable recipes. This may not be the best fit for everyone, especially if they want a book with more explanation, whether spiritual or scientific.
3/5 stars
It was a bit too short for my liking. I wish it was longer than five chapters. I wanted to see more character development. It also turned spicy out of nowhere. It's not the worst sapphic manga I have read. If you're looking for something short and spicy, this is for you
3/5 stars
Overall, Lookism is a good and enjoyable story. I really liked how the different perspectives affected the story and how the characters acted. In terms of release, Lookism is really long, so you will forget certain scenes and details that may be important in the future. In order to keep up with the story or better understand what is currently happening.
2/5 stars
I dropped this webtoon once again. I had forgotten the reason as to why I had dropped it in the first place because the description I left was so vague. I did make it through more than half of the webtoon, so I definitely have more reasons as to why I dropped it.
I was originally pulled into this webtoon because of the supernatural aspects. I thought it would be intriguing to watch as Zylith figured out who the mysterious person she kept seeing was. Perhaps watching her slowly fall in love with said person. This wasn't the case.
We do see her investigate and try to find out who this person was. Unfortunately, we also get a love triangle. She ends up having feelings for her best friend, Verose, and the mysterious man in her apartment. Also, this has too many scenarios in which the FL and her friend almost get assaulted. I have dropped other websites for the same reasons. I'm starting to see that this is a more common trope than I originally thought it was.
In terms of art, this webtoon has some of the best and most beautiful I have seen. This does not compensate for the fact that there is little character development. Also, half the time I wasn't sure what the plot was. I would recommend it to friends who need art references, but not for someone to read it.
3/5 stars
I managed to finish the novel version of this and barely remember anything because so much is going on. I had to have a doc of notes in order to follow along with the story. This may be just my case because I read multiple books at once and tend to forget a lot of things.
In terms of the webtoon, I'm up to date. I liked the part where the MC realizes how his actions or mere presence can affect both him and the people who care about him. I didn't necessarily like that he just ran away, but he didn't have many options in the first place. Another aspect I liked was the arks of some of his more long-term companions.
Still, it gets repetitive at times and can cause you to want to drop it. If you don't like manga to be repetitive at times, then I don't recommend it because I don't believe you can skip the fights because there are important bits of information for the story in between the fighting. I do recommend it if you can stand manga to be repetitive at times and like an isekai that is action-packed and has game-like dynamics.
2.5/5 stars
I had dropped this webtoon before because I stopped using the app it was streaming on. Eventually I started to use it again and saw that season 1 was completed. Since it was completed, I went on to read it.
Art - The art seems rough in the first few chapters, but we see it improve after that. The art style is better at conveying the horror aspects of the webtoon. We see a stark difference between the regular style used for when nothing out of the ordinary is happening. This definitely was one of the reasons I kept reading.
Characters - Usually, one of my favorite aspects of a story is the different characters. In this case, I don't like the characters. I liked Jia, but she was never really present after the first few chapters. Even then, all the characters appeared to be one-dimensional. I also felt that we didn't really get to know them.
Plot - It's definitely fast-paced. I'm glad it was because I would have dropped it if it hadn't. It was boring overall, as we tend to see the characters constantly in danger. There are barely any moments of peace. This takes away from knowing the characters, and it can get old rather quickly. Another thing I noticed was that it likes to portray a very negative view of the internet. I know that it can be bad, but not all of it is as bad as it's shown. In terms of the ending, I wasn't that shocked.
I was underwhelmed by the ending. I had already guessed who was trying to kill her. I understand the sentiment, yet I could not care less about how he got killed. I don't understand why Remi would try to save him. Then there's the narrative that social media is bad being pushed yet again because people are stating she may have Stockholm syndrome, which isn't far off considering her actions. In terms of her suicide attempt, I'm not 100% sure it's going to be successful. Although I do believe she is in need of a lot of therapy.
Would I recommend it?
I'm not sure if I would recommend this webtoon. I would include a list of trigger warnings if I did, and it would be for a very specific type of person. This is a quick read, but a slightly disturbing one. I will be continuing to read this webtoon if it gets updated because I'm curious as to where this is going.
4/5 stars
Since I read this online, I have no idea when season 1 ends. So, I'll just use it to talk about what I have read so far. I really like it, but that's a given considering I like most reincarnation or transmigration mage/webtoons. He isn't necessarily an asshole and doesn't always try to be like the person whose body he possessed.
I like how he's slowly building up to be an op character. He isn't necessarily overpowered overnight. He is training and leveling up at a consistent rate which isn't what we typically see in these webtoons. I also like how he is complimented by the other character and their personalities. I like how the MC isn't the only focus this manga has. I am excited to see what is coming especially since another one of his recruits is going to be awakened soon.
1/5 stars
It was really bad. The whole agreement between them felt forced. I felt that there was a lack of consent. Although he established boundaries, she ignored them multiple times. From tying him up in public to digging into his past. In terms of BDSM, I don't think this is the best representation. It also doesn't have consistent pacing. I understood why his older sister felt the way she did. Although I don't agree with all her actions, I felt that she was one of the better characters in the story. The ending was rather rushed, but I don't think that this was salvageable if the ending hadn't been rushed in the first place.