The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar
BySylvia Plath
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1963 • 1,688 Readers • 234 pages 3.9

The Second Sex

#1 of 2 in Le deuxième sexe

The Second Sex
BySimone de Beauvoir
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1949 • 285 Readers • 746 pages 4

Mrs Dalloway

Mrs Dalloway
ByVirginia Woolf
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1925 • 607 Readers • 282 pages 3.8

To the Lighthouse

To the Lighthouse
ByVirginia Woolf
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1925 • 602 Readers • 326 pages 3.7

The waves

The waves
ByVirginia Woolf
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1931 • 226 Readers • 300 pages 4.4

Orlando: Uma Biografia

Orlando: Uma Biografia
ByVirginia Woolf,Tomaz Tadeu(Translator)
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1928 • 3 Readers • 288 pages

La furia
BySilvina Ocampo
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1959 • 2 Readers 4

Investigations of a Dog

Investigations of a Dog
ByFranz Kafka,Michael Hofmann(Translator)
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ByHermann Hesse,Hilda Rosner(Translator)
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The Unbearable Lightness of Being

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
ByMilan Kundera,Michael Henry Heim(Translator)
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1980 • 797 Readers • 305 pages 3.9

The Gene

The Gene: An Intimate History
BySiddhartha Mukherjee
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2016 • 341 Readers • 742 pages 4.2