3.5 stars
it is just that you spend so much time on a huge book like this one (700 pages) and it just turns out to be “ok” or something you barely like.
A Gide masterpiece as usual.
It left me for 24 hours just like this ._. staring into the void with obvious apathy while I still reflect upon what the hell just happened in your book o.o
Thank you, Gide!
Sigh, I couldn't finish this book. I couldn't get past the 40%.
Well, because
The conversations are lame
the idea is really good, but the plot sucks
His writing style is funny and good, but very cheesy
Dean is stereotyped
Oh, Dean, Turkish people are not Arabs. Half of them are not even Muslims. I know you didn't say that directly, but you implied.
Oh, I think you can let go of your stereotypes towards American people too.
There's nothing I hate more than stereotype and prejudice.
Yeah, so this is about it.
I refuse to think that the reason I didn't enjoy this book is because I haven't actually read the original Frankenstein.
I stopped reading it because this book was just a stone on my chest. The writing style is weak and very sinister. I really don't need to indulge myself in that. 7% and I still don't know what the fuck everyone is talking about (excuse my language), and seriously, this book was just written badly. After a while, I realized that I didn't really CARE about what the book talks about or what really happend in it.
Sorry for being cruel.
I regret signing up for this book.
Why did I even do that?
I am sorry, Carl. But I really don't want to spend any more time on this.
I read about 5 chapters from this book, and I know I might have given up a little too soon, it was just tooooooo much!
There were a lot of grammatical errors. the story was boring so far although the idea was very nice (that's what I signed up to this book). The conversations were stupid and meaningless. And the style of writing was very cheesy.
I am sorry, I really tried. But I really spent too much effort and time on this.
I am not going to finish this book and I really feel bad.
I apologize again, because I seem so ungrateful while I got this book in a giveaway.
4.5 stars
This was REALLY good. I really liked it. I didn't expect it to be so nice!! :D
edit 7/12/2015
nothing to add. Still feeling the same.
I really don't know what to think of this book. It is really really good but not of the quality of Maluf's other books. I am really having lots of opposing feelings concerning it.
عصام محفوظ، عند تكلمه عن الملحدين، أخذ مركز المتدين الكاره للملحدين وكل من يخالف دينه،ولكن هو عليه أخذ مركز موضوعي بحتّ عند كتابته لكتاب عن الملحدين وذلك جعله متلاعب بنقله لصورة الملحدين وبينهم كنوع من الكاذبين، السفهاء.
فهو قال أكثر من مرة “ادّعى الملحدون” ووصف كل نقد وجهه ملحد عربي نحو الدين بالإدعاء بينما هو لم يقل “ادّعى المسلمون” مما يبين عدم موضوعيته. كما أنه شكك بإلحاديّتهم!!!
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وبعد قراءتي لهذا الكتاب، ألاحظ بأنه لم يحاور ملحدين بل حاور ناس رفضوا الدين ولكنهم لم يرفضوا وجود الله وهذا ليس الإلحاد بل الربوبية وهو شيء مختلف كثيراً عن الإلحاد مما يجعل كتاب عصام محفوظ غير دقيق ولا يجب ما قيل فيه أن يأخذ بعين الإعتبار.
وأيضاً، يلاحظ عند حواره معهم أنه كان منحازاً كثيراً لدينه.
غير ذلك، يمكنني أن أقول أن فكرة الحوار مع “الملحدين” - و أضع المزدوجين لأنهم ليسوا ملحدين بل اعتقادهم ربوبيّ - وغير سرد الأحداث كانت رائعة وأن الحوار بحد ذاته كان رائعاً، يدفع الإنسان إلى التفكير بعمق بكل ما هو حوله، ويمكن القول إذاً أن الكتاب لا بأس به - إذا حذفنا كل جانب غير موضوعي في حواره مع الشخصيات في التاريخ أو في تكلمه عنهم.
Amazing just like any book by Camus.
Ce bouquin est un des meilleurs bouquins que j'ai jamais lu.
Chapeau bas à Camus.
The concept in this book is not about potatoes of course. It is about something bigger than that, and which happens to entertwine with what I believe and have in mind. I loved it. It is worth a read :D
The perfect end for this twisted book.
I can't believe I read it. Argh rolls her eyes at herself
I have been struggling so much to contain my feminist views.
by the way, Ana , so what he's hurt? He needs to know how you truly feel about stuff!
في أغلاط لغوية بسيطة مثل في آخر سطر “أن يمنحكي” بدل أن يمنحكِ
غير هيك، بتتجوزني يا رامي ؟ :P
بتفهملي راسي يا رجال :P
بس حسيت دولة البطاطس أحلى شوية من هذه القصة ولكن أسلوب رائع... للحقيقة الكثير من الرجال لا يلاحظون هذه الآفات وإن لاحظوا فهم دائماً يلومون النساء
I don't know what to say about this book, really.
Well, there isn't much to say anyway.
I signed up for this book because it reminded me of Khaled el Housseini's books, and because the author's name is arabic, just like mine.
I liked it, but not enough to love it.
It was written beautifully. The writer's writing style is amazing.
The ending was good too, not happy good, but fair good. Realistic kind of good.
The story was good, as well.
I loved the sentence in the end of the book :” the sun in her left hand, the moon in her right, Laila and Henna.”
I love reading about motherly devotion. It is just so magical.
Well, that's just about it. I want to read more of Shaheen's works.
بعد رفض شديد
وافقت أن تمثل دور الأم .
كانت تخفي وجهها
بكمية كبيرة من المساحيق
حتى لا يتعرف عليها
عمال الاستوديو القدامى
إلا أنها كانت تخطئ دائمًا
وتقبّل الشاب في فمه
بدلاً من جبهته .
” أخرجي من فيلمي “
المخرج انفجر فيها
بعد أن أعاد المشهد
حوالي سبع مرات .
عامل عجوز
، كان يتلصص عليها
في الماضي
وهي تبدل ملابسها،
قامر بمستقبله
وأطفأ النور
لأنه لم يحتمل رؤية المونتير
وهو يمزق لحمها
، بالمقص،
شرائح صغيرة .
في الطريق
أن تذرف دمعة واحدة
لم تعد تستطيع البكاء
بدون جليسرين
4.5 stars “What if there isn't a purpose? Truth be told in 7 million years of mankind, God hasn't yet alluded to exactly why we are here, maybe it was an oversight, or perhaps humanity didn't get the memo. The most likely rationale is that the human race is merely part of the ecosystem of the earth, much the same as a woodworm or a honey bee. The only difference or the failing if you will is the fact that we are arrogant enough to overestimate our own importance.”
I have a knack for existentialism. That's why Albert Camus is my favorite author.
before I signed up for this book which I got in a giveaway, I swore not to sign up to any book because I had a huge soon-to-read list and because the books will just pile up unread but as soon as I saw the title for this book, I signed up for it.
I didn't expect to like it so much especially because some parts were repetitive and boring. But I am glad I read it. I am glad I finished it because at a certain point I thought I would just give up. But this book is just too perfect.
This book has the perfect length. No boring description. No too quick, or too slow events. Nothing. It was just perfect. A writing style which I would be glad to read in all the books that I want to read.
And, Scott has an AMAZING sense of humour. I am pretty sure he has girls running after him for that sense of humour. Oh, I laughed so hard while reading this book.
What is more fascinating is the fact that even the description is sometimes funny. He would start at how the place is amazing then blow it with a sentence which makes you laugh so hard.
I love you, Scott.
I loved loved loved loved this book.
And the ending was just perfect!
I wish you would write more, Scott!