3.5 stars

it is just that you spend so much time on a huge book like this one (700 pages) and it just turns out to be “ok” or something you barely like.

October 17, 2013

A Gide masterpiece as usual.
It left me for 24 hours just like this ._. staring into the void with obvious apathy while I still reflect upon what the hell just happened in your book o.o
Thank you, Gide!

March 22, 2014

I thought this book will be fun, but then I realized it will just be a statement of facts. I got so confused with all the names, and the writing style made me bored as hell. I am not going to waste any more time on this.


I guess his works were not bad. I think he has more to offer, honestly.


4.5 stars
This was REALLY good. I really liked it. I didn't expect it to be so nice!! :D

edit 7/12/2015
nothing to add. Still feeling the same.


I really don't know what to think of this book. It is really really good but not of the quality of Maluf's other books. I am really having lots of opposing feelings concerning it.

January 19, 2013
September 28, 2012


Amazing just like any book by Camus.

Ce bouquin est un des meilleurs bouquins que j'ai jamais lu.
Chapeau bas à Camus.

September 27, 2012

So cute, and so adorable!!!! Too bad it was a sad ending :(

January 6, 2013

The concept in this book is not about potatoes of course. It is about something bigger than that, and which happens to entertwine with what I believe and have in mind. I loved it. It is worth a read :D

April 4, 2013

The perfect end for this twisted book.
I can't believe I read it. Argh rolls her eyes at herself
I have been struggling so much to contain my feminist views.
by the way, Ana , so what he's hurt? He needs to know how you truly feel about stuff!

March 22, 2013

في أغلاط لغوية بسيطة مثل في آخر سطر “أن يمنحكي” بدل أن يمنحكِ

غير هيك، بتتجوزني يا رامي ؟ :P

بتفهملي راسي يا رجال :P

بس حسيت دولة البطاطس أحلى شوية من هذه القصة ولكن أسلوب رائع... للحقيقة الكثير من الرجال لا يلاحظون هذه الآفات وإن لاحظوا فهم دائماً يلومون النساء

April 7, 2013
May 28, 2013

لابد أن الملائكة ستبتسم لنا من الأعالي وتقول:
” يا رب
إمنح البشرية
فرصة ثانية”.

April 19, 2013
April 12, 2013
May 26, 2013

أيها الموت: أنت خائف مني
Oh death, you are scared of me.
I love this sentence.

May 10, 2013