Disappointed it over, I really wish there had been a bit more growth for the main characters. The end of book 6 the gang had accomplished some spectacular advancements in their personal progression but it honestly felt like we never saw the fruit of those efforts. Increased potential check, realized potential, nope. I love the series but I feel as if the main characters got their story line hijacked by Alustin and they where way to oaky with how things went down. Like maybe if there was a few more books I wouldn't feel so bummed. Solid book but as the end of the series it fell really flat. I know we will likely see more of them but not in their own books. Not as main characters. I leave it as a five start rating because the writing is excellent, but I feel a deep need for more of this story in a quality I feel wont ever be told. Maybe a post time skip follow up triology? idk...
You are the weakest link.
Honestly the worst book in the series so far. Practically nothing happens in this book so much nothing in fact that I think you could honestly skip it and not lose anything. Key details world Congress, continues to be a hands-off leader, makes bond with bird, insert miscellaneous fights. Skip it, hope the next one is better because this one would just feel bad spending money on.
So good I bought it after I already read it!
I'm one of those that couldn't wait so I read the whole thing as it released on RR. I love this series. It is so good. If you've been along for the ride this far you know what I mean. I'm only sad there isn't more already. Can't wait for the next one!
Like butter spread too thin on toast.
The author tried to cover everything, hitting on almost every trope of the genre but ultimately failed in the execution. Doesn't help that the main characters backstory is an amalgamation of every possible back story ever. It's almost like the author was stuck trying to top themselves in tragic hero motivation. Just robbed it of substance.
The story also suffered from a serious case of telling rather than showing, at least where the main character is concerned. What we are told is in constant conflict with what we are shown. I mean really, pick one backstory, one personality, one motivation, or at least don't pick ten that seem to directly conflict with each other and what the MC is saying vs doing.
At least the world building and power systems are unique. Worth a read but go in knowing that the MC is hot garbage.