Location:Timisoara, Romania
64 Books
See all(I wrote this review about 5 years ago when I first finished the book. I'm just copy/paste this here. I would try to write the review in a more “professional” manner but it's not worth my time)
The first book was ok. Even that it had similarities with Star Wars and The Wheel of time, even that it had actions that made you think .... WHY?? it was short and ok to read.
The second book was LONG and booooring. I mean, it was SOOOOOOOoo boring.
Ok the 3rd book is out. The price is even higher that the other books. Yea yea it's a best seller.
So what do we get? An even longer book. A book that attacks your intelect. Stupid dialogs. The only interesting part of the book are the last 50 pages.
Eragon it's still an %%#hole. Yea his a teenager. That's how teenagers behave. But come on. YOU (Eragon) are an KNIGHT. You have power. People put your hopes in you and you are still an arogant prick. People tell you don't behave as you should but YOU STILL don't listen.
If you are maximum 15 years old, or this is the only book you'v read, this is an awasome book. If not, you will just get anoyed. VERY annoyed.
I'm not going to give up exact examples because of spoilers, but you will see dialogs like this:
- Hey. Let me heal your wounds!
- No. There are others who may need help.
- But man! Look at your wounds. It will only take a ...
- I SAID NO! Leave me alone!
- But look at you!
- Ok but do it fast.
Belive me. You will read something like this in the book.
It seems everyone is a prick in this book. They all defy superior's orders.
Not to mention this is the type of the book you know GOOD will win. It's just a mather of time.
I don't feel like there is WAR. Galbatorix can attack in any moment. They can attack and YOU KNOW you are not prepared. Nooo. They have time to love. They have time to disobey orders. They have time to QUESTION the orders. I bet they know they will win anyway.
P.S. For the people who praise the last 50 pages. Yea. They weare nice. But 50 pages are not 760 pages.
Ok so. I forced myself to read 210 pages out of the ~700. I think it's one of those books that people in the past said that it was good, and now everyone else (almost) have to say it's good so they don't fall out of the bubble.
Basically, the setting seems interesting. It starts a bit confusing but it's ok because you just started the book. Then you go into a “short story” about some priest. 120 pages of short story. Only about 10 are interesting.
Finally the story ends. Things get a bit interesting again ... and then a new guy comes to tell his story. Yet again I get random details that don't matter, yet again I get new characters to remember, new locations... this is the moment I said “nope”.
I will just read a plot summary and be done with it.
While I was reading this I was asking myself ... “am I enjoying this because of the 80-90s references? Is the story actually good?”. Near the end of the book the references found on every freaking page starting to get more and more annoying and then it hit me. The references themselves are just there to validate the geek/nerd culture. I think this book got so many good reviews mostly because of the nostalgia factor and the fact that people want and need the geek/nerd culture to be validated. Having a 5 star book, having a movie ... it means that your culture is validated. For me, I don't need and I don't care about validation.
The story overall was so so. It was a light read ... but that's about it.