A Choice of Catastrophes A Choice of Catastrophes
Banquets of the Black Widowers Banquets of the Black Widowers
A Whiff of Death A Whiff of Death
Murder at the Aba Murder at the Aba
Nightfall Two Nightfall Two
Stories for Christmas Stories for Christmas
Hunted Down Hunted Down
No Thoroughfare No Thoroughfare
Le grillon du foyer The Cricket on the Hearth
Mistress Branican Mistress Branican
Propeller Island Propeller Island
Captain Antifer Captain Antifer
The Extraordinary Adventures of Foundling Mick The Extraordinary Adventures of Foundling Mick
Clockwork Fagin Clockwork Fagin
The Castaways of the Flag The Castaways of the Flag
Facing the Flag Facing the Flag
Claudius Bombarnac Claudius Bombarnac: The Adventures of a Special Correspondent
The Silverado Squatters The Silverado Squatters
Miguel Strogoff Miguel Strogoff