HIGHLY RECOMMEND for anyone who identifies as Canadian and thinks that history has value... So ideally, all Canadians. It's also just such a fascinating examination of how families with indigenous ancestors have to struggle for years against generations of government disregard and malevolence just to find out about their families' past.
Basically, this book is about the author, a prominent writer and former national journalist, trying to trace her indigenous roots to find out where her family came from and where her ancestors are now. She travels from James Bay to a Toronto Highway overpass to find them. Along the way, she learns the extent to which the Hudson's Bay Company (now known as HBC or The Bay) relied on slavery and thugs to keep a stranglehold on the Canadian North, the extent of the lies told to make treaties in Northern Ontario, the systematic incarcerations of indigenous children and women, and the extent to which this land is covered in unmarked graves of indigenous people that the Canadian government tried to erase from history.
She is also candid about the resistance Canadian media has to telling these stories and the skepticism, stonewalling and backlash she faces when trying to investigate and share them as a reporter, which was quite illuminating, but not so surprising in the 2024 media-scape.
It's a life changing read. It redefines what it means to be a Canadian. It cannot be overstated how important it is to read this story.
Pretty short, mostly just a bunch of shoot-outs, but a very potent and emotive story. Visually striking and really hits the point of how cruel this ultra-capitalist hellscape can be. Big fan of the anime, and I love the world this is based on, and while this was a cool snippet, that's all it was.
I think I made a mistake by reading the Illead just before reading this, because I went into the story with a bunch of preconceived notions about the characters, and caught myself thinking, "This doesn't match Patroclus or Achilles as I know them," which I later realized was not a fair thought, because by the end, this story was very faithful to the source material, and it actually took until after I finished the book to respect that. So don't feel like you need to know the original first!!
On the whole, I thought it was a very entertaining and heartfelt book, and also a really cool modern way of learning about the ancient Greek stories. I learned afterwards that while the focus is on retelling The Illead from the perspective of Achilles' companion, Patroclus, it also draws from other ancient poems about Achilles and his family. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in the old stories but maybe not willing to be a Classics major and just wants a good story. It's very well written, and balances modern ideas and expectations against being true to the texts pretty masterfully.
To be honest, I struggled a bit at the beginning, because I wasn't very interested in kid-Patroclus. He struck me as mopey and uninteresting, and as I said, I expected him to be less wimpy, since in the Illead, he was probably one of the top ten most lethal warriors in the story. I also thought that the setup of a monogamous homosexual relationship was a bit too modern for ancient Greek culture, which favoured bisexuality and promiscuity.
All of my criticisms were actually addressed quite well later on, so I'm glad that I kept going, even though I wasn't enthusiastic at first.
The latter half of the book, I thoroughly enjoyed. Patroclus really comes into his own, and the invented backstory about what causes the strife between Achilles and the war's general Agamemnon was a brilliant twist on the original story. Ultimately, it actually felt like a great modernization of the ancient tale... Dare I say an improvement? It certainly makes Achilles a more sympathetic character, and does a lot of great storytelling about the inspirations behind the actions that take place in the poem. Some of it does feel a little too modern to me now and again, but stories need to evolve with the times so I didn't mind it.
And I loved the book's take on Odysseus. He's such a fun character, and Miller nails his spirit. So yeah, don't read the Classics first. If you really love this story, read the Classics after (Emily Wilson's versions).
My new favourite SFF anthology. There is not a single story in here that I didn't love, and the author line-up was superb. I also feel like this is THE story collection of our time. It deals with tough subjects like inequality, AI, surveillance and tech run amok, but in ways that are often fun, cheeky or surrounded by interesting characters. And what I love about Strahan's collections is that he gets these stories from top-quality writers. I would say some of the most underappreciated writers working today have stories in here. Writers like Premee Mohamed, Ian McDonald, and Ken MacLeod are just beautiful and powerful with their prose. If they didn't write SF, NYTimes would be gushing over them. And the ideas they come up with... Cory Doctorow's story about incorporating homelessness needs to happen now! And after Lavanya Lakshminarayan's story, I just can't look at Netflix in the same way.
I don't know that I can pick a favourite, but the first story - about what happens when the National Weather Service gets taken over by private interests - comes to the front of my mind with every new natural disaster. As I write this, there are fires in LA and misinformation and delayed notifications are causing chaos among residents, and Elizabeth Bear - for better or for worse - totally anticipated this problem, as well as what's to come. It also had great characters and pacing, so I might give her the top spot.
Company Man by Shiv Ramdas made me laugh out loud, and made me think of a certain Luigi who's not a plumber. The Excommunicates by Tim MacLeod wins for vibes (runner up, McDonald's Sigh No More). But honestly, there's value in every single story... And the interview in the middle. Chris Gilliard's take on surveillance was very eye-opening.
It's a shame so few people seem to know about this book. If you know me, feel free to borrow it from me!
Pretty damn awesome. It's got serious Pacific Rim vibes, but much more culturally sophisticated, using Chinese mythological elements, and the main character - despite being based (very) loosely on a Chinese Empress - is unpredictable and fierce. The action is constant, and the end was VERY cool.
Put simply, it checked all my boxes for what makes a badass story. I think my only holdback from a 5 star review was that aside from being super-cool, I didn't get much out from it. The relationships in the story were pretty unique, and the cast was good, but character-wise, it felt more like watching a movie than getting to know them. And while it was very emotive, I noticed more than felt the emotions... Except the emotion of "oh damn, that was badass."
I'd say with about half the trilogies or series starters I read, I leave it at that whether I like it or not, but in this case, I am DEFINITELY reading the sequel. Sometimes you need a fast-paced action story with crazy twists, and this delivered that in spades.
A really strong, sound, and compassionate appeal to indigenize science and society. I found her arguments compelling, and I think almost ten years after this book came out, it has made a real impact in the academic community. Our health library has an Indigenous Health section, and studies integrating indigenous practice with the scientific method are being reported in top scientific journals. I agree that reframing our Western methods through a holistic, indigenous lens, with a focus on sustainability, and an openness towards appreciating the personhood of nonhuman beings is integral to fixing some of the mistakes we have been making.
Unfortunately, the economic goals of changing to a system of reciprocity is going nowhere, and I'm afraid her approach to those subjects was a little too bleeding -heart to have the same kind of impact.
I think that's why even though parts of this book inspiring, and I feel like I will approach the outside world with a new level of appreciation, I can't give this book too high of a review. I found the way she described nature and her own feelings as over-the-top, like she was trying to sell the appeal of being high on life, and while I think she held back on being too preachy, it still felt like overly dramatic. Did she really become paralyzed with existential angst while trying to buy a pen because she didn't know what to thank for it? I get the sentiment, but I feel like she oversold the point a bit.
I guess in the last few years, it's hard not to let cynicism trump optimism and appreciation.
Damn, what an epic series of stories this was! I was feeling in Volume 3 that the Swamp Thing's stories were getting a little episodic and repetitive. In fact, those were the first half of his “American Gothic” series. This volume contains the last of the episodic stories (a particularly good one) and then brings them all together in a mind-blowing way.
Only Alan Moore can use monster stories to illustrate philosophies about the root of good and evil, and damn does he do it well!
At this point in the series, Moore has clearly fully developed his style as it is best known. He begins to abandon the classic style of comic book action, horror and drama, and tell mature tales about humanity and the state of the world.
In the last part of the book, one can sense in the Swamp Thing's isolation and subsequent will to create, the personal struggles illustrated in the Watchmen's character Dr. Manhattan. Both are near indestructible and their connection with humans is becoming less clear as they struggle to find their place in the universe. These ideas are what makes Moore's use of superheros truly unique and beautiful. It's not just about fighting the bad guys or overcoming some trial, it's about facing oneself and finding meaning in an often hostile universe.
This is just such a fascinating read of a group of truly incredible men venturing into a voyage more difficult than they could ever have imagined. My favourite parts of this book didn't come from the voyage itself though, but all the little tidbits about America in the Gilded age: The 1877 World's Fair which sounded like something out of a steampunk fantasy, the quirky super rich Newspaper editor, the misguided scientific theories causing people to believe that the North Pole might actually be warm, and so on.
I'm typically a sci-fi fantasy reader, but deep down it probably comes down to a fascination with new and unknown worlds. In the 19th Century, the North Pole was just that, and so this book of exploration really can read like a fantasy at times. Knowing it actually happened and that this is all based on meticulous logs makes the story all the more palpable.
I never really gave much attention to Gilded Age history or sailing adventures, but I took a risk on this only because I once read about scientific exploration of the North Pole in a magazine, and it seemed like a fun thing to learn more about. Now I think I might read more about these adventures to fill in the blank spots of the globe. Reading about the risks these people took for the purpose of extending knowledge of science and nature is just so fascinating, I want more now!
Depending on how this book is read, it can be a book about living in a dictatorship, the trials of fleeing persecution, or the culture of East Africa in the 20th century. For me though, this was a story about what it means to have a home.
When government turmoil results in the mad dictator Idi Amin taking power in Uganda, the community of South Asians that have been living there for generations are basically told that the only home they've ever known is not for them, and that they must leave. This story follows one such family. The different family members all handle this in their own way, and reading about their experiences was very eye opening. From the children who were shuffled around from country to country, never knowing what their home was, to the parents for whom Uganda was all they've ever known, the experiences they go through are fantastically illustrated.
What made the story particularly palpable was the relatability of the characters, and the uniqueness of the situation. They are a typical middle class family who felt comfortable in their world, and then one day without warning, they become a persecuted race. This sudden shift from security to vulnerability in their society results in a story that is relatable both for people who have experienced vulnerability in their society, and for those who haven't. That's just one of the timeless themes packed in this story. On top of that, it's very readable. I recommend it.
This is just another Thriller.
I had really high hopes for this book. Not only do all my friends rate Hill's The Book of Negros as one of their favourite books, but it won the Canada Reads. Despite the hype though, this book was not special. Rather, a book that starts off with the potential to be deeply significant quickly changes into a shallow thriller with a ridiculous plot, unrealistic characters and an ending so preposterous I almost thought it was a satire.
The book was pitched as being relevant because of its focus on refugee issues, but it doesn't actually address those issues at all. The main character, Keita, is the son of an internationally known journalist and he's among the best marathoners in the country. Both these factors are crucial to the plot. Sorry, but most refugees aren't internationally competitive athletes with world famous fathers. His story is not the story of the modern refugee by a long shot.
Also, the use of fake countries makes the story hard to relate to. The history of why these two countries so close together in the Indian Ocean are so opposite is never explained, leaving the reader confused about why things are the way they are. I thought the fake countries would make a statement about how refugee problems are the same no matter what the context, but that didn't happen at all. Nothing about this plot is remotely relatable to actual historical refugee stories. Instead it just felt like the fake countries were a lazy tool to let the author tell his own story without connecting it to any actual country or event.
The only reason I gave it more than 1 star was because the story was fairly entertaining and very readable. It was a decent book for passing the time, like most thrillers. But I was looking for a thought-provoking book, and it failed completely on that front. All I thought at the end was “How did this win Canada Reads?”
4.5 stars
This is a fantastic example of a science fiction story that can be both accessible and full of wild concepts and “hard sci-fi” ideas. It hypothesizes what the world would be like if all of a sudden, the world was fast forwarded through time so that the sun would age to the point of swallowing the earth in one life time, while everyday life on Earth appeared to be the same up until that point.
Not much changes at first. Everything seems more or less normal, there doesn't seem to be any solution, and the end of the world is not tomorrow but maybe 60-100 years away, so it's easy to go on living like nothing's wrong. There is of course much much more to the book then that, but it is what I enjoyed most: this book really gets the every day human perspective. You do not follow the scientist discovering the mysteries or the family that gets trapped in a dangerous cult. Instead, you follow an unexceptional character who just happens to be around all the big events as they unfold.
Basically, this book is like a tribute to old sci-fi insofar as it centres around a big event in space that warps our understanding of physics. But it adds the 21st century twist of focusing on humanity rather than the science. And in an age of apocalyptic books, it's refreshing that the people don't just transform into crazy nutjobs, but act like actual people who deal with problems in their own personal way.
This is the first book of a truly excellent sci-fi series! It is a self-contained story for the most part, so if you don't want to commit to the whole series, you don't have to... But you should if you like this one even a little, because it just gets better.
This novel follows two main characters and swaps between perspectives every chapter. The Holden chapters are a classic adventure style, with disaster everywhere and death around every corner, while the Miller chapters are styled like a classic mystery, with a detective that obsesses over a missing persons case that he suspects is more than it seems. The contrasting genre styles give the book a really neat feel, and with the sci-fi back-drop of a very believable future in which we have colonized Mars and a few asteroids and moons, the whole reading experience is just very fun and unique.
The characters are well-crafted, the main characters being a mix of classic archetypes (righteous hero, obsessed detective) and unique flaws, and the side characters have tons of potential which they develop in the further books. The plot is extremely original and the “villain” can send chills down your spine. And like any sci-fi book, the real-world social implications are very relevant to today. I held back on giving a perfect score because the story was fairly linear for my taste and I wanted more from the side characters. However, I have given a perfect score to some of the later books in this series.
One of the most popular books from the Nobel-winning author, this first book of the Cairo trilogy brings to life a culture and history which is incredibly unique and largely unknown to Western society.
Though the style of writing is very descriptive and the focus on character and custom over plot-line can make this a difficult read, it is definitely worth the time. The book wonderfully portrays the dissonance between the time's popular party-culture and radical Islam, both of which rule the society. It gives a personal view into family lives, individual struggles, and political strife all at the same time, with diverse and complex characters, strong and weak, hypocritical and devout. The book can drag, and the first half can be particularly slow, but it is worth the patience for the intimate experience it inevitably delivers.
The unbelievable living conditions this family went through is enough to grip any reader. Anyone who thinks “I had pretty crazy parents” has nothing on Jeannette Walls.
But what really makes this story unique is the perspective Walls writes from. She recreates her memories and feels them as she experienced them at the time, rather than reflecting back on them with her current perspective. The result is that you begin by seeing her father as a genius and a hero and her mother as brilliant and creative, and as she grows, she begins to portray the good with the bad. Writing this way, the reader can understand why she seems to hold an unwavering loyalty to her parents in spite of the obvious neglect and mistreatment she suffered.
The book is packed with symbolism and complex relationships, and though it may not be a factual autobiography so much as a story based on her actual childhood, it excellently portrays her emotions toward a family which put her through horrific experiences while showing her unconditional love. It's a true must-read.
I put this aside after listening to 27% of it. It's not bad, by any means, but it's a classic swords and sorcery epic with warriors and lots of magic, and that's just not my thing. None of the characters are unique or interesting to me: a bookish young woman who won't take no for an answer, a royal who disagrees with the way things are done, a warrior who came up from nothing with an unstoppable will... They all felt very generic to me, as did the whole setup.
I also found the writing style to just be very focused on action; description is saved for magic and the world, and less so the people or dynamics within it. I wouldn't say Sanderson is a bad writer, by any means, but I also wouldn't call him a good writer. He's prolific though, and he knows how to please his audience.
I did enjoy some aspects of the adventure and magic stuff, but that's not enough for me to commit to 5000+ pages / 200+ hours of my attention.
Delightful, and definitely something I will read to my daughters one day. The ending was a little too conventional and slap-dashed together for me, but it works in a classic fairy tale kind of way. It's fun and quirky and entertaining, but I'm just not great at honing in my inner child enough to appreciate it in the same way I might have when I was twelve.
VERY different from the movie though, so don't think you know the story because you've seen the movie.
Objectively, this was a very good book, and I enjoyed listening to it the whole way through. The trouble for me is that it follows a few trends in YA SFF that I'm not super fond of: minimal conflict and discomfort, and a young protagonist with a super-mature emotional intelligence. I'd highly recommend this to young people looking for a fun and interesting fantasy that looks at history through an indigenous lens, because it executes that perfectly, but as someone who likes a bit of grit, and a bit more turmoil in the protagonist's personality, I was let down a bit.
But first, the good stuff: this story does an excellent job of putting a critical eye on the Settler narrative of how Europeans came to North America. It plays out the nuance of how assumptions of supremacy among the Europeans resulted in demeaning interactions at best, and genocidal interactions at the worst. Also, by framing it from the perspective of a young woman from a relatively isolated group, it has excellent commentaries on how indigenous people did not really agree that European culture was superior, and that in a lot of cases, their social structure was more healthy. At the same time, it is honest about differences in technology and bureaucracy, and how there are things the cultures could learn from each other if only they cooperated.
On the whole, I thought the lens through which this story examines Indigenous-European relations in a historical context is brilliant.
I also think the "magic system" is pretty brilliant and unique, and the number of stories within stories bely a depth in the world that hints that as far as magic and backstory, this first book is only scratching the surface of what the world has to offer.
Unfortunately, I don't think I'm willing to find out what's to come. The story felt a little too safe for my taste, and there was no sense of urgency at any point really. It has a classic boarding school structure (think Harry Potter) where it starts in the summer and ends when the school year is over, but there is no overriding story arc (think threat of Voldemort) to keep me engaged. Instead, it's 500 pages of "This happens, then this happens, then this happens." In fact, the chapters are even written in that way: They are parts of a sentence, that come together so that if you read each chapter title, you basically get a non-spoilery summary of the book, which is neat, but literally reads as "this happens then that happens...."
While that isn't a flaw in itself, and in fact might be preferable to people who don't like anxiety-inducing narratives, it makes it easy for me to forget about. I would honestly forget about the book entirely if I didn't pick it up for a few days.
I also feel like the main character falls into a trope that I've noticed in YA lately. SFF (mostly Sci-fi) used to have a problem with protagonists always being the "competent, intelligent man," and now that narrative seems to have been replaced by the "bold, emotionally intelligent woman", which is obviously an improvement, and makes for much better role models in fiction. But IMO it also sets unrealistic standards for how girls should act in situations where they are confronting big problems, and puts the onus of correcting others' flaws and, more broadly, the world's problems on them. It also is just unrealistic to expect teenage girls in stressful situations to always remain calm, be aware of others' feelings, and make mindful and well-thought out responses to all situations. The protagonist seems to always say just the right thing, and while it's nice that conflict isn't created simply from people saying the wrong thing, it's also just unrealistic that a 14 year old in a novel and hostile environment will always be in control enough to say the perfect thing.
An example of a more realistic version of this character was from Premee Mohamed in The Annual Migration of Clouds. She was also bold and emotionally intelligent, but often felt overwhelmed and unwilling to be a hero, unsure of what to say or do next, and that flet much more real.
I have complicated feelings about this one. Half of me loved it and half of me was very frustrated with it. I'm giving it a four because I thoroughly enjoyed most of my time reading it, and I think that over time, parts of this book will keep coming back to me.
It has a haunting quality, and the world feels like it could be an alternate version of our own in some ways while at the same time being unlike any world I'd read before, which added to the eeriness and wonder to me. I also thought the approach to the protagonist, Fetter, was very unique and interesting. He was given a clear purpose from childhood, rebelled against it, and was then left in a bit of an existential crisis. He could live freely, but didn't know what to do with himself, and was left feeling content, but also adrift, never knowing if what he was doing was what he should be doing, which felt much more relatable than so many purpose-driven main characters.
Every character within it actually had incredible depth to them, such that I felt like he could have written an entirely different novel for each side character. There was this clear feeling that something big and important was happening for many of the characters, and those things had little if anything to do with Fetter or his story, which was quite a cool way of writing about a world, and again is very relatable. After all, in real life, most people you interact with have their own crazy stuff going on which has nothing to do with you.
Many people in the SFF world are raving about it, and for good reason. It's a very unique fantasy, beautifully written, and I'm very excited to read more from this author. This book was so obviously bursting with amazing stories and ideas, that if anything, I think he could have benefitted from reeling things in a bit.
That's the heart of what frustrated me about this book. There was so much to the world and the characters that I was left feeling like I only understood a quarter of what was going on. That seemed intentional in a way, but I found that it wasn't conducive to wanting to know what would happen to Fetter next. I had only a flimsy grasp on what was going on around Fetter, and it seemed like the story's direction kept changing and meandering without really going anywhere. Also it's kind of mean to have a super cool side story invented, and then just leave it hanging, but that happened a few times.
So if you're a fan of untraditional narratives, this might be a perfect book, but I found it equal parts fun and frustrating. I also found the end very frustrating. I get the stylistic choice for the most part, but I was really hoping for a more satisfying conclusion, I guess.
A Shipwreck Comedy(?) of Errors
Somewhat to my own surprise, I've come to learn that I'm a fan of the nonfiction sub-genre of shipwreck tales, and so when I heard about this one, I couldn't wait. On the whole, I'd say it delivered. It was well-researched and compelling. It didn't excuse the way sailors mistreated indigenous peoples or gloss over the role of minority sailors (a common pitfall of these books), it took an honest accounting of the many different voices involved, and at the end, it does a great job of evaluating the value of the mission (or lack thereof) within history.
The story of the Wager's bad fortune can largely be summed up as critical mismanagement at all levels: a pointless military expedition executed with questionable guidance and poorly supplied ships, with all levels of leadership being shuffled about on the fly. To nobody's surprise, things go awry.
At the level of the ship itself, and most naval endeavours at the time, I feel like most of the problems could have been solved if someone's mother sailed with them to remind them to eat their vegetables and quit squabbling over nonsense. Just imagine if you decided to man a ship with a combination of homeless people, ex-cons, and over-privileged teenagers, with a handful of men who've spent their whole lives at sea in charge. Predictably, they try to subsist on a diet of jerky and rum and then can't figure out why they're all incredibly ill. Substitute jerky and rum with nuggets and rye, and it's my first year of living on my own, so I can attest that it's not very sustainable
When a 160 page book feels too wordy, you know there's some issues.
A mystery with no real twists or false turns, a very unoriginal spin on Holmes and Watson, and a somewhat half-hearted plot (though I liked the concept) and the characters were pretty flat and predictable.
I liked the setting though! A great take on outer-planet living, and I thought the logic behind the technology being Victorian-esque was very well executed. That vision of Jupiter was just great!
But the narration style was horrible! I get why it was written that way, but it was just so unpleasant for me. Adverbs are to be used sparingly!! I wouldn't have finished it, but it was only a 4 hour audiobook so I suffered through.
This book really played games with me. In an age where science fiction is often either dystopian or hopeful, this book is kind of both and kind of neither. I felt like I never quite knew what the book was leading up to or why the story was moving in the direction it was. But rather than feeling frustrated, I always wanted a little more. It often felt like an “unreliable narrator” story, except that it wasn't a character that was unreliable so much as the plot itself. Every time I thought I had a grip of what was going on, it slipped into something else entirely.
Much of the history is based on real places and events. The bits about the crime read more like a non-fiction story about an interesting trial, complete with photos and examples of evidence. Likewise, the future chapters are well researched, though often painfully bleak. That said, it's bleak for a reason, and is not totally without hope.
This book really hits the mark in the “makes you think” category. The main characters seemed to affect one another's consciousness in ways that left me wondering about the story well after I finished reading it. However, I wasn't a fan of the sparse and often dry writing style, or the story's tendency to leave strange events unexplained. That's not to say it's poorly written; it represents the first-person perspectives of the characters, none of whom had a clear idea of what was going on. I don't always mind restrictive perspectives or sparse writing, but perhaps because I didn't care too much for the characters - I found them generally uninteresting - it was hard for me to embrace their perspectives. I always considered myself a “concept-driven” reader, but these days I need a character with some depth to them as well to really enjoy a book.
This was inspiring, illuminating, exciting, and gorgeously written. It's a new all-time favourite book, in my personal top-five for sure.
Better review to follow.
I could not put this down! It was so fun, so infuriating, so addictive, and just such a fulfilling read. R F Kuang has a gift for writing infuriating characters, and when in that particular aspect, this is her masterpiece.
Also, this was very out-of-left field for her, and incredibly different, but I absolutely loved it. I can't wait to see what she does next.
This book really makes you see... or should I say sense... the world differently. I feel like I have an entirely new sense of awe regarding the world around me, and also has made me full of weird facts about animals (the best kinds of facts).
I highly recommend it. My only conceit is that it is VERY full of information, and I found if I read too much, my brain wouldn't be able to take it in. So I read it in chunks of one to two chapters at a time, and took breaks in between. I also never read for more than maybe half an hour at a time.