


Crocodile on the Sandbank

#1 of 19 in Amelia Peabody

1975 • 128 Readers • 262 pages 3.7

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Der Fluch des Pharaonengrabes

#2 of 19 in Amelia Peabody

1981 • 45 Readers • 398 pages 3.8


The Mummy Case

#3 of 19 in Amelia Peabody

1985 • 22 Readers • 327 pages 4

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Lion in the Valley

#4 of 19 in Amelia Peabody

1986 • 24 Readers • 360 pages 4.1

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Cover 8

1929 • 24 Readers • 281 pages 4

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Midaq Alley

1947 • 9 Readers • 305 pages 4.5


The Thief and the Dogs

1961 • 7 Readers 3.3


River of the Gods

2022 • 52 Readers • 368 pages 3.8

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Palace Walk

#1 of 3 in The Cairo Trilogy

1956 • 64 Readers • 508 pages 3.8