


The God Delusion

527 Readers 3.9


Climbing Mount Improbable

2006 • 27 Readers • 510 pages 4.1


The Selfish Gene

1976 • 492 Readers • 396 pages 4.2


God Is Not Great: The Case Against Religion

2007 • 239 Readers • 307 pages 3.9


The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

2009 • 140 Readers • 470 pages 4.4


Cover 3

1981 • 1 Reader • 660 pages 5


Letters from the Earth: Uncensored Writings

1962 • 18 Readers • 321 pages 4.5


The Rage and the Pride

2001 • 3 Readers • 187 pages 3