

Rebecca Warren

Joined2 years ago



Location:Ankeny, IA


Rebecca Warren's Books by Status

33 Books

See all
The First Chronicles Of Prydain
The Light Fantastic
Becoming Crone
Murder at Half Moon Gate
Sticks and Stone: A Time Travel Thriller
Sword of Destiny
The Eye of the World

Rebecca Warren's Most Popular Reviews

The Princess Bride has been one of my favorite movies for decades. The book has been languishing on my bookshelf for nearly as long. While what makes the film great is there, numerous extraneous tangents and long expository interludes ruin the book's flow and destroy the experience.

Originally posted at rebeccasreadingcorner.blog.

October 18, 2020

Rincewind is not having a good life. He flunked out as a wizard due to a bet, and now he is stuck playing tour guide to the first tourist on Discworld. Their antics are amusing at first but quickly lose their luster. Death is the best part of the book, but I was delighted to see THE END.

Originally posted at rebeccasreadingcorner.blog.

August 27, 2020

This book is a slow, plodding tale, especially in the beginning. No one has a happy story, and we get to learn those tales in painstaking detail. Fortunately, this book keeps you guessing till the end and picks up the pace about halfway through.

Originally posted at rebeccasreadingcorner.blog.

May 17, 2020

Like with many series, this second book was better than the first. I loved seeing different mythologies woven into the world, and Bran certainly kept everyone on their toes.

Originally posted at rebeccasreadingcorner.blog.

May 2, 2021

Originally posted at rebeccasreadingcorner.blog.

May 27, 2020