I really liked this book, in this 3rd book in the series it really gets super meta. It makes it a bit hard to keep track of what universe you are in sometimes though. The epilogue was my favourite part honestly.
I really liked this book in the series yet again. I really liked that some more stuff is explained in regards to Fritz and The bridge. The town of Notch is also very interesting and I love the concept. Tho we did get less interaction with the real world in this one, both in the way it is written as well as the story itself.
It all makes me really excited to read the next book. Though what happened with Thistle's wife is super fucked up and was very sad to read I do love seeing a character become totally unhinged with revenge and/or determination.
What another absolutely magnificent addition to the series. I love how the author always seems to be able to make every part of the story interesting even when the book is 800 pages long. I loved the new and old characters. Especially the happenings in the real world were particularly interesting this time around.
But god the ending. I don't love that I likely have to wait a long time before I can see what will happen next.
I am currently on a binge of these books and so will probably be going through most of them really fast. Now that I am beginning to really love all of these characters I will probably enjoy these books regardless of the stories in them however I did find this one slightly underwhelming. Usually, some of the stories feel kinda like side stories and some feel like main stories but here they kinda all felt like side ones. And really all just sort of deal with the consequences of making the House of Fred.
Although I do like the last stories and the ending it felts very unimportant to me. Although that might be because we really haven't seen much of Arch in the past so anything to do with him falls a little flat to me. I did like the ending though. I hope the later books deal with some more events. But I will love them regardless since I have officially fallen in love with these characters.
Again enjoyed and liked the characters but didn't really love the book itself. My gripe with the 6th book was somewhat fixed in this because some big stuff definitely happened. But I also noticed something in the audiobook. I have no clue if graphic audio changed some of the text or not but it has really felt very emotionless from the beginning. That makes it super hard to emphasise because instead of making me feel their emotions they are only very calmly described. It takes all the tension you are supposed to feel away. Even in the end where some shit goes down, it was almost boring because of this calm description of everything.
Definitely an enjoyable story. The audiobook makes it go very fast which helps because I would not have finished it this quick if it wasn't. I did like it but I definitely wouldn't tell people to read this book. Like, it was fine and I will probably read the third one as well. I like the characters, especially Amy, and the bit with the house was really fun but somehow when it comes together it was just sort of fine.
This made me think a lot more about myself and how I view my dyslexia. I learned a lot about what can be good about it. Though it is a little bit long-winded and some things didn't really pertain to me, it was a definite good read.
I didn't feel like this really contributed much, besides the characters coming back. They didn't really do anything new. I enjoy emotional connections more and this book series just doesn't really focus on that. Sure the characters love each other but besides events in their lives, they don't really do much together. I just can't emotionally connect with this, which might also be because of the way it is narrated. I don't know. I just don't really enjoy it anymore
The stories were fun and I was glad a new character was added to the story. I loved Al in general she was great from the start but under utilised in general. I enjoyed reading this but it is started to turn into fluff sequels instead of having actual character development and things happening. Maybe I just enjoy it more if there is some dark shit or hurt happening but it all felt very inconsequential and a little boring to me.
It started off as a pretty good story. I enjoyed the suspense and the parental dynamics. After Katerina accepted Ben I thought it would get better but honestly, it went super downhill. The whole idea of him being totally obsessed with his namesakes never sat right with me. I couldn't relate to it, but the people he idolised were also never really shown and these amazing people. Barely as likeable ones.
Then when all the dramatic stuff happens. First it all happens in 50 pages, three very similar scenes that made me feel no emotion, because the book never made me care about the characters at all. Ben only ever described them as his amazing grandparents/family, but it was never shown. So I honestly didn't give a shit.
The whole thing is very much tell and no show.
Then there is a TEN YEAR time skip where they sort of explain foreshadowing that I didn't read, because you skipped it, retrospectively. Honestly just a no.
I was really excited for this book. Pulley's books are almost always much more about the character than about the plot until the very end when all is explained. But this time it was in a bad way. It was so very confusing and I didn't understand about 70% of this book. It was so very slow if I wasn't trying to reach a reading goal this month I would perhaps not have finished it at all.
I loved the characters so much especially Kite was amazing and his relationship with Joe was great to read about but the plot was just not it. To many politics that I didn't understand and I feel were not really explained. Perhaps because it is so based on history that no in-depth explanation seems needed. If you read a fantasy and everything is made up the politics are explained in full and I far prefer that. Mostly because I know nothing about any history ever.
I loved this book and all the characters in it. That is the beauty of all Shusterman's books. He makes you love all the characters even the bad guys and the horrible people. They all have their tragic stories and their motivations, so there is never a character that you can really totally hate.
I saw the plot twist coming, but still thoroughly enjoyed it. I have read so many of his books now that I kinda know how they are structured so I know that everything has significance. Though the coin thing did throw me off guard. I am excited to read the next ones and honestly any other goods from this author because everything I read from him continues to be amazing.
I forgot how much I loved the first book, and reading this second one has really redoubled my love for Cabal and the writing style in these books. I laughed out loud multiple times. Cabal as a character is great, even better now with the addition of a soul and conscience. And of course the whole murder mystery of it all was great as well.
The only thing about this I slightly disliked was that the last story was so fully disconnected from the main novel that it was hard to pivot. I had to wait some days and read it later, and although I did like it I would have rather seen in separately in a short story collection of sorts.
Absolutely loved the story. It is starting to get even more meta and I am super curious where it's going to take me next. I love Fritz as a character massively and loved seeing everyone grow in their skills and narratively level up. The way that is all written is so amazingly interwoven with the story.
Really loved it yet again. The story never stands still and the rules of the words are ever-changing. All the characters are so interesting and it doesn't shy away from dark realities. I wanna read the next one immediately.
Loved the return of the characters once again. I did feel like it went very slow and then very fast. The pacing in general wasn't really that great and a bit all over the place. I loved the story and am very sad that this is the end of the series. I do think it is a good one.
I don't really know how to feel about Alustin's ending. I didn't fully love it, but if it had ended the other way, I would also not have been satisfied. I'm not sure if it was for the best either way. Excellent books, can't wait to see what Bierce has for us next.
Reading this book was a whole journey. Something about the writing stuck out to me immediately, although I am not fully sure what it was. This is truly fully about the characters and their interactions. Even though a lot happens in the plot, long journeys, kings challenged the focus is really on the relationships of the main characters. I don't think I have ever read such a deep and kind relationship.
I don't usually read romances because I don't enjoy the constant troubles within the relationship, but this didn't centre their troubles with each other but their love within the troubling world. Which I always enjoy so much more. And it was truly also very dark and terrifying in many ways. Honestly probably the perfect book for me and I will be buying the next ones for sure, I usually love anthologies and expect this one to be no different.
I absolutely loved it. The ending to an amazing series, Neal Shusterman never seems to disappoint.
This book has me a little confused. I like the premise of the book. It is written from multiple perspectives which I always enjoy better than a singular perspective. Also there was a gay character which is always a plus, (unless is the ???bury your gays??? kind). I really like the concept of Burners, the way they kind of say ???fuck society, we die how me want??? which I can definitely relate to. I also really liked the way the story called for many metaphors with double meanings. And even though Amit was a very small character the fact that he lost his taste really touched me. It was though the only thing in the whole book that really touched me at all.
I did feel like something in the book where very lazy. Some stories that where written as summarises that I would way rather have read fully written out, or just Deus Ex Machina of the letter literally telling them everything they need to know. The book also repeats many things, like a summary of the events that have happened. Which I found very annoying, because I had read all that already, so I know. I also felt like the whole system of these rebirths weren???t really that well thought out or explained. I didn???t really understand that whole thing with the money and the subsidies and how it all meant the would lose the house. It wasn???t really explained well enough in my opinion. Just like the retrograde didn???t really make sense to me. How and when it all would happen, which made the whole thing with Molly kind of weird.
I did like the book, I felt it lacking in some area???s but overall reading it was very enjoyable.
As with all of these books, I absolutely love the characters and the story. Especially the first story, that one was by far my favourite. Something about the second one was very hard to get through, and though I did enjoy the last story about Christmas as well, I found it a little all over the place. When Tori sort of inhabits Fornax definitely had the most impact on the characters in my mind.
When I started this I found it so funny. Especially because it started with Greek and Norse myths, which I knew lots about already. So the takes seemed fun. But as the book got on the stories because less familiar and the way they were told started to annoy me. I started this a WHILE ago and I also just think my sense of humour has changed loads between those points. There are too many jokes about sex or just stuff to be offensive on purpose and whatnot.
Overall I am sorry I read it and it's not my thing. I didn't read the last couple of stories because I was legit so fucking done holy shit.
Every time I read this book series I struggle in the middle of this book. When it???s just basically Cia going around doing all sorts of school stuff and homework. And this time as well it took me a while until I got through that part. But once you are at the end and all the conspiracies stack up it gets really exciting again.
Especially the ending is so shocking and every time I read the book I totally forgot what happened and am caught off guard again. The book was along the same quality as the first one. And many aspects that I liked in that one returned here. But I am deducting a star for the slowly moving middle.
I never know what to say about Sanderson books anymore. It was good as always. I enjoyed the characters and the story, and loved the universe. It's just all good.
I like that Fred finally gets to learn some shit in this book because he has been such a great person but a bad vampire. It's a big part of who he is that he had to learn everything on his own, but that does mean he doesn't often use his actual vampire powers and I would love to see more him actually starting to become more powerful.
I am a bit sad that we didn't get a tiny bit from Krystal's perspective because she had a giant, amazing adventure and then we didn't get to see how she was doing until the very end. I wanted Krystal to summarise her whole as quest so much.
I actually really like this book. I thought the things Chess was doing and the way the player all responded differently to the NPCs was really interesting. However, almost everything happening outside the game, like with Nate's grandpa or the idiot game guy who went to search through his life, were annoying. Especially Casey from the company doing literally anything else than just talking to Nate. I really hated the ending for that, and I don't know if I will read the second book if it comes out.