Crazy to think she wrote this when she was 12, I honestly can see it, there's an innocence to it, almost, that her published books don't have. It's cute.
I was so excited to get to this one.
I love Lains emotional journey and how his grief causes him to spiral and I really connected with Lain at the start of the book. Losing someone important to you and looking at everyone just going about their day not knowing the pain you're going through is so jarring and seeing Lain go through it made me feel seen honestly.
I'm not going to lie, I didn't feel as connected to Adaira as I wanted to, I felt like she was really idolized almost and I cared about her mainly because Lain did. Their relationship was really fast which wasn't my favorite but I loved them together and I wished we had seen more of them as a couple and I wish that we were able to see the three weeks of them being together at the start, it may have slowed down the pacing however it would've given us time to be invested in them and would've held more impact when we learn that Adaira may have to leave.
I loved how the mysteries weren't exactly solved at the end, like we didn't get answers about the sirens and the kelpies because ultimately it wasn't the point, the point was getting Adaira back not investigating them, sure getting Adaira back led to investigating and ultimately connecting more with Alistair but when the goal was achieved it was done and I appreciate that. I am really interested about the world this takes place in and the creatures that inhabitants it but I'm glad it ended where it did because it was great.
Also there are some banger quotes in here, I used so many tabs. There are a few times while reading where the flow of the conversation was a little repetitive or broken up but it wasn't that big of a deal for me and it didn't affect my reading experience overall, this was just a little note.
I was gonna say more about this but I forgot. I started this in school and now I'm out and it's been 12 hours and my brain no work so this is all that this is gonna get until I can think of more 💀💀
Me when he dies at the end in the book The First to Die at the End.
Also, I was wrong about my prediction, but it's okay; I'm not mad at it, I'm happier at who actually died, like bitch deserved it
I hope Gloria lives a long, happy life, marries Rolando, and lives peacefully.
“This isn't a slow burn, it's just burn.” -my friends interpretation of me ranting about this book.
I was so infuriated while reading it. Not that it's a bad book at all, but I enjoyed it in a masochistic way, you know? Like I was tweaking throughout it, like I just wanted them to be happy and then they were constantly miserable and then the constant miscommunication just AAAAAAAA
I should probably re-read this book, I read this so spaced out that I don't think it had the same effect that Good Girl Bad Blood had on me
I thought it would be a solid 4-star. However, the characters' reactions to things that happen later in the book, specifically regarding events that center around Fanny, threw me a loop and made me want to die. Poor Fanny is all I can say; it felt like she was being gaslit, and I was so stressed.
I enjoyed it overall a lot more than I have other Jane Austen books I've read, not that they were bad, I just overall enjoyed this more.