I must say how much I love Jane Austen's writing, and how well she develops her characters! I thoroughly enjoyed this, though I will admit it took me a while to get into. However, when I did get into it I got Very into it!
I'm soooooo glad this one had Such a better ending than the first one!!! As soon as my neck stops bothering me, I'm going to start the third one!!!
This was a liiiiiiittle slow in the middle, especially will all the back and forth. However, it doesn't deserve all of the low ratings it's gotten!!!!!! This has plenty of dark humor!!!!! I'm excited for the next book!!!!!!
And you're telling me I have to wait until year to find out how this Actually ends?
This is such a good re-telling of Pride and Prejudice! I love it just as much as I love the original!
Oh that was SUCH an AMAZING sequel!!!!!! I LOVED coming back and seeing all of these familiar characters, and I ADORED the ending!!!!!! This was Such a fun and sweet series!!!!!!!!!
Well this was severely disappointing, especially because I personally had been hyped to read this. ://///
This is really more of a 3 1/2 star read, especially since I had guessed the plot twist loooong before it was revealed, but it ended really well!!!!!
This was my first ever buddy read with https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/15335689-destiny-howling-libraries!!!!!!!! And WOW HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was SO INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!! I LOVED the descriptions of the rot and the changes Benji went through!!!!!!!!! And I fell so deeply in love with these characters, especially Benji and Nick!!!!!!!!!!! I just want them to be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This now holds a very special place in my heart, and has even managed to make it onto my All Time Favs shelf!!!!!!!!! HIGHLY Recommend if you want a gory, diverse end-of-the-world kind of book, or if you just like horror in general!!!!!!!!!!!
DNF at pages 65, this isn't necessarily a bad book, but it definitely is not for me and not something I will ever want to finish.
Honestly, this is more of a 4 to 4 1/2 stars for me, but I'm being lenient about it XD So I really REALLY liked the twist in this, and the plot itself was really good!!! What I didn't like was the change in writing styles. It just did not work. Also, the subplot of the siblings? Annoying. If I had wanted to read about two siblings with one who has cancer, and their relationship, I would've picked up a different book. It wasn't talked about in the synopsis that they would be there, and it was a surprise. A bad surprise. The retelling itself was really good!!! And that's all it should've been. I hope no new Twisted Tales come out written like this one. I like Liz's old style MUCH better, and it fits the genre better. This time, the writing seemed a bit childish to me. Besides the writing style and the parts about the siblings (which got So annoying I ended up skipping those chapters), I did still really enjoy it!!!
This was SUCH a sweet and delightful historical-romance!!!!!! I'm So Glad there's a second book, because I need more of these characters!!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! The amount of Diversity in this has me SOBBING!!!!!!! No joke, this is the first book in a While to make me actually cry!!!!! Also, the writing was just GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I really Really wish there had been more stories like this out when I was a child, because I really think it would have helped me a Lot!!!!! I'm so SO Glad I read this!!!!!!! The story itself was AMAZING!!!!!!! Highly HIGHLY recommend if anyone is looking for a good diverse fantasy!!!!! Especially the 2020 republished version, because the afterward by Minerva is also something I think is Super important!!!!!!!!
WOW!!!!!!! That was FANTASTIC!!!!! Hercules was always one of my Fav movies as a kid, to the point where I think I accidentally killed our VHS copy of it XD So seeing Meg get so So much more of a backstory and more development was AMAZING!!!!!! I LOVED how she grew and changed as a person!!! I also REALLY Loved the ending!!!!!!!
That was an absolutely DELIGHTFUL way to end this year in reading!!!!!!!!! A FANTASTIC book to end a FANTASTIC year!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This gave me SO MANY FEELINGS!!!!!!! I just want to scream and scream and scream!!!!!! This was a BEAUTIFUL way to end the King of Scars Duology!!!!! On the one hand, I'm so So sad it's over, on the other hand, that was FANTASTIC!!!!! Leigh Bardugo's writing is so So beautiful, and I really can't praise this enough!!!!! I can only hope she writes the next Six of Crows book here soon!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SO CUTE AND SWEET!!!!!!!! This has the PERFECT amount of fluff vs. angst in it!!!!!!! I will say there are Some very heavy theme/topics such as kidnapping and actual torture, but it also has Plenty of light-hearted scenes to make you Feel good!!!!!! It's a Perfect fairy-tale kind of story!!!!!!! The writing was Beautiful and I really REALLY liked how the relationships between characters were written in particular!!!!! This is SUCH a good pick-me-up kinda book, one that just Puts you in a really good mood!!!!!! And the ENDING!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH That was SO FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was SO FUCKING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! The character development was PERFECTION!!!!!!!! You know a writer is GREAT when you start the book hating the main character, and end the book wanting them to have the World!!!!!!!! The writing itself was ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL!!!!!!!!! The comedic timing was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! All in all I absolutely ADORED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! T. J. Klune is an Absolute MASTER WRITER!!!!!!!!!!