
Any editions of books you've marked as 'owned' will show up in this list.

All the Pretty Horses

#1 of 3 in The Border Trilogy

All the Pretty Horses
ByCormac McCarthy

1992 • 305 Readers • 322 pages 4.1

American Gods

#1 of 2 in American Gods

American Gods
ByNeil Gaiman

2001 • 2,284 Readers • 558 pages 4

As They See 'Em

As They See 'Em
ByBruce Weber

2009 • 1 Reader • 352 pages

Bigger than the game

Bigger than the game
ByDirk Hayhurst

2 Readers

Blood Meridian

Blood Meridian
ByCormac McCarthy

1985 • 889 Readers • 368 pages 4.1

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing

2005 • 4 Readers • 320 pages

Dead Space: Salvage

Dead Space: Salvage
ByAntony Johnston,Christopher Shy

2010 • 4 Readers 3

Hail Victory: An Oral History of the Washington Redskins

2006 • 1 Reader • 320 pages 3

Imperfect: An Improbable Life

Imperfect: An Improbable Life
ByJim Abbott,Tim Brown

2012 • 3 Readers • 283 pages

In the Heart of the Sea: The Epic True Story That Inspired Moby-Dick

2000 • 168 Readers • 340 pages 4

Kitchen Confidential : Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly

2000 • 433 Readers • 302 pages 4.2

Lobo: The Last Czarnian

Lobo: The Last Czarnian
ByKeith Giffen,Alan Grant

1991 • 1 Reader • 100 pages 4

Moby-Dick or, the Whale

Moby-Dick or, the Whale
ByHerman Melville

1851 • 844 Readers • 1,484 pages 3.6

Orc Stain, Vol. 1

Orc Stain, Vol. 1
ByJames Stokoe

2010 • 3 Readers 4


ByBobby Orr

2013 • 4 Readers • 304 pages 4

Outer Dark

Outer Dark
ByCormac McCarthy

1968 • 85 Readers • 257 pages 3.9

Out of my league

Out of my league
ByDirk Hayhurst

4 Readers 4.5

Provinces of Night

Provinces of Night
ByWilliam Gay

2000 • 12 Readers • 297 pages 5


ByNeil Gaiman(Editor),Al Sarrantonio(Editor)

20 Readers 3.6


ByCormac McCarthy

1979 • 119 Readers • 471 pages 4.2

The Bullpen Gospels

The Bullpen Gospels
ByDirk Hayhurst

5 Readers 4

The Crazy Game

The Crazy Game
ByClint Malarchuk,Dan Robson

2014 • 288 pages

The Fellowship of the Ring

#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 2,808 Readers • 398 pages 4.4

The Return of the King: Being the Third Part of the Lord of the Rings

#3 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 1,184 Readers • 432 pages 4.6

The Road

The Road
ByCormac McCarthy

2006 • 1,676 Readers • 287 pages 4

The Two Towers

#2 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

The Two Towers
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

1954 • 1,878 Readers • 447 pages 4.5

World War Z

World War Z

World War Z
ByMax Brooks

2006 • 1,030 Readers • 355 pages 3.9