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Roshini's Books by Status

480 Books

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First Comes Like
Shutter Island
The Gravity of Us
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect
This Poison Heart
Bel Canto

Roshini's Most Popular Reviews

It is interesting extension to the Holmes and Watson world but I feel like it lacks some depth in terms of detail. The book was too short and the mystery did not realiy have much detail rather than odd deductions and logical jumps that is Holmes magic

August 17, 2020
May 29, 2021
May 18, 2020
May 2, 2020

It was a different format from what I am use to with Poirot books. He was not there every step of the way Instead we where able to see the dynamics of the suspects in thier boarding House interesting enough but I can't say it was my favourite of this series

January 29, 2021