Šį kūrinį paskutinį skaičiau 2009 metais, per Lietuvių kalbos valstybinį egzaminą. Perskaičiau iš naujo jį dabar, būdama 28 metų. kūrinys tiesiog kažkas. Tai yra vienas iš kūrinių, kuris skaitosi tarp eilučių. Per meistriškai aprašomas detales, jauti visas emocijas. Labai jutau tą kūrinį būdama 19 ir dabar, po 9 metų, pajaučiau jį dar jautriau.
I visited Sarajevo in the summer of 2017. I spent two weeks exploring it, drinking coffee near Sebilj, admiring the architecture, kissing the woman I loved on those little beautiful streets. I spoke to locals who are my age but are war survivors. The stories I heard in those two weeks stayed with me. Thus when I saw this book I knew I must read it!
The characters are so vivid and so real you can't help but feel you are wondering in those streets of Sarajevo yourself during the siege. The book takes your breath away and you cannot put it down. It makes you stop and think how would you survive something like this? How you go on about your life when your loved city becomes a war zone? Hopefully, I will never know.
I want to read it again. It's hard to articulate the impression this book has left with me. All stories are so unique yet intertwined, the characters are so alive yet ordinary yet extraordinary. I highly recommend it!
What can I say.. What a book! At first it was externally difficult to follow, I struggled to read it and was so frustrated with it. But after maybe 30% of it, I couldn't put it down. The prose is phenomenal. It's very thought provoking, tricky, magical and colourful.
Broke my heart. Very important book to read. I am a bit lost for words to even describe the magnitude of various emotions and thoughts it gave me. Side note - so grateful for all the dishes mentioned. Can't wait to learn to cook more of Palestinian dishes