This is about the third time re-reading this series and my first review of it online. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, very well written and with a brilliant writing style.
I felt real emotions and could really empathise with the fall of Ged on Roke Island and his emotional state leading towards the end of the book - brilliant finish!
I come to the end of the Jack reacher novels after binge-reading all of them back-to-back. So, its quite difficult to critique any of them individually, but for the entire series I am very happy to have spend the amount of time I have with these twenty books so far. I'm eagerly awaiting the new one coming out in a few days !
Very good book, although I found it a little short, it also goes back and does these little clever refreshes of the characters and the situation very well. I enjoyed very much 9polished it off under three days though).
This series started off slow and then got better and better towards the end. Well worth a read!
Initially I really wasnt that impressed with the book as it was very slow starting off. I persevered and things got a LOT better. The writing style of Peter Newman really appealed to me on these books and I am very happy that I continued on with this book!
Wow, this story is getting better and better as time goes on. There were some grammar and spelling errors even I could spot, but that doesn't matter as the book was GREAT.
The Warden and his plots and plots within plots was excellent, the love triangle is getting really interesting and Ridmark, man, what a guy - legendary :)
Lovely story, and the introduction of the various porotagonists and such were really very good.
What an amazing book, I truly loved the character interactions nd development. Really emotional at some places and a lovely plot twist right at the end!
Even more characters are introduced and Ridmark finally gets laid!! With whom though, guess you'll have to read it to believe it :)
I really didnt enjoy this book, it was weak and meandering. The characters were very flat, without depth and not very consistent.
It was a predictable story, not sure I was that in to it enough before I contemplate the rest of the series.
This was a very slow book. Some of the previous reviewers said that it was just a little too long, with everything always falling in to place for Reacher. It ended quickly, with a lot of time wasted in the beginning. I love the twist at the end though, was pretty well done! But no time explaining in detail how he came to this realisation, where in the beginning EVERYTHING was getting an explanation.
I really enjoyed this book, its a good read. It looks like someone new has joined the crew and the reunion with his sister-in-law was masterfully done.
I really enjoyed this book. I know a number of other people have said it makes no sense, but I loved it thoroughly. It really built up the relationship between Rondal and Tindal. Good reading.
Pretty good book with a number of good reveals, double-crosses and a lot of other awesome intrigues.
I really enjoyed this book, it moved the overall story and character progression along very nicely!
wow, this book was amazing. It did start a little slow and really start ramping up right to the end and the last chapter. I get the feeling that this is going to be an epic story, and I am sorely tempted to look up Book 3 on Royal Road, or wait for the audiobook as the narrator is amazing!!
This was a very interesting read for me, I was very nervous about the original concept; namely its about a Tree that is rooted in place :-) I was worried that the story would be boring, but it actually pulled it off really well and was pretty engaging. I'll definitely read book two! The narrator was also pretty decent for the audiobook.
Very different book
I really liked this book. I can't wait to read the second book. I really liked the way that everything was kept to the end of the book and now the second book is well positioned to continue the story
Quite repetitive and seems we are on the same cycle as before. The last few books felt like a “gap filler” to me to pad the time between the two major conflicts (one that was and one that is coming).
For a few times in this book, I seriously contemplated skipping towards the last few chapters and getting it over with, but I persevered through it.
I dont know what attracts me to keep reading these books, but there must be something :)
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, especially the main character. I loved the character development and the way the author handled the flipping between the present day in the book and the story he was telling from the past.
A really good book, love the series and the story is very well paced and a pleasure to read.