I must re-read this book, I dont know what it's about. I only remember that I have read this book in just 2 day!
It was an enjoyable read. The plot was simple and sometimes I wanted to strangle some characters.
For me was this book disapionting. By reading the titel I thought it will be a funny book. It was too simple for me.
This book was real torture! I didn't like the charcaters at all. This book doesnt even deserve the one star.
I didn't like this book. The whole time I was thinking “What about the meateaters.” It was not believable to me.
Makkelijk te lezen maar ik vond het verhaal nogal saai, heb hem alleen uitgelezen omdat ik niks anders te doen had in de trein.
Easy to read but for me was the story quit boring, I only finished it because I had nothing else to do in the train.
The most diffecult thing to do is that sometimes you should let love ones go, if it's a animal or a human it does not matter. When they suffer, let them die. I know it's a hard thing to do and almost or not possible, you should fine the strength and let them go. To me personaly I have a harder time of letting go of an animal than a human (I have been hurt alot by humans too a point that I have lost trust in the humanrace) I know this with mine onw experions. This May it will be 19 years that I lost Ernie and even now I cry like it just happend.
I broke the rules by this book, I have seen the movie before I read the book. I liked the movie but the book was better. And now I am wondering why the movie was different then the book, I know that moviemakers can't put everything in what is in a book but by Silver Linings Playbook I felt that they got been more faithful.
I am gonna buy this book.
I'm not sure if I like or dislike this book. The main issue that I got with this book is that the charcaters don't have a clear voice on their own.
I didnt love or hate this book, but I have some issues with it. For me the charchters didnt feel like sixteen, it was more like twelve. And how on Earth did they become friends so quickly after what Felicity and her “Sheeps” did to Gemma and Ann. I have seen that Felicity whould bring problems and I am glad that Pippa died.
Okay I accualy never read this book. One of mine teachers read this one too the class. I have forget what this book was about, I only know that I did enjoy it.
It was a good read, as for a debut it was great. All though I had couple of issues with it I highly recomment reading this one.
This was a beautiful Fairy Tale about a little who loves the winter and the Ice Dragon. All thou the story is short after reading the first page I was there along side Adara.
I know that this story has nothing to do with A Song of Ice and Fire, I still wonder if this story is Fairy Tale from that world.
The story was slow but it didn't bother me, I never felt bored. It was a good first crime novel I read.
I highly recommend to read this book, most chapters are sort if the size scares you.
I didn't like this one shot manga.
The story is based on real life events: Mayerling-incident.
Marie release unknowing a demon out of a book. The demon named Seto must graned her a wish knowing that it will bring her disaster. Marie's wish is that she can meet the Crown prince of Austria just once, she is in love with him.
In the manga Rudolph looks a whole lot better then he ever in real life. The two stars that I gave are just solely for the art.