Took about the first third of the book to get going but once it did it took off. I'll definitely get the rest of the series.
Really enjoyed this, I found it was far ore about the crew and the relationships than about “hard” sci-fi. Not really a space opera either, just an enjoyable read.
Not bad for a video game tie in book. I read the first three of these and found I enjoyed Eric Nylund's writing the best of the three authors.
Taking this book on face value it was an entertaining read. I had read other reviews indicating the book was scary. I didn't get that from it. There were some chills but nothing scary. I would recommend this the friends.
This took me over a year to read. Can't recommend it, to much philosophy and too little story.
Great travel book. Being a motorcycle fan I was surprised to find myself pulled into the relationship between these two friends.
This was my first Tom Clancy book. A couple of slow spots but overall a very good book.
Wanted to like this more might be the best title for my review. I normally enjoy this type of story but it just didn't grab me as I expected it to. I enjoyed the pacing toward the last third of the book, the story switched lines in such a way that it kept the excitement growing until the end. I still would recommend it for sci-if fans.
Tried to care about the characters but just couldn't muster the ability to be interested for the length of this book. No desire to continue this series.
I enjoyed the book except for the ending. I understand why things closed so fast and the ending was still powerful but I was looking for a longer closing to the characters that had been so long in developing.
I very different story then Wise Man's Fear and Name of the Wind, but in a good way.
The first half was quite good. The second half of the book was predictable detective noir. Not terrible at all just very predictable.
Good start if a little cliche, but I quickly lost interest in the main characters. By about 3/4 of the way through I was actively cheering for the bad guys, even knowing how things were going to wind up. The only question was which one of the secondary characters was going to get the worst of it to generate some emotion from the reader.
Bottom line is if you enjoyed it, great, wasn't for me though.
Read this for Sword & Laser and it went quickly but was more vaginal fantasy than I was interested in. The fantasy aspects of the story were not very deeply explored. This book did not motivate me to continue the series though.
I liked this overall, interesting twist in a detective story. Keeping in mind this was a short story there is so much more that can be done with these characters. I do see potential for many more Legion books.
Just like the first three storie I have really enjoyed this. More secrets have been let out leaving me more than ready for Wool 5.